About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 13, 2019

MONDAY #3791

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I'm going to go ahead and bet that aliens have their own sports and they have rules against purposely harming other players like this.

For you who have forgotten, Suarez was the guy who bit the shit out of another player during a World Cup.


The Death of Stalin was a movie about the power struggle inside the Soviet Union after Stalin died. One of the stars was Michael Palin of Monty Python fame.
He's the one on the far left and he did a great job in a serious role. 

Mother helping baby down from a perilous adventure...
That hug. 

This is one of the gayest activities I've ever seen.

As I understand it, there was an outbreak of STD at the music festival.

Two opposing Greek villages, 50,000 handmade rockets, and two church bells. The Rocket War. The first one to hit the other side's bell wins.
What fun!

Hey, before you leave work today, could you...

Most people would be surprised to know that you can get a degree in papermaking in art school. 

I'd pay money to watch that. 

How long must it have taken to train it to do that?

There must be a reason for the leg extensions but I can't figure it out. 

I've still not had a beer in all these months but I do allow myself a couple of glasses of red wine during supper. I call it Sin Time and it doesn't matter what we are serving I always drink my wine...like French toast and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 
No, thanks. Just a little wine for me, sir.

This is as good a time as any to bring this up, I am very close to marking my 2 millionth view to Folio Olio. When I hit that landmark I will ask for donations to fund my Sin Time. Please be generous...I need it.


If you are over 30 it is time to leave young girls alone and get you a woman who knows the signs of a stroke.



And, yes, I put climate change deniers in the same class of idiot as anti-vaxxers.

This is how they x-ray babies.
Of course, it's necessary, but it still makes me cringe. 

You guess they just kick the remaining logs off by hand?


Bizarre new species of jellyfish discovered in the Sunda trench.




Wife: Communication is key.
Me: What's wrong?
Wife: Nothing. Goodnight.



How you make clam chowder.

Do you remember that she proceeded to swat the shit out of the guy like was his fault?

I will again blame too hot a load.

Miracle on Market Street...

Swedish news unintentionally catches a guy in the background missing his train.

Oh, let's send up a drone to film the kids releasing balloons...

Some disappointments involve animals' interaction with humans...


 But some disappointments only involve animals...

Carp accidentally swallows a duckling while going for a piece of bread before spitting them back out.
I had to watch that a few time because it happens so quickly. 

 I recall that there was a tribe of Native Americans who were very good at that. I just wonder how many of them died.

On a side note, I watched a documentary on the Nazi's V2 rocket. They used slave labor to build them and it was stated that far more people died building them than died in the attacks.

I bet if a survey was taken most people would regret their tattoos after a few years. 


Told my wife that I was so stressed that only a blowjob would help. She asked me where I would find a dick to suck at that time of night.





Back in the day before GPS when I had to pull over and ask for directions.


You know the first thing Adam said after he ate from the apple?
"You better back up, I don't know how big this thing is liable to get." 

Surreal puddle in a parking lot.
 Somebody colored it to make it easier to see.

One of the easier Where's Waldo...

I love this stuff.
But it would also be fun to replace the contents with some kind of whiskey. 

My asshole when I order my Korean food extra spicy...

Remember when you thought that by now we would all have flying cars?



 It is so easy to die when you are stupid. Don't be stupid.








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