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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 11, 2019

MONDAY #3700

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





The latest sign of just how screwed the Arctic is: moss that hasn’t seen the light of day in at least 40,000 years is tumbling out of ice caps on Canada’s Baffin Island thanks to increasingly balmy summers. Based on that and other lines of evidence, research published in Nature Communications on Friday suggests that Canadian Arctic summers haven’t been this warm in 115,000 years or more.

A cottage atop an apartment building in New York City.
 Think of the view.

The gif of this guy building a granite wall using this ancient technique was too long.
But with that leverage and even as small as he is, he moved it into place with ease.

Guy said he hated this gear shift.

My uncle had a car in the 50s that had a push-button shifter.
He would let me push the buttons when needed.

Ferdinand Magellan is remembered in the west as the intrepid Portuguese explorer who led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe, but for the Philippines, he is just another white man who fell to his death attempting to conquer lands that did not belong to him. The real hero—for the Filipinos—is Lapu-Lapu, the tribal chief who famously vanquished Magellan becoming the first Filipino hero to successfully resist colonization by a foreign power. Magellan’s conflict with the proud and unyielding chief resulted in his death, which cut short Magellan’s goals of becoming the first person in the world to circumnavigate the world.
RH: How is it that we were never taught that?
A re-analysis of lunar materials collected during the Apollo 14 mission has resulted in a rather astonishing conclusion: One of the rocks brought back appears to contain a small chunk of Earth dating back some 4 billion years. Incredibly, it’s now amongst the oldest terrestrial rocks known to exist.

Many people don't know that Contact was written by Carl Sagan - yes, that Carl Sagan.
A portion of the movie was filmed at the Arecibo Observatory and my #1 Most Trusted Advisor took me there and showed me the cabin in which Jodie Foster lived while there. My advisor stayed in the same cabin.
The book ends with a closeup of a printer as page after page of pi rolls out. Then a page prints out a zero formed by the decimal extension - a message from the aliens had begun.
One powerful scene has the preacher ask Jodie, "Does your father love you?" Then when she says that he does, the preacher says, "Prove it." He further asserts that she only has faith that he does.
However, trying to guess what thoughts are going through a fellow human being's mind is very different than the belief in talking snakes and the "fact" that dead people can be brought back to life.

I'm guessing that is leftover from our tree-dwelling ancestors.

When nature does an M.C. Escher.
I think they evolved to gather from all over to mate so the genes could be shared from non-relatives.

I also read that the sound this makes is a call for a mate.

With how many streaming services there are it won’t be long before someone bundles them all together and we end up with Cable TV again.



Cleaning out a meth house.
Who knew?

He does this hour after hour, day after day, month after month.
 I would go insane.

I smell team spirit.


Another gif too long, but she holds this pose for a long, long time.


Lesbian sex just gets more and more complex.
Foot Wash Off Guy needed desperately.

I'm always impressed by great power.

"The Walking Dad" but it's just a guy walking around the house turning off lights and muttering that he's not made of money.



A ceremony and prizes for employees of the month.


Efficient or irresponsible?

But we know where he got the idea...

We've seen that style before...


Remember this idiot?



Not your run of the mill car chase...
Did you notice that the driver can't see?

Listen, if drunk me said or did something, you gotta take it up with drunk me. Don't come at sober me because I wasn't even there and don't know what happened.



 I concur.





 Prove it.

Beatle's concert, 1964
 I can remember when this would have upset me. That old me embarrasses the new me.

Back on my soapbox.

Now for the unbelievably good news.




I want to open a doughnut shop next to a medical marijuana place and call it "Glazed and Confused?"



A true global hero that we should never forget.


 During my sojourn in Germany, I became very, very good at that game. Of course, I had a goalie who wouldn't let anything in the hole so I could take my time scoring.





 Religion ALWAYS blames women.


 Now young professionals' student loan debt is affecting the sale of housing. It's an insane system that is beneath us.



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