About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



They finally released the video of the attack...

The wife and I are concerned. Our nightly bets as to whether Erin Burnett's part is straight or otherwise may be coming to an end as she seems to have gotten a hair lady who has given her a dozen straight parts in a row, making gambling unrewarding. We stopped betting money a long time ago. Now we bet oral sex and every time I lose she rubs it in my face.



They used to have to pull these assemblies off after a certain amount of rail miles to check if the center lubricant pad needed replacement. Then an engineer drilled a hole in the most vulnerable spot and inserted a turkey temperature pop out. After that, if the pop out is exposed, then the lubricant needs to be replaced.

 I thought that a cool graphic, then I realized what it reminded me of...Jupiter's moon Europa covered in water ice.

This is almost identical to the graphic.

Twin towers during construction. New York. 1972

Look at all those steel beams. Nothing gonna melt those babies.

I don't even know what that is but I'm impressed by the scale.

Rather interesting AI problem-solving:


While growing up and laying out in the woods, we used to bet on who could see the first "shooting star"; what we know now as meteors. I think that more children should have a chance to do that...be marveled by the dynamics of space.


If you are alone when you crack open a peanut shell and eat the peanut inside, you are the only person on Earth to have ever seen that peanut.



Andrew Dice Clay,
- Good ol’ mother goose, remember her? Ya, I fucked her.
- You wine and dine, you bring her home, put your hand up her skirt and you're holding a tree trunk. For a chick, you got some set of balls.
- Hickory Dickory Dock this chick was sucking my cock. The clock struck two I blew my goo. And I kicked her out at the next block. 
 I'll just let this speak for itself...

My first Hitler joke...

Skeletons Found in Roman Catacombs
 Who says you can't take it with you?



A shark eating a human thinking it’s a seal is the equivalent of a human eating a raisin cookie thinking it was chocolate chip.




 Not one atheist has ever been possessed. Please think about that.

 I was hired to paint a mural at the end of a hallway on the floor in a hospital where they kept crazy people. The doctors explained to me that everything mattered on that floor: the wall colors, the carpet, etc had to be completely non-threatening. I sketched out a sailboat on a lake and the doctors on the approval committee argued for thirty minutes on how many people should be on the boat.

There Is A Cursor In This Jigsaw Puzzle Picture.
It's in the dead center...took me a minute, also. 

 Religious people are not allowed to deny their children needed surgery, so why don't we apply that law to vaccines?

This was a review:

I like the safety of the two-handed throw, but walking out on a slippery surface holding boiling water can't be prudent.



Japanese prank show

Do people not sue over there? 


A stolen highway toll sticker.

That must have been one hell of a saw.

This is a pretty good read:

Don't believe me? Here's the result...

Not all heroes wear capes.

I knew a woman who would fuss at her child for "not being careful." I would have told her "thank you" for trying to help then taken her out for store-bought pizza.


I call my bathroom Jim instead of John so I can tell people I always go to the Jim first thing in the morning.




 Get it?

RH: Nou nou.

My old friend juxtaposition...

Well, not anymore. The economy is booming. I will give Donald Trump credit for the boom if he will take the blame for any future bust...which, of course, he won't do.

God, I hope that is true. You might want to research that.

Prostitution is the only job where you can charge more for having no prior work experience.



 How clever...and lazy.

Those fuckers don't mess around. 

 Yeah, of course, it is doctored, but still kind of neat.


This Is An Ōdachi (also called Nodachi)

I found another image of that vehicle that I wondered was a movie prop. Still waiting on confirmation.

The blood of the lamb.

A person brings four pieces of a broken bracelet to a jeweler and asks him to repair it. The jeweler says he charges $1 for each link he cuts apart and welds together again. "Since I have to cut and weld four links, the job will cost you four dollars." But the customer correctly tells the jeweler he can make the bracelet by cutting and welding only three links. How? 
RH: I know how to do it, so only if you need help should you comment.

I think they only do that to get a human reaction. Just like this fellow:



 I grew up with a bamboo thicket too thick to walk through within walking distance of my house and I will never forget it.









1 comment:

Scott James said...

the iBill currency reader.

They were forced to provide these free of charge until they redesigned the currency to be ADA compliant. You can also download a free app for your phone that identifies the denomination via the camera.

The US currency of the future will either be different size denominations (like the Euro), or have tactile feel embossed in the notes.

Bottom line - The Treasury department is one of the biggest ADA violators in the country.

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