About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 8, 2019

MONDAY #3847

One Of My Very Own


On the left the little kid I used to drive home every day.
On the right that kid today.





West Milford Took This Photo While On A Hike In New Jersey, Moments Before The Bear Attacked And Killed Him.
I wonder how many people have died BECAUSE they felt the need to take the photograph. 

The Red Car In This Photograph Contained A Bomb That Killed 29 People And Injured Some 220 Others. The Man And Child Both Survived, The Photographer Didn't.
I know that some of the images are reposts but it fits in this section perfectly. 


This wee Sicilian child was embalmed 99 years ago and appears to open and close her eyes.

It has been deduced that it’s an optical illusion with light filtering through windows change through the day. 

Guardian Angel...


 King cobra bites python. Python constricts cobra. Cobra dies of constriction. Python dies from the venom.

That made my stomach turn. 

I've talked to a lot of warriors. They tell me that there are two kinds: Those who think they will certainly die and accept it, and those who think they are invincible. 

This photo shows a 250-kilo WWII bomb that detonated last weekend on a field in Germany. Luckily nobody was near the explosion.

Photographer Robert Landsberg Captured The Wall Of Ash That Would Kill Him When Mt. St. Helen's erupted. He Managed To Protect The Film With His Body.

Robert Overcracker, A Professional Stunt Man, Drove A Jet Ski Over Niagara Falls To Raise Awareness For The Homeless Back In 1995. This Photo Was Snapped Just As His Parachute Failed To Deploy, Sending Him Down To His Death.

A lesson in how to get your ass clubbed unconscious by a riot cop. 

So many grounded 737 Max planes waiting to be fixed, Boeing has had to park them in the employee parking lot.
Just being assigned the wrong airplane can kill you. 

And the culprit?
High heels, of course. 

Another mugger off the streets of  London. The spray is smart-water so that if he gets away and they catch him later the liquid he's sprayed with will identify him as being the person involved. 

14-Year-Old Keith Sapsford Hid In The Wheel Of A Flight Leaving Sydney Towards Japan. A guy testing His New Camera Unwittingly Caught the kid's 200ft Plunge To Death.

Guy cuts a gas cylinder without checking if it’s empty first.

"The Concorde Crash - Moments After Takeoff One Of The Plane’s Engines Caught On Fire, Causing The Plane To Crash Into A Nearby Hotel, This Killed 113 People."
That really was the caption to that image. It was in a collection of ways people died, so I guess we can assume the young man was crushed to death.
And it is a nice segue...


I like to help my wife find things by pointing out that it has to be around here someplace.



First date shenanigans.

Speaking of...





And for a Praying Mantis, it means all three at once.

A couple of books you may have missed...



 What fun.

Guy set up a motion detector to compressed air to keep the cat off the counter.
The thought of an animal roaming atop my food prep area is disgusting.



Whenever you feel like you've made mistakes in life, just remember: You are still better than Hitler.




 On a smaller scale, I have cut a million tile when creating mosaic murals.

Swamp creatures in a French nature reserve by Sculptor Sophie Prestigiacomo.


This animal figures out a physics problem...all by himself.



 I talked to a guy who said he worked for a for-profit prison and further stated he was a member of the goon squad. I asked what that was and he said they have groups of men scattered around the country and when there is a disturbance in a prison they would be flown in to beat the shit out of the disturbers.

When my daughter was little she wanted really long hair so she wore one of my tee shirts like that and faked it. 

 Mount Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest mountain in the solar system. It is 24 km high and 550 km wide. Its height is 3 times as Mount Everest is larger than its country such as France.














Scott James said...

Monday Punday - I googled the date. Once you do, the answer is obvious.

David said...


Anonymous said...

I love it when individuals get together and share thoughts.
Great site, keep it up!

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