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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 4, 2019

MONDAY #3693

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Oops, I fucked up.

Upon succeeding and emerging from the water, according to many English language news articles, books and the prominent BBC docudrama Surviving Disaster – Chernobyl Nuclear, the three knew it was a suicide-mission and began suffering from radiation sickness and died soon after.[89] Some sources also incorrectly claimed that they died there in the plant.[88]However, research by Andrew Leatherbarrow, author of the 2016 book Chernobyl 01:23:40,[84] determined that the frequently recounted story is a gross exaggeration. Alexei Ananenko continues to work in the nuclear energy industry and rebuffs the growth of the Chernobyl media sensationalism surrounding him.[90] While Valeri Bezpalov was found to still be alive by Leatherbarrow, the 65-year-old Baranov had lived until 2005 and had died of heart failure.[91] 

Footage of the catastrophic failure of the Brazilian Vale dam.

Survivors escaped Vale's tragedy in a pickup that was taken by the mud. It's one of the white dots on the left above.

Lucky homeowner.




A million cubic megaparsec void in Boötes.
 The Boötes void, a massive expanse of empty space unlike any other observed in the Universe.
 Discovered by astronomer Robert Kirshner and his team back in 1981, the Boötes void, sometimes called the Great Void, is a huge, spherical region of space that contains very few galaxies. It's approximately 700 million light years from Earth and located near the constellation Boötes, which is how it got its name.
 The supervoid measures 250 million light-years in diameter, representing approximately 0.27% of the diameter of the observable universe, which itself is a daunting 93 billion light-years across. Its volume is estimated at 236,000 Mcp3, making it the largest known void in the Universe. Soon after its discovery, astronomers began to notice just how incredibly sparse the area really was. At first, they were only able to find eight galaxies across the expanse, but further observations revealed a total of 60 galaxies. Now, while that might still seem like a lot, it would be like stumbling upon 60 mile-long objects across a region larger than the continental United States (and that's just in two dimensions). According to astronomer Greg Aldering, the scale of the void is such that, "If the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes void, we wouldn't have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s." Just for comparison, our own Milky Way has approximately two dozen neighbors in a region of space just 3 million light-years across. Looking at the volume of the Boötes void, it should contain about 10,000 galaxies when considering that the average distance between galaxies elsewhere in the Universe is a few million light years.

What are we going to do when the only people with jobs are the ones making robots?

White pills are antibiotics and the surrounding "dust" is the bacterial growth.
Growing antibiotic resistance is one of the gravest fears of modern medicine.

Simultaneous launches...

May not be pure science, but it had to take a shit load of science to make happen.

Lady did a study as to the way people make Xs.
I'm an 8.

Amazing danger log.

Octopus rescued from oyster
 Do you think it was being digested?

Birds = Dinosaurs and here's the claw of a cassowary to prove it.

A perfectly round disk of ice formed by slow-moving water - Westbrook, Maine.
We've seen many of those, but that one is relatively new.

If you are arguing loudly on your phone in public, have the decency to put it on speaker.



Said to be All Saints Church

Speaking of...
The only surviving pair of authentic Necropants, on display at the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft in Holmavik, Iceland. Made from human skin, sorcerers and witches would wear these trousers all day and night under their clothes as a sort of underwear in order to bring them wealth. Politely being asked by your sorcerer friend to be used in a pair of Necropants after your death was a great honor in 17th century Iceland. 

Even more penis info...
 110-year-old condoms. Made from fish bladders, each could be reused up to 10 times.

Dice made of human bone found in the home of serial killer Ed Gein after his arrest in 1957. 

This hay bale looks like a hole in the ground.

 I would have bet money that couldn't be done without the aid of a computer.

 I've actually done something like that. The guy I was with bashed his front fender into the tire, so he just used his tow rope to yank it out, and it only left a small crease.

Farmland in Eastern Colorado is flat but looks 3D after wind blew the snow around.
It was caused by a 50 mph wind.
The difference between having your front yard facing north vs south in Colorado

I teach curse words to children whose parents allow them to run around in restaurants.



 I'm gearing up to stop smoking.

 I almost missed the gag.

The gayest duck in the known world.


 That took me much longer than it should have.

Sights on a rifle.

Whoever at Netflix pitched the idea to skip intros, I just want to say I love you and will suck your dick anytime.



I'm going to go ahead and assume the person filming laughed at him, and he doesn't look like a person who is used to being laughed at. 

Making the most of a bad situation...



The Tragedy in Mexico.
Hundreds of people are stealing gasoline from a pipeline.

And then it exploded into a huge mushroom cloud.

These are dozens and dozens of people running on fire.
This is footage of the horror. Do not watch if you are squeamish in the least.







 This lady is building an unpenetrable forcefield around her.

 It really pisses me off when someone asks me to sit down prior to giving me bad news.



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