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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

SUNDAY #3790

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



With friends like that.

I don't think that's her first rodeo. 

How much practice must that require?


Needed anywhere there is traditionally a lot of drinking...think Daytona Beach during Spring Break.

“There's a lot of things blamed on me that never happened. But then, there's a lot of things that I did that I never got caught at.” 
― Johnny Cash

But the boots, Johnny...THE BOOTS?!


You know what I can't get out of my mind? Prince Philip spanking Queen Elizabeth's royal ass when they made love and the attendants in the hallway outside the bedchamber resisting their urge to laugh.




The look of utter contempt...
 A German prisoner of war, who happens to be an officer in the Luftwaffe, glances at the British soldier in contempt as he steps foot off a hospital ship in England. October 6, 1941.


Andromeda Galaxy captured from the Swiss Alps.
Each dot a galaxy and yet there are those who think we are alone in the universe.

 Yes, I know I've shown you that before, but it's an appropriate lead-in for this example of just how many people smoke plants they find in their environment.

On American TV there is even a show called Bong Appétit, which has people teaching how to cook their favorite marijuana-laced recipes. All the while thousands of Americans go to jail for having it in their possession. That is worthy of some thought.
All you people who, despite overwhelming evidence, think that marijuana ought to remain a class one drug are misguided at best, and maybe even evil.

Not one non-believer has ever been possessed. Think about that a minute.

Many Americans reject having the government provide health coverage for its citizens, even though we know that poor people are now forced to go to the emergency room for minor ailments like the flu - something far more expensive. And all of the scare talk about the horrors that would ensue, the people who have it love Medicare.  

Spoiling a flag burning...
After the game, he said “If you’re going to burn the flag, don’t do it around me. I’ve been to too many veterans’ hospitals and seen too many broken bodies of guys who tried to protect it." 
And one of the things they fought for was our right to do such things. We Americans have a right to be stupid, disrespectful and obnoxious.

Many of the most important jobs pay the least - think firemen, policemen, and teachers.

Again I ask, what do you think would have happened if the perp had gotten the cop's gun. I think the cop had every right to shoot to kill.


The wife and I are doing a sugar-free diet and I have not had sugar in front of her in over a month.



This girl was given a pet tortoise in 1962- 56 years later...




This almost made it to people showing off, but I needed one more animal clip...


Oh, no!



Having thick thighs means you can hold more puppies on your lap, so who's the real winner here?



A truck orgy? 

"Playing With Juxtaposition" was the title of these, so you know I had to use them. The last one is my favorite.

I have no words...


Is that true?

Yep, god is a young black guy. I knew it all along.


Did you notice the guy in the white suit take her chair away because he knew she wouldn't be coming back? 

I would stand and watch this all afternoon.

Remember this? Worth another view...


Did you notice the guy's shoes are on the wrong foot?



My wife asked if she was the only one I had slept with. I said, yes, all my other lovers had been nines and tens.



I had half a dozen or so clips of factory wonders but they were all too large to load. Such things mesmerize me.

It produces many more patterns.

This looks extremely efficient, both in dispersal and crowd control.

Okay, but how do you gather it up when it is no longer needed?

Perfecting robots must be a daunting task.


There must be many failures along the way.
Of course, now you simply show it the task and it figures out the most efficient way to do it. 

And I thought the cleverness of this design was the ability to move upside down. Might be wrong.

Praise the Helix!

Cutting silicone breast implant in half.
I don't know why that disturbs me so much. 

This has always bothered me.
I'm thinking that a lack of interpersonal skills will jump up and bite us in the ass one of these days.










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