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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


I hope these are my last comments on the Super Bowl.

These 5 seconds were better than the whole super bowl.

Both teams were playing like they knew the winner was going to the White House for lunch.



 It won't be near Earth, so what could possibly go wrong?

Maybe not S.T.E.M., but clever.

I will never tire of seeing this graphically.

I understand a woman's body having to adjust to growing a new life form inside her body, but how could evolution justify having them throw up every morning when they need nourishment more than ever?
Admittedly, I don't understand all there is to know about this. Is the new life form ridding the host organism of toxins? Do seahorse hosts throw up? How about lions and snakes or closer to home, apes?

Going with the flow
I bet there is such a thing as a polar bear psychologist who designs cages to reduce the beast's stress.

Interesting spider behavior.
Yeah, so it's not a spider at all - nature's mimics are amazing.   Iranian spider-tailed viper. It's like fishing for birds.

 We should all keep a close eye on this.

Nasal Obstruction
Think of having the knowledge of how to solve problems like that.

Our belly buttons are basically the same thing as holes in the fruit where the stem goes.



 Badou Jack Suffers A Horrific Cut Against Marcus Browne
 After healing, he will quit boxing to fight Lord Voldemort at Hogwarts.

Cooking kangaroo using only the Australian Sun
 So, Sydney is flooded, Queensland is on fire, and some kind of demonically large cow is looming ominously about somewhere.

Payback at it's finest...
What goes around comes around.

I blame the guy who assigned the new guy that task.

So very many questions...

At this rate, the saying “There is plenty of fish in the sea” will have to be explained to future generations.




My bartender and I have a running challenge to see which of us can spread out the foil from a Hersey's Kiss in a perfect square.
 It is almost impossible. The aluminum foil is super-thin and even trying to remove the wrinkles will tear it.



The sewage pump at my rental apartment is covered by a #2 washtub, and I taught that funny.

You go, girl!

Some of you didn't hold the flashlight for your dad while he yelled at the car and it really shows.




 A wonderful word we should all try to use more often.

Correlation or Causation?





A woman who lost her bunghole to a shark attack once said, "Well, he obviously has great taste in women."




I was even dumber. I tried to help an ex-con get into the lawn care business by giving him $2000 worth of equipment including a trailer, and he was supposed to make payments. In a blink of the eye he was in another state with my shit and, last I heard, the bunghole was back on heroin.

In response to me being amazed that federal workers didn't have enough savings to survive a month without a paycheck, I received this timely information:
78 percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, according to a recent report from CareerBuilder. Overall,71 percent of all U.S. workers said they're now in debt, up from 68 percent a year ago, CareerBuilder said.
So, in 2017 the population was estimated to be 325.7 million people. 78% of that would be around 255.6 million people living paycheck to paycheck.
That leaves about 72,094,000 that can make it without a paycheck.

That old friend that came to see me showed me a picture of his son who was standing next to that railing. I immediately looked over his shoulder and said, "That's my painting!"

I had painted it in graduate school and somehow he ended up with it.
 It's called Expressionism which is supposed to be rather energetic. Back then, one of my art tools was gravity.
That is called Corporate Scale, as in office buildings are the only ones with a wall large enough to handle it - normally.


When I talk to a person I can almost always tell when they listen to the same news sources all the time. Everyone needs opposing views from time to time. With only a limit view you end up erroneously thinking your political party is always right and the other one is always wrong...which makes you a ridiculous bunghole.

In public schools, we had a code to summons all male employees.

I have always been fascinated by the abandoned.
These probably have very interested back-stories.

They should combine Thanksgiving and Christmas and call it "Thank Christ" because that's what we say when our relatives finally leave.



I find the surroundings very depressing.

UV Tattoo


This never gets old.
 Speaking of bunghole.

I have written many times about the "Foot Wash Off Guy" in movies.
 Well, in the NFL they have a "Get Back Guy". He follows the coach everywhere and keeps him from wandering onto the field, which is a penalty.







 Yes, that is considered "spiritual."


 Oh, the stupidity.
 Quick - How many ounces are there in 16 pounds?
Well, if we used the metric system a five-year-old could solve that easily.




Anonymous said...

Particularly good stuff today. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Paul.
PS: I kept going back back to guy flipping through the metal rings. Pretty amazing.

Ralph Henry said...

Always include an image number so I can find what you are talking about. Thanks.

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