About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 28, 2019

MONDAY #3686

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



 Chicago prepares to fight back against the Polar Vortex
And my daughter's furnace broke and couldn't be fixed until today.

To repeat - there is a thin line between voluntary ignorance and evil.


Or one $2 bill would be even better.


He almost made it.




Can We Talk About Training the Goodwill People a Little Better?

 I guess it's true, feed a chick and they will love you forever.



Looks kind of like a...Chesticle?

Could scrape the paint off a No.2 pencil.

Hard to see that coming.

Whenever I hear the words "dumb fuck", I always turn around.



 Asian tree hugger.

Vast numbers of the human population are forced to do this BEFORE they go to work.
There ain't enough money to get me to do that.

The Popper of Balloons
If you have any interest in seeing dozens of more ways this man pops balloons, here if the link:

To get them all facing the same direction I reckon.

2019 is already looking great for Florida Man.
 That's some Shawshank shit right there.

My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right.





My first girlfriend in elementary school was named Merry. This is the first time I've seen it elsewhere.

When I asked my young daughter if she liked the doll I gave her for Christmas...
 She wanted a chemistry set.

 Well, they fooled me.
It was better with sound.

Every once in a while I check up on people I hate to make sure I still hate them. I do.



Health care spending in the United States is the highest in the world, totaling $3.3 trillion—17.8% of the gross domestic product in 2016.



 My wife's stores only had six parking places out back. When one was taken they had it towed. Once a young woman was very upset and spat at my wife, "Well, what did you want me to do, DRIVE DRUNK?!? My wife replied that it really wasn't her job.


The butchers at my wife's grocery all recommend Shake n Bake. Neither she nor I had ever had it before and after trying it can attest to its scrumptiousness.


A couple thoughts on a post left by a loyal viewer:
1. In order to appreciate art “...you have to understand what the artist is doing - and that takes education.” 
That’s the most elitist thing I’ve ever read from you. 
2. “Doing things that will outlast myself is rather important to me.” 
Yet you belittle those who are interested in the genealogy of their ancestors. Seems to me those are two sides of the same conceptual coin.

Two good points. I may not have used the word education in point number one. But you can't just walk into a modern gallery cold and expect to get it. Sure, you can educate yourself without formal schooling, but "I know what I like" is meaningless without some background. Do you think you could tell the difference between a great and an average Ming vase or African mask? Of course not, but you haven't been educated to detect the differences.
In Point 2 I again miscommunicated. I want the pieces to outlast me without all the owners knowing my name. I think there's a difference.

Sex is a lot like a satanic ritual. Sometimes there are virgins involved, candles are nice, you're disappointing Christians, Satan is there.



I showed you how they tested these things from a landbased sled, now let's see if it works off a carrier.

Do you know what the wishbone does?
When flying it helps the heart pump with each downstroke of the wings.

 Do you think that would really work?

This rifle dates from the mid-1850s and is an early attempt at what is known as a 'breechloader', a firearm that was loaded from the breach, not the muzzle.
 Designed by Frederic Prince in 1855, Prince's rifle used a sliding barrel action where the barrel slid forward when the action was unlocked. 
A paper cartridge could then be loaded. The rifleman would then close the breach by pulling the bolt back and locking it to the right. He'd then put a percussion cap on the lock and the gun was ready to fire.

 Several summers my friend and I would spend a week at his grandparent's farm and we would spend hours doing this with one of those contraptions.


This is rather self-explanatory.


My most trusted advisor is concerned about this.
As bad as these cell towers might seem from the standpoint of constant exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation in close proximity to the source, perhaps an even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from the new 20,000 new communication satellites.

Good Lord, I will never get used to this!

This is one of the most wonderful images I have ever seen.
Aerial timelapse of a beach in Sochi showing human swimmers.
Here's the link in case it doesn't load properly.


As I understand it, Mexico has a monopoly which can charge whatever they want. 






Dying for nothing. Think of the advanced degrees we could provide with that. Or health care. 



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