About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Got this in response to my concerns with student loans:
"Sorry, but I think highly educated folks should know what they are signing when they willfully agree to a loan.
Not my problem.
I'm sorry college grads are in debt. But... I didn't finish college because I didn't have the money at the time.

And let's not confuse education with intelligence."

Let's take this to the extreme and ask what would happen if college was so expensive that nobody could go? How would our country fare? And my confusion over education and intelligence - would you allow anyone but a doctor to remove your gall bladder? 
This insanity does not happen in other countries for good reason. Most countries refuse to make money from people who will end up bettering the nation.

From an article concerning Venezuela:
Considering the U.S. political class has spent the last two years up in arms over the idea that the Russian government had the audacity to interfere in the 2016 elections, it stands to reason that the U.S. government simply deciding to “recognize” an un-elected opposition lawmaker as president of a foreign nation—regardless of affinity for the actual elected president—might be viewed as problematic.

Arguably the best college coach in the country ate at my bar this afternoon.
When I walked by his table I just smiled and told him he made me a lot of money this year.



Total lack of situational awareness.

 Get your weak ass magic outta here.

 He must have heard something.
 Looks like a nice addition to his decoration on his house in the first video.

Rhino vs Hippo

What is this sorcery?
That's amazing.

Speaking of...

 What did he do to piss the seal off?

With friends like this...

I wonder if wire bird feeders are making birds evolve longer beaks.









I'm waiting for a movie where the hero tells the crook that his gun is on safety and instead of looking at the gun, thus giving the hero an opportunity to snatch the gun away, the crook just pulls the trigger and blows a grape-sized hole through the hero's throat.




RH: There are enough fish clips to fill a whole section. 

This man is a genius. 

Award-winning drone pictures

 Fishing Boat



 Highway in the Desert

 Spilled Load

 Hidden Highway


Winter Ice

Moving on...


While touring Europe with my wife, we came upon a WWII reenactor group with vintage vehicles.

The costumes were very varied.
One guy had on a WWII field jacket, modern camouflage pants, and an American civil war hat.

If you die while cooking food in a CrockPot, whoever finds your body will have a nice warm meal while waiting on the coroner.







Deadpool can't have sex-change surgery because his body and his penis would regenerate to their original conditions.



 We all need more female heroes.


I couldn't agree more, but it was just too large.
Two cyclists come upon a barrier. The man ducks under and drags his bike after him - total time 6 seconds.
 She, on the other hand, tries to lift her bike over the barrier, fails, and has to request his help.
 She then climbs over said barrier.
Total time - 6 minutes. 
Oh, look, I finally found a gif to load...

 Oh, my.








 I will not allow phones to interfere with personal interaction.
I have been known to ask them to leave my table. 



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