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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 5, 2019

FRIDAY #3844

One Of My Very Own







Bunt Double

For those who don't know what a shift is in baseball: 


This is a Little League move that should NEVER happen in the big league.

And when the same move is faked, it's good for a few laughs...
When I was a child in Little League I met a major leaguer who asked us if we would rather play for a living or work for a living. 

Adam Savage's Iron Man suit flying.

That must be a fun job. He gets to invent all that amazing stuff and is given an almost unlimited budget.

1 car becomes 2 car

I've shown this before but in case you missed it the driver of the first car is seen flying across the roof of the second car.

I assume these men are playing a game of some sort...

It's a young man's game, old man.

Sniper Training - Day One
It's always funnier when it happens to fat people.

Many of us have played don't get arrested all our lives, but what's the exact opposite of "resisting arrest"?



It's weird how an attractive face is the criteria by which we decide whether or not to lick the area a person pees.



That's the second time I've seen a dog do that. Who knew?

 I have no affinity for squirrels, but you must realize that the squirrel is running for its life and the cat just want to kill something...anything.

Feuding neighbors...

We have all seen a woman pet a bird...

But some of them take a step farther...


If the police never did wrong then people would trust them. Nobody ever made a song called "Fuck The Fire Department."

In a parallel world far, far away...



Wild Bison on Santa Catalina Island






Comparison in the sun's size to Earth.

And if you zoom in on the grid...
The Earth is that small dot right in the middle.


During WWII, one in five deaths suffered by bomber crews were caused by accidents. One in five. Accidents.



Looks like somebody else lied on their resume.

Like I'm going to take pop-culture advice like that from Donald Trump.


I almost made this a What Happens Next but it's just too obvious.

  I have written whole novels on less.

So, what would you do?
I'm thinking that the middle area is the safest bet, then crawl over to the downside.

 That was happening far too often on a couple of stretches of interstate in my area. The state spent a bunch of money installing restraining cables in the median and they work.

Did she maintain eye contact to establish dominance?

A couple of my fuses blew out. An electrician wanted $600 to fix it. A little Youtube, determination and now my house is on fire.



Women's USA basketball team vs. El Salvador's.

You don't see too many great-great-grandfathers. 

It took some effort but I managed to isolate a small area to prove to myself that it doesn't move.

The last time I saw an ass like that it was on a float during Carnivale in Rio.


Are they mating?

Singapore Airport

It's much more impressive in motion.

Iowa Class Battleship squeezing through the Panama Canal.



I think people on meth are angry because they got all them food stamps and no teeth to eat with.









 I think I'm a pike guy.









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great read today.
*Many thanks for the Trump idiocy posts.
*C-7: & Earth to sun ratio is amazing and shows just how tiny our world is
*How we can eventually afford a Tesla roof before we kick the bucket

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