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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

SUNDAY #3699

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

My computer pro tells me somebody has fucked with my Google account again. I was locked out of my blog for a day or so and it did irreparable damage to my email.
You may now contact me at:







Dan Gurney wanted more downforce on his race cars, so he began experimenting with the spoiler.
He invented the Gurney Flap, which just about doubled the effectiveness of his spoiler.

 That exact same technology is now being used one wind turbine blades.

The caption read: An elderly Common Snapping Turtle just coming to say Hello. Spring Lake, San Marcos, TX.
Being from the South, I have seen many snapping turtles and the ones I've seen look much more like dinosaurs than that little guy. 

You never realize how big the main Giza pyramid is until you see it in person.
I heard a compelling argument that the pyramids are filled with scree-like leftovers from shaping the blocks. It was noted that there is no structural reason why it can't be and it would solve the timeline problem. Then there is the observation that had the debris not been used to fill the structure, then where is it. There should be a mountain of it and none is found. 

So now I gotta remember to charge my goddamn guns too?

In the What Could Possibly Go Wrong department...

"Ethically Problematic"
Denmark doctors believe circumcision has no meaningful health benefits.
According to a nationally representative poll from the summer of 2016, 87% of Danes favor a legal ban on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys under the age of 18 years. Doctors and medical organizations in Denmark, the other Nordic countries and, with one notable exception, elsewhere in the Western world agree that circumcision of healthy boys is ethically problematic. Not one medical association in the whole world recommends the circumcision of healthy boys.
RH: This is the perfect example of the "We've always done it that way" excuse for doing stupid shit.

Styrofoam beads dancing to sound waves.

 You lawn guys might want to start taking night classes now.

Xray of a Hammer Head Shark

Abraham Lincoln Animatronic

It's uncanny...

Google maps need to include a feature where if somebody knows a better route, he could say "OK, Google, watch this," and then drive. This can help them to improve their directions.



A really nothing little news article drew these comments:
- Never trust a man who can see both ends of a train.
- He was a teacher but couldn't control his pupils.
- Have they cross-examined him yet?
- He should join Eyeis.
RH: And what is a CV? Seriously.

 Read that again.


We have all seen several of these, but this one is very well done.

 Bert is shocked to find out it was Ernie on the other side of the Glory Hole.

What if we are all characters in a book and when we forget what we were going to say it's the author backspacing?



Hotel in a Hole in China
 It's actually an old quarry.

Victorian dollhouse build in the late 1800s
This reminded me of room-sized models of buildings in the Vatican used to aid the builders.

Here are two of the smaller models I saw:
Facade for San Lorenzo in Florence by Michelangelo

Model for the dome of St. Peter's
As I understand it, the models were 1/25th scale. So all you have to do is measure, multiply by 25 and you have the knowledge you need.

 Speaking of models...
I'm thinking that is used as a sale aid without having to drag everyone out to a field.

I am most impressed.

The sabaton of Erik XIV of Sweden, c. 1560

I finally found one of these small enough to load.


The internet both almost killed off the postal service with email and then made it more needed than ever with online delivery.



A deminer is surprised by an exploding bomb.
 The operator sits inside a special demining vehicle and is surprised by an exploding bomb. The explosion is so powerful that it seems like he loses consciousness for a few seconds. The worker worked at the border between Chile and Peru, where explosive charges are removed in accordance with the Ottawa Convention, which prohibits anti-personnel mines since 1997. 
Chile has so far removed 85% of its landmines.

Just something else to worry about.
 When your girlfriend calls you at work and tells you her parents aren't home.


 I'm thinking that is fake and I don't know why.

Someone tried to pass the top bill off as a real $100 bill.
But look at the brown mark on the counterfeit, which means the paper is the correct acidity or whatever. I read that one of the bigger challenges was getting your hands on the right paper.

Witch hunting wouldn't have been so popular in medieval times if any of the victims were actual witches and had decided to fight back.



Goat Tsunami
Herders have probably used that route for hundreds of years.


 Betty White was already 7 years old.

 Is that who I think it is?


 Edge of Paper

I most respect people who can design machines that do things like this...


Richard Dreyfuss played almost the same character in two recent movies.
The first was a comedy called The Last Laugh. The latest being Polar where he is an assassin. 


 The reason I hate cats is that besides them being aloof assholes, I'm allergic to them.






 The monkey who got a lesser reward.

 It's now up to 73%. Can you imagine disbelieving stated facts from experts without a dog in the fight?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

monkey reward...
The interesting part of that study is that both monkeys were given a "standard" treat when doing a task, and were perfectly happy. Only when the monkey on the left noticed that the monkey on the right got a better treat that time for doing the same task did the left monkey get upset. Its not what you get...its what you get compared to the other guy that counts.

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