About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 19, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Leaked footage of Theresa May from Downing Street.


 This is some Wile E. Coyote shit right there.

 And we wonder why our soldiers come home with issues.

WWII Bunker
 Armor-piercing shells have a warhead that spews molten metal when it makes contact. Those scars remind me of that.

CCTV in front of the bar.
I bet she couldn't do that sober.

In 1979, Saddam Hussein, the new leader of the ruling Ba'ath party called an unannounced meeting of the party. Everyone is apprehensive.
 Saddam takes the stage. He claims there has been a plot uncovered to overthrow the ruling government of Iraq and some of the conspirators were in the very same room they are in now. He then calls a senior party member, Abdel-Hussein to the podium. Something is clearly wrong, he seems broken, shaken, clearly nervous and stuttering. History now knows Abdel was put through days of physical torture, and his entire family was under threat of execution. Abdel claims that he was part of the plot, and begins to start naming off names. Secret police move in and remove the first man.
 More names keep rolling, the atmosphere becomes incredibly tense. Saddam is just sitting there, smoking a Cuban cigar given to him by his friend Fidel Castro and observing the secret police remove each man named.
 Everyone is waiting for their name to be the next called. Saddam starts to laugh, his absolute power starts to become apparent and he is clearly amused.
 Panic starts to take over. Party members start to rise up, shouting praise on Saddam and loyalty to him and the party. Even after their name was called, they shout praise and loyalty to Saddam in hopes that their lives get spared.
The Room erupts in long live Saddam! When it is all said and done, 68 "conspirators"  were named. What does Saddam do? Something, not even Stalin, Castro, or any other tyrannical dictator in the 19th or 20th century thought of, He made the remaining members, conspirators in his takeover! He rounded up the remaining party members(under heavy police presence), brings them in a courtyard, puts a gun in each of their hands and has them shoot most of the "conspirators" whose names were called. Making them accessories in his plot and forever scaring the party with fear. They forever remembered that day... the 1979 Ba'ath Party Purge and had to think twice about sharing a thought of opposition to Saddam. This was broadcast live on Iraqi television so its citizens understood who ruled.  After this, Saddam Hussein had absolute power, gained through ingenious and sadistic terror and fear.

Happiness always looks rather squalid in comparison to the over-compensation for misery.



 Note tree.


 "Hello, Clarice."



I love B Horror Movies. I think they are hilarious.

The living are only a species of the dead.

 Netflix is a computer. Why can't it eliminate showing me movies I've already seen?



How I met your mother...

Holy shit, Y'all!

Chinese Porcelain
  Father's buried clay thus allowing it to age for use by his grandchildren. I've been told that aged clay changes molecularly and is perfect for throwing on a wheel.
They also used to put their fingerprint on the bottom to serve as their signature.

What kind of social life must that guy have?

The vast majority of mothers who are against vaccination are vaccinated.



Bruce Willis in his Penns Grove High School Yearbook, 1973.

4-year-old Farrokh Bulsara, aka Freddie Mercury.

 A young Matthew McConaughey, runner-up in the Little Mr. Texas contest, just 8 years old. He thought he'd won until recently, thanks to some fibbing by his Mom.

Willie Nelson visiting the White House where he smoked weed on the roof with then-President Jimmy-Carters son Chip Carter.

Dear Frozen Meal Producers, Never in my history of owning microwaves have I known the wattage of any of them.



What if the Confederate States had all been beaten back to, say, Long Island, then declared it an independent country. How long do you think the US would allow them to stay there? Well, that is exactly what happened on the island of Taiwan.

 1. Heavy images: A large image is going to take a long time to load up. If you’ve got a ton of large images on your website, you’re adding extra load time for every picture.
2. Unspecified image dimensions: scaling images appropriately is important. For example, if you have an image that is 1000 x 1000 pixels, but you have scaled it down to 100 x 100 pixels, your browser must load ten times more than necessary.
3. Images without caching information: browser caching lets you store some of the images temporarily on a visitor’s computer so they don’t have to wait for it to load every time they visit your page. Image caching makes a real difference for your users.
4. Complex file formats: some formats are naturally larger than others. Browsers can load JPG, PNG, and GIF images nice and quickly. But, heavy formats like TIFF and BMP are going to eat huge chunks into your load time. Avoid them!
5. Text graphics: visuals containing text are another potential issue. Graphics like these take a lot longer to load compared to a simple font alternative.

RH: I have no clue as to how to solve any of those problems. When I open my blog, I too have trouble seeing them all. I'm sorry for the hassle but feel powerless to fix it.

What a wonderful photograph.
Has an air of mystery about it, don't you think?

Well, I'm one who puts the lie to that notion. I love my wife more every day.

Mom senses a disturbance in the Force.
Mom's are true super-humans.

"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"
  - Ronald Reagan

Every person is messed up, so pick your favorite train wreck and roll with it.



54 million-year-old gecko trapped in amber.
 I will never tire of looking at such things.

Years ago I vowed to post this little bastard every time I stumbled upon him.

1989 Amazon rain forest expedition

 A group of researchers has discovered proof for a strange particle that, strangely, is also its own antiparticle. It was first proposed 80 years ago but now the existence of it might be a reality. The notion of a particle having its own antiparticle was first introduced in 1937 when Italian physicist Ettore Majorana (who strangely disappeared in 1938) first suggested the theory. 
 A couple of years ago, researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre proposed a thruster system which actually generates thrust, despite requiring absolutely no propellant. The implications of this discovery are far-reaching; applications for space flight and other technologies which require propulsion could one day become far cheaper, allowing space exploration to expand exponentially.



In naming that distant object “Ultima Thule,” NASA also tapped into one of human history’s darkest passages. The term, which dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, refers to a frigid “place beyond” the lands that the West had explored at the time, and was later co-opted by the Nazis to refer to the mythological birthplace of the Aryan race. 

 Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion,








 It bothers me that people can read these stories and not see the enormous plot holes.
 Nobody seems to ask questions like:
There were ocean-going ships at the time. Why didn't they survive?
Two of every animal couldn't possibly fit on one boat.
You can't bring modern endangered species back with just a few animals, yet in the bible one family of humans did it....TWICE!



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