One Of My Very Own
Two nuclear powers, India and Pakistan are at it again.
After an Indian airstrike Pakistan shut down its airspace.
But the average person is not reflective of their governments.
And now a ray of sanity...
So a region in Ontario has issued suspension orders for over 6000 kids who can't prove that their vaccinations are up to date. Now not all of these kids are the product of Anti-Wax parents, some just haven't filed the paperwork, and as always it sucks that the kids of dumb people are made to suffer, but nice to see that the school board is doing what they can to ensure the safety of the rest of the kids.
Two nuclear powers, India and Pakistan are at it again.
After an Indian airstrike Pakistan shut down its airspace.
But the average person is not reflective of their governments.
And now a ray of sanity...
So a region in Ontario has issued suspension orders for over 6000 kids who can't prove that their vaccinations are up to date. Now not all of these kids are the product of Anti-Wax parents, some just haven't filed the paperwork, and as always it sucks that the kids of dumb people are made to suffer, but nice to see that the school board is doing what they can to ensure the safety of the rest of the kids.
You decide
You decide
We can forgive animals for misunderstanding the laws of physics.
Humans get no such forgiveness.

Look closely at the passengers...


Rage Against the Machine...

If you have learned nothing else from Folio Olio it should be that you never, EVER mix fire and alcohol.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Human shock absorber...
Come to find out, that technique is used often...around the world.
How to brake a ship with a big rope...

Just that fast...
Oh, hell no...

One slight miscalculation and you die a terrible death.
What kind of school is this?
A couple of old favorites...
Researchers have found the USS Hornet, an aircraft carrier that played a pivotal role in WWII through moments like the Doolittle Raid on Japan and the pivotal Battle of Midway. It was considered lost when it sank at the Battle of Santa Cruz in October 1943, but modern technology spotted it nearly 17,500 feet below the surface of the South Pacific Ocean, near the Solomon Islands.
Remarkably pristine.
The next Usain Bolt? Boy, 7, leaves track competitors in the dust as he sprints 100M in 13.48 seconds.


Rocks on the lake Baikal get heated from the sunlight every now and then and melt the ice beneath. After the sun is gone, the ice turns solid again thus creating a small stand for the rock above. It is called the Baikal Dzen.
How wonderful.

In 1898 the US Navy purchased its first submarine from a private inventor. It wasn't big enough to be called a ship so they called it a boat and that's why to this day all submarines are called boats.
Remember the molds made of human assholes then used to make chocolates?

Happy Valentine's.


Correspondent Level: Canadian

As one would expect, I'm a real fan of beards.
I don't do it to improve my manliness. I do it because I am too lazy to shave every morning.
I have known a couple of guys who grew beards and looked great then their wives made them shave it off. It made me sad.
In my younger years, I was very fast at games like this.
That is a perfect illustration of understanding art.
It's a goose/gander thing.

Does that man look like he knows what white women "are for"?

I am forever amazed at the humor of the average guy.

While I was still writing I saw a sign in front of a small store that read: Fireworks, Live Bait, TV Repair, Notary Public.
I wrote it into a novel with this exchange:
Where are your fireworks?
Only for the holidays.
How about your live bait?
They all died.
TV repair?
He's sick today.
Notary Public?
We only put that on the sign to draw in customers.
Is that actually effective?
You're the third one today and it ain't even noon yet.

This is a real problem. Personally, I can't understand why all custody is not joint custody.
Must be on a university campus.

Rage Against the Machine...


If you have learned nothing else from Folio Olio it should be that you never, EVER mix fire and alcohol.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Human shock absorber...
Come to find out, that technique is used often...around the world.
How to brake a ship with a big rope...

Just that fast...
Oh, hell no...

One slight miscalculation and you die a terrible death.
What kind of school is this?

If you walk into a meeting and say “Sorry, I have to go to another meeting,” you can avoid every meeting.
You’re welcome.
A couple of old favorites...
Researchers have found the USS Hornet, an aircraft carrier that played a pivotal role in WWII through moments like the Doolittle Raid on Japan and the pivotal Battle of Midway. It was considered lost when it sank at the Battle of Santa Cruz in October 1943, but modern technology spotted it nearly 17,500 feet below the surface of the South Pacific Ocean, near the Solomon Islands.
It's called the most dangerous plant in the world.
^^16^^The next Usain Bolt? Boy, 7, leaves track competitors in the dust as he sprints 100M in 13.48 seconds.


Rocks on the lake Baikal get heated from the sunlight every now and then and melt the ice beneath. After the sun is gone, the ice turns solid again thus creating a small stand for the rock above. It is called the Baikal Dzen.
How wonderful.

In 1898 the US Navy purchased its first submarine from a private inventor. It wasn't big enough to be called a ship so they called it a boat and that's why to this day all submarines are called boats.
Remember the molds made of human assholes then used to make chocolates?

Happy Valentine's.

Casting director: Alright, screen test for the part of 'fax machine' go ahead.
Dolphin: *deep breath*

The trailer comes with a built-in jack.^^24^^
Correspondent Level: Canadian

As one would expect, I'm a real fan of beards.
I don't do it to improve my manliness. I do it because I am too lazy to shave every morning.
I have known a couple of guys who grew beards and looked great then their wives made them shave it off. It made me sad.
In my younger years, I was very fast at games like this.
That is a perfect illustration of understanding art.
It's a goose/gander thing.
My wife found the perfect spot to hide her weed stash from me - in amongst the cleaning supplies.

Does that man look like he knows what white women "are for"?

I am forever amazed at the humor of the average guy.

While I was still writing I saw a sign in front of a small store that read: Fireworks, Live Bait, TV Repair, Notary Public.
I wrote it into a novel with this exchange:
Where are your fireworks?
Only for the holidays.
How about your live bait?
They all died.
TV repair?
He's sick today.
Notary Public?
We only put that on the sign to draw in customers.
Is that actually effective?
You're the third one today and it ain't even noon yet.

This is a real problem. Personally, I can't understand why all custody is not joint custody.
Must be on a university campus.
Executives testing their new automatic braking system.
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