About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Remember me asking about the brown spots in Central Park?

Baseball diamonds. Don't know why they repeal the snow.










I am very interested to know how many of you fine people have any idea what this is about. I do.





I will never read anything about that that I don't think of that bartender telling me that I wasn't smart enough to understand the jokes.


 I am very interested to know how many of you fine people have any idea what this is about.







In a couple hundred years when people are sitting through old computers, someone’s going to unleash an ancient computer virus.



Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?

A one-armed model. You really gotta hand it to her.

Did you notice the pool of blood on the landing area? 

 "Just to watch him die."



Humans spend the first 18 years of their lives getting caught up to speed about what the other humans have been doing for the past few thousand years.




Mud Geysers
Worth the read:

Electric Paint

During the transition from water to land, the evolution of egg was crucial. The fish-like eggs would dry out on land, so the animals with thicker shells survived more often.
Then, of course, some evolved to just keep the egg protected inside until birth.

Bling guy ordered the first three Game of Thrones Braille books.
I had no idea they were that much bigger.

Spider catches bee, bee stings spider. Both dead, with bee’s stinger still in the spider.

This enormous structure rising over the desert sands near the Euphrates River resembles a sandstone butte but is actually made of mud-bricks, and is about 3,400 years old. The structure was originally a ziggurat standing some 60 meters tall with a foundation about 70 meters square. What remains today is the core; the rest was destroyed along with the city of Dur-Kurigalzu that was invaded by the Elamites in the 12th century BC.

Don't do that. 

Anthony Furey, a Toronto Sun op-ed editor received an email said to be from Twitter's legal team telling him he may have broken Pakistani laws.
He was startled to learn he stood accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammad, a crime punishable by death in the Islamic Republic. Twitter confirmed the correspondence was true. Furey's offense was to post cartoons of the prophet several years ago. Other two prominent users Saudi-Canadian activist Ensaf Haidar and Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, a Muslim scholar from Australia who was born in Iran publicly complain about receiving a message linked to Pakistan. Pakistan had previously threatened to block Twitter if the company did not remove content its government found offensive.


If you are sad about being alone for the holidays, just remember...nobody loves you the rest of the year either.



I know you have seen dozens of these.
 But that's the point. How come she hasn't seen any of the videos that vividly displays the folly of such a thing?

Speaking of...


You know you are fat when you break a camel.

Speaking of fat guys...
 I wish I had his confidence.

Wouldn't a normal person put some sort of mesh over that?


North Korean leader in China?

Guy attacks the wrong McDonalds clerk.
Got to wonder who has a hold on whom.

The luckiest stupid lady you are liable to meet...
 And yet her car stayed upright and in the right direction.

This should be run on all TV and cable channels as a PSA.








When she shows enough cleavage to hide an unabridged dictionary then gets mad when a guy notices. 



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