About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


My daughter is paying us a visit. Besides a chance to visit my grandson, she is going to cook this.

If it's on the menu I have eaten duck in every restaurant I entered.



Most men work very hard, but it seems that when it comes to throwing things they become the Nolan Ryan of the job site.




But if he works with wheeled vehicles, he becomes MacIyver.




Most men take great pride in a job well done.

Others not so much.

But check out the wrinkles in something that surely is not supposed to be wrinkled.

All men know that every job will have its fuck offs.

But every once in a while you come upon a job that most men would pay money to have. Driving this laser-equipped emergency vehicle comes to mind.

Me: *sits still 90% of my day by choice* This is nice.
Also me: *stuck in traffic* You mean I just have to SIT here?!’



The birth of my children were the most important events of my life.
 I took the responsibility very seriously and on that first night, looking down at her sleeping face, I knew that my life would never be the same.

I have very mixed feelings about this.

In all my 20 years of teaching, I only took beer in my classroom once and that was on a day I would have no students.

How old were you when you learned there’s an 8 in the middle of the 8 of diamonds card?

Why do women allow the demonizing of their body?

Nowadays selfies are made fun of. Evidently, all fads belong to another generation.

As soon as this asshole married his daughter I have hated him.
Here are some things known about Woody Allen:
- Mariel Hemingway says he tried to seduce her as a teenager.
- Dylan Farrow says she was molested by Allen as a child.
- He married Soon-Yi Previn, who he met when she was 10 years old.
- He has written movies and several unproduced stories in which adult men have relationships with teenaged girls.
- He allegedly dated actress Stacey Nelkin, who was 17 and in high school when she dated the middle-aged Allen.
Here's the full article:

Welcome to your 40's. You are 15-20lbs overweight no matter what and sweat constantly. You irritate anyone under 30 and have 5 years max left before your phone completely confuses you.



Let's play What Happens Next!
A. A head pops out of her ass.
B. One of her legs falls off.
C. The support rod almost violates her butthole.
D. An ostrich walks by.

Nice. Young me can't help but doing such things.

A. A head pops out of her ass.

How many hours of practice?

 I listened to a Ted talk about happiness. Apparently, there are scientific methods to determine how happy people are. He began the talk by asking this question: Would you be happier losing your legs or winning a major lottery?
Come to find out that within two years the people who lost their legs and the people who won a lottery were equally happy.

Never think something you saw on the internet will work for you.
Note: I get no warning when something will or won't load. That last image was cool until today.

Have you ever been this stoned?

 "Kids! Come say goodbye to your father!"
-My wife, when I had a cold.



I once read that goldfish size is determined by the size of their habitat. Never did find out if that is true.

I had a gif of a young woman feeding a huge alligator and this was to be used to demonstrate the folly of her actions. But that gif was too large to upload.
NOTE: That one of the downsides of this blog host. It not only has a size limit on gifs, but it won't even allow MP4s. So now I spend many minutes a day converting the dozens of MP4s to gifs, then half of those would be revealed to be too large. Bummer.

Did you notice it tossing the tree from one horn to the other? That probably is very effective when dealing with a predator in the wild.


"It's not worth it, bro."
I've done that with drunk friends a thousand times.

Why would the dog be allowed to do that?

Why you should never give your pet recreational drugs...

Life will find a way.

Nearly all murders are committed by someone you know, so you are statistically far safer in life if you don’t have any friends.



My reluctance to accept the lab-grown beef has been sidetracked by this...

B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber.
An American heavy penetration strategic bomber, featuring low observable stealth technology designed for penetrating dense anti-aircraft defenses.
Without computers, it would never have gotten off the ground.

 We all know the power of the computers in creating imagery.

Computers are used in most movies.

But that leaves me doubting many of the images I find online.

This was captioned - Baby Terminator...
 Well, is it merely manipulated?

 Glitter Bomb Made to get Revenge on Package Thieves

 And here's the way it works...

A volcanic eruption as seen from space.

Astronomers Just Found a Dwarf Planet Three Times As Far Away As Pluto
It’s official: astronomers found a new dwarf planet in our solar system and it’s the most distant object ever observed in our solar system. The tiny planet is called 2018 VG18 — later nicknamed “Farout” by the team that discovered it — and it’s about 3.5 as far away as Pluto, some 11.2 billion miles away.

Inside a passenger airliner in 1930.
Then the government tested the safety of such a configuration and found it lacking. Laws were passed to enhance your safety. Would any sane person demand that they rip out their modern plane seat and instead bring in a lawn chair?

Well, then there's this exact same mentality. 
We must ridicule these boneheads at every opportunity. 










1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Finally someone writes about Bola88.

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