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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Is there any American who has not been embarrassed by our president?

How about this? Does it not embarrass you?

How about him getting fast and loose with the truth?

I'm not totally against the border wall, but you have to talk about it honestly.
If a wall is built along the length of the U.S./Mexico border, the easternmost part will have to contend with the presence of the Rio Grande river.  For practical reasons, the wall cannot be built in the river - it has to be on the shore, and on the American side.
This means that if anyone crosses the river (easy to do - you can wade across at certain places in certain seasons) they would be standing on United States soil and could ask for asylum.  They wouldn't need to cross the wall.

The man denies all the evidence!!
How can anyone respect such a person?

There are approximately 45 seconds between "I'll make us an omelet" and "We're having scrambled eggs."



Roughly three years ago, Karmazin launched Ambrosia, a startup that fills the veins of older people with blood from younger donors, hoping the procedure would help conquer aging by rejuvenating the body's organs.
The company, Ambrosia, is now up and running... ... is now accepting payments for the procedure via PayPal. Two options are listed: 1 liter of young blood for $8,000, or 2 liters for $12,000.
Because blood transfusions are already approved by federal regulators, Ambrosia does not need to demonstrate that its treatment carries significant benefits before offering it to customers.
Karmazin said that "many" of the roughly 150 people who had received the treatment described benefits including renewed focus, better memory and sleep, and improved appearance and muscle tone. However, it's tough to quantify these benefits before the study's findings are made public. There's also the possibility that simply traveling to a lab in Monterey and paying to enroll in the study could have made the people feel better.
RH: Well, athletes are punished with doping their own blood, so maybe it will rejuvenate people. 

The highlight of Adapt, which Nike is calling its "most advanced fit solution to date," is that you can control its power laces manually via physical buttons on the shoe or a companion app on your phone. When you put on the Adapt BB, the built-in custom motor with trained gears senses the tension needed by your feet and adjusts itself accordingly to keep each foot snug in the shoes. Nike says its new lacing system can create 32 pounds of force, about the same energy needed to pull a standard parachute cord, allowing it to stay locked in through any range of movement from a player.

70 year old, 912,250 lb steam locomotive cruising at 75 mph.

Now imagine one of those derailing right in front of you. 
Quick - what do you do?
Well, you run the fuck away. Those spectators have no idea what those train cars are liable to do, so the smart move is to get as far away as possible as soon as possible. 

Electrical discharge machining allows for a seamless fit in metal pieces.
 And that's why you can't see the doors on alien saucers.

From 60 belly buttons, a team of researchers found 2,368 bacterial species. Some belly buttons harbored as few as 29 species and some as many as 107, although most had around 67. Ninety-two percent of the bacteria types showed up on fewer than 10 percent of subjects—in fact, most of the time, they appeared in only a single subject.
One science writer, for instance, apparently harbored a bacterium that had previously been found only in soil from Japan—where he has never been. Another, more fragrant individual, who hadn't washed in several years, hosted two species of so-called extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents.
Despite the diversity, themes emerged. Even though not a single strain showed up in each subject, eight species were present on more than 70 percent of the subjects. And whenever these species appeared, they did so in huge numbers. "That makes the belly button a lot like rain forests," Dunn said. In any given forest, he explained, the spectrum of flora might vary, but an ecologist can count on a certain few dominant tree types.

If you only remember one thing about me let it be that I was the one to call Chianti "Wine in a Basket".


A reminder that studies have concluded that multitaskers just fuck things up.



Americans don't walk anywhere. When we vacation to the open lands we rent an animal to haul us around.
I was told that the group leader told all the tourists that when they stopped to rest, the burro must be faced down the chasm so he won't back off the trail. Yeah, that sounds like fun.


 Have GMO's gone too far?
I actually don't know if that is of American in origin or not but think of the time and energy required to create that just for your amusement. 

Here is another what I can only guess is a computer generated image. 
A lot of work for the payoff.

That's my favorite part of America.

But lately, our country is being torn apart with an 'us and them' attitude.
The people in the opposition party are not evil. They just want problems solved differently than you. Get a fucking life.

I hesitated to post that due to it being just one man. You can find idiots in any group of people...except priests. That is a club of evildoers.

In the South, we are made fun of by northerners who know how to drive in the snow.
It looked like that for a few seconds he was contemplating shooting it! 

 Most Americans have no idea how the Pope ended up in Rome.

Most people spend about 1/3 of their life saying "What the fuck is wrong with you people?



 African non-news.
What if it was in Europe, or Canada or god forbid the USA. It would be the only item on the news.

Hating Jews is so 1940s. 



I was once vacationing in Mexico during the NFL playoffs and walked in a bar where half wore Packer regalia and half Viking's.

And it's written in English.

So old they forgot how to shake hands.

The bird that delivers babies is call the Stork. The bird that prevents girls from becoming pregnant is called the Swallow.











I've always had trouble believing that the people of Krypton would deny their planet would explode until the present climate change debate.



“But just go and sit outdoors, painting on the spot itself! Then all sorts of things like the following happen — I must have picked up a good hundred flies and more off the 4 canvases that you’ll be getting, not to mention dust and sand ... when one carries a team of them across the heath and through hedgerows for a few hours, the odd branch or two scrapes across them,” Van Gogh wrote. 

With a string...

9x12" pen on paper drawing.
I knew a want to be artist one time who asked me to review his sketchpad. I went nuts over his drawings with tiny figures that looked similar to the above. After me lauding the shit out of the pieces he never drew another one.

Kind of art...
It wouldn't fit anywhere else.








All I ask if for your women to stop taking advice from companies who only want your money.





As an Englishman I was always embarrassed at your last President, a muslim radical socialist who consistently put the troops in danger. Mike


The GW people changed the danger from GW to Climate Change, once they realised there was no warming. Now you poke fun at someone who legitimately satirises this obvious point.

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