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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


WARNING: I'm in trouble with Google again. They have pulled two of my posts, one going back to 2017. If I get shut down again I will be forced to go back to Folio Olio 2.com.



I have mixed thoughts on prostitution. Every thinking person is against the violence and abuse of young women by men customers and/or their female or male pimps. We are all against underage exploitation. But if a woman has no skills needs to secure employment to support her kids and she can consent to sex with a few guys to pay the rent, who am I to say she can't do it?

Assault, carjacking, sexual harassment, and bestiality all in one video.
I will admit that I got a little lost in the dynamics of the situations.


You want trust issues?
Cause that's how you get trust issues.

I can smell that.
That, as you can see, is a backyard business. They make pennies a unit, but they can make many units...at that pace.

Pay attention.
Is she too dirty or too clean?
I'm thinking she has a lotion or some such shit that repels the fish.

Shit happens to famous people also...

Let's take a closer look at that. 

Is there an excuse for this?
Okay, let's grant her never having been in an airport.
But wouldn't a normal person simply watch the other people and mimic their behavior?

Her first time is always a surprise.

Wait for it...
Miss Stevie Wonder Women

Remember that sex on a regular basis helps keep your memory alive. So have a great 2015.



January 1st, new members at the gym...


This is a fun sport on which to gamble.

Trying to light a pocket of methane trapped under the ice.
Stupid bastard.

Speaking of ice...and stupidity...
 Made in China.

Bevo the bull not impressed by Georgia bulldog.
Go back and notice the dog (in red sweater) being dragged off in the lower right. 

Not today multiple fractures.

Can we assume that's his first time to try this?

Why does that very aggressive kid have a beard?

Big dick doesn't equal good dick.

Butthead Driver


National Geographic Award Winner
 It was stated that those chimney-like nests are made from the birds' droppings.

Testing a 20 kW bulb.
 I think it was for a movie.

NYC in the winter.
 What do you suppose those tan blobs in the park are?

 Humans are one of a few mammals that perspire to cool down. An adult can sweat up to 2–4 liters per hour.

An expanded explanation of this...

 Frames of Reference is a 1960 educational film illustrating various physics concepts through different frames of references.
I watched every fucking second of that!

 I would have thought hot/cold would be on the list.

 Repost? Hell, I don't know anymore.

Okay, I will admit that I would love to do this...


Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.



I think that's a great idea!

They did it by not inviting any anti-science nut cases to give "an opposing view."

 Is that true?

 We could all learn from this mutt.

No one ever notices when you are being provoked, just when you retaliate.


There are voters who believe that this will actually happen. That frightens me.

Not today death...
There is no excuse for that. A few movement switches and that would be impossible.

 Language is a living thing and changes over time. Had the strict rules people had their way we would still be saying thee and thou.

 Two cities in the South West of the Netherlands have this tradition of competing for the highest bonfire during New Years’. Something went a little bit south this year...

One shift in the wind and they almost burned down the city. 

Finally found one that is moving...
 "As populism and a tilt to the political right has prompted many nations to question once welcoming immigration and refugee policies and embrace xenophobia, a nation with a centuries-long reputation for insularity has decided to move in the other direction. With its rapidly aging population and an underwhelming birthrate, Japan is opening its doors to large-scale immigration."

A huge influx of immigrants has yielded great upheaval for many countries. We shall see.

I try, folks...I try.
But many of my finds do not come with citations. If any of you find that I have posted in error, please let me know. I am a staff of one and it is not as easy as it may seem.








The internet has empowered otherwise normal people to write things that they would never say to a person's face. I am one of the few remaining people who can believe that someone is wrong without thinking them evil. 




Anonymous said...

Those are softball fields in central park. I’ve played on them.
-anon from nyc

Dr. WeTodd said...

The tan blobs look like sandpits of a golf course and hot and cold has to be on that 15000 year old list along with day n night.

Anonymous said...

there is no golf course in central park

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