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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

SUNDAY #3692

One Of My Very Own
Things you didn't know about Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 
That's exactly what a person who shags monkeys would say.

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Then there's this guy.

40 years ago he did something stupid.

My question is, who among us could survive if every photo ever taken of them were exposed on national TV? I'm not excusing the stupid bastard, I just wonder what you would think of me if every picture ever taken of me arose for public scrutiny.

My bartender is a HUGE NC State fan. He had a tough time getting through this.
 Did you note that it's a final score?

Another picture of the most perfect human being on the planet.
You know what they say about men with big feet.



Any of you foreigners want to try and explain that to me? 

How very cruel.
I taught children like that. Most of them were kept awake all night by partying or fighting parents.

Every good deed...


And that is exactly what happens when you fall out of a boat you are driving. You try to keep your balance by grabbing the wheel, but once in the water the boat just keeps driving over you time and time again. 

I'm thinking the drive is unconscious or the steering broke.

I wonder if they were criticized for this ad spot.

I once walked in on my sister and her girlfriend having sex. It was the most awkward 45 minutes of my life.



A 156 mph train being overtaken by a 218 mph train.
Or one of the trains is just slowing down. 

What Happens If You Fly a Drone in an Elevator?

Shit like that makes my dick tingle.

See anything...odd?
The AK-47 muzzle blast deflects rain falling from the awning.

"I knew it!" - Anti-vaxxers

The Aston Martin Valkyrie.
If you are interested in learning more about this engineering marvel:  

Cyclones encircling Jupiter's North Pole

What has saved more human lives than anything else?
Getting clean water to you and taking sewage away from you.

Colossi of Memnon
Isn't there something we can do to slow the deterioration

Heading down to the Autopsy Club later. It's open Mike night.



Notice that cool segue?

 They used that gag in the Three Amigos also.




Me either, Sparky. 

 You're welcome.

After a snowfall, people used to say it 'snew.' Today most people say it 'snowed,' but both are correct.

Cartoonist knows me very well.


 You go, boy.

 I think he's done that before.

Snapping open a cold one...
 Then he turns his back on that vicious bastard while barefoot.



I was so hoping that was the real actress, but it's not.

Wait a minute...this isn't tennis! This is anal sex!!



Never trust a politician who gets filthy rich while in office. 

Most American women would do exactly that if the fashion magazines told her it was the latest fashion. 
And that's why they are sheeple.

 No. No, he doesn't.

This plane’s perfect belly landing when its landing gear fails to come down.
Some people let their terror interfere with solving the problem...and some don't.

The heroism of these 3 men saved Europe in 1986 from
Chernobyl disaster.
They volunteered to dive into reactors basement filled with soup of radioactive water beneath a molten reactor core that was slowly burning its way down to them, to open up the valves for water to escape the flooded basement so that fast-melting magma above would not reach the water and spark chain reaction, an explosion that would have wiped out half of Europe from radiation. The 3 men died shortly from radiation after they came out from their last and one of the most important mission that there is. They are known as Chernobyl 'suicide squad' for a good reason. Alexei Ananenko, Valeri Bezpalov, and Boris Baranov.


Whenever I'm sad I just think about the Welsh word for microwave being Popty Ping and that helps.



Does the depiction of violence cause violent behavior in society?
Well, ancient plays and literature are full of it, so maybe it does.

If I have a correct reading on this, both parties want to limit the number of emigrants who are likely to vote for the other party.


Coyote attacks dogs in the backyard
 That could just as easily have been somebody's toddler.

I find that suburban blight very depressing. It is totally devoid of aesthetics. It is the worst city planning I have ever seen.

If people would use the grocery store aisles like two-way streets that would be so efficient.



 I was once asked to give a quote on providing 10,000 of these for a movie they were making in my home town. I passed. Then my daughter volunteered to work as an extra on the same movie and I offered her $100 for one of those cutouts. 

There are so many people I would like to leave some shit to in my will, but now my grandson gets it all. Sorry, but I'm sure you understand.

Many times while in fancy restaurants I've asked if they have corndogs, then I stumbled upon that.  





 "Maybe we should do something different with your hair, Jack."

"You know this strong Texas coffee will give me a head-splitting headache."

People symbolically eat the flesh of their Lord and don't even think that just a tad weird. 


Oh, I understand allergies and such, but you have to wonder about people who think they know more than millions of years of evolution.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the VA gov... I’m 35, and had my fair shake of mischief back in college. Yet never allowed myself (as I assume most folks with a decent moral compass and *situational awareness*) to be photographed doing such. Let alone CHOOSING to put that on your own yearbook page.

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