About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 4, 2019

FRIDAY #3662

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


And that is exactly what America is about.

 Why are they still hiring this lunatic?

First clear image of Ultima Thule


A perfect example of situational awareness.
 That just ain't right, Y'all.

Just another reason I don't fly anymore.

Yeah, that works...

Do you think it was trained to do that or acted on instinct?

I don't think his slip was even noticed. Nice recovery.

I have never even thought of hitting a woman. My advice is to leave immediately. I know it's hard, but he ain't going to just "get better".

If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything 
- Marilyn Monroe
(If you believe that try showing her your race car bed.)



Practice, practice, practice.

A 102-year-old woman just broke the record for the oldest skydiver.

Former Senator Rick Santorum wants this photo removed from the internet.
That is the one sure way to get it reposted infinitely.

How our grandparents used to take pictures.

Wait parkour it.
 I just don't get the payoff...verses the risk.


Yeah, that's fun...fucking with a caged wild animal.

 I don't really understand living in a place where you are subjected to this danger regularly.

This is surely a job for Foot Wash Off Guy....
Put me in the game, coach!

 This lady has a pretty cool hobby.



 It concerns me as a parent that most Disney movies show kids that they’ll have an amazing life after their parents die horrifically.



Beautiful sundog light phenomenon.
 I think my daughter saw one of those one time. It is caused by ice particles in the atmosphere.

Beer Pong in a Parallel Universe?


Try to figure out what is happening here before scrolling down below the image.
 The fire truck has a vacuum that attaches to its exhaust so it doesn’t fill the building with fumes.

An Apollo jacket featuring all 12 mission patches.
Holy shit!

I think these are cultured pearls. Plastic orbs are placed inside the shell and the oyster coats it with pearl stuff.

Shipwreck survivor says her waterproof iPhone 8 saved her life after she used it to call for help from the open sea off the coast of Japan.

Some people take there gaming very, very seriously.

Me: I build new bridges with the bones of my enemies. 
Him: Please speak directly into the microphone. 
Me: Not guilty, your Honor.




Proof that some people have too much money.









A lady in Walmart told her son “PUT THAT SHIT BACK” so loud I almost put my shit back.



Dubai made this clever tourist attraction by pumping sand from the ocean floor.

But China has taken it to a whole new level.

These are not tourist attractions. They are military installations.

And they placed them in international waters and then declared them territorial waters of China. 
 Imagine them doing it in, say, the Gulf of Mexico. It is unprecedented and nobody seems to know what to do about it.
This area could turn hot very quickly. Pay attention.

 Can someone explain subsidies to me like I'm a fifth grader?
How can we give tax breaks to companies moving factories to other countries? Why do we give food stamps to full-time employees without expecting corporate compensation? 
Seriously, I need a tutorial.

 I've stumbled upon this collection and don't really think they need any explanation from me.

 And my favorite...










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