About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 31, 2019


One Of My Very Own
 I've said that to men just to see the look on their faces.

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The fun side of weather.

 Only a woman could be that cold.

But there is good news...

My wife read this on Trump's Twitter Feed...
She sent him this link:




Coming through!
I've shown you that before...at least once, but it fits so well into this section I had to include it. 

Дon't worry, everything is OK

So, apparently, road rage in an international phenomenon.

Impatience is rewarded
I blame the truck for speed exceeding conditions.

 Well, I guess that's one way to solve the problem.

Overdriving your stopping distance is the kiss of death.
The cyclist should have been concerned that a driver would open their door. I blame all parties concerned.

It's a sewage truck.

The difference between America and England is that Americans think 100 years is a long time, while the English think 100 miles is a long way.









"I got candy!"



If you bought a DeLorean would you drive it a lot or just from time to time?
(time to time)



An architectural tradition dating to the 9th century, Iceland

The cages that held the bodies of the tortured and executed Münster Rebellion leaders were hoisted up the St. Lambert's Cathedral tower in 1536. The cages still hang there today.
That's some medieval shit right there.

The Gable Stones of Amsterdam
Before Amsterdam had house numbering, they had a curious way of identifying addresses. Each house and building in the city used to have a stone plaque, called gable stone (gevelstenen in Dutch), that was carved and colorfully painted depicting the function the building served. For instance, the gable stone of a paper mill would show the various stages of the paper-making process, and the gable stone of at the butchers’ inspectors office showed in intricate details the carcass of a slaughtered cow while officials in blue coats inspected the quality of the meat.
RH: Is that why we call the floors on a building "Stories?"

 UK houseboat for canals.
That seems like a wonderful lifestyle.




Perfect place for a trail cam.

 It's the most subtle difference but it's beautiful.

Shit, I would be happy if they just paid the same percentage as I do - taking away the tax loopholes their bought friends in Congress put in the laws to protect them.
Also, I would make the penalty for stashing money offshore to avoid taxes a 20-year crime.
BTW, if you don't know what the marginal tax rates are, then you need to look it up. The notion above DOES NOT mean the rich would pay 70% of the whole $10m.

Too bad WHO's claims are supported by evidence. That stuff really repels anti-vaxxers.
I will state again - I think Americans are over-criminalized, but the government needs to intercede in this problem. We can't let a hundred years of progress be erased by the cruel hand of ignorance.

On a lighter note...

Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon. 'Neil A.' backward is 'Alien.'



He waited like 3 million dollars for a meal. 
 RH: I did not do the math on that.

 Fired him?!? I would have made him the entertainment director.




My hobbies include shouting 'YOU'RE WELCOME' in the faces of strangers who don't say thank you.




This is the plica semilunaris. It used to be a third eyelid that would blink horizontally.




As I understand it their grasp is so strong that you can lift them off the table if the infant is holding two fingers. 








That land that the Native Americans call their own was fought over for thousands of years and it changed hands a thousand times. We, the white people, are just the last ones to take it. However, we admire the members of the French, Dutch and other countries for their struggles during WWII. Can we not admire the  Native Americans for doing no less - resisting the latest invader? 



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