About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

SUNDAY #3846

One Of My Very Own


California 7.1 Earthquake, the moment it reached the Big Bear Bald Eagle Nest Cam

 Turn off your Natural Gas or Propane Gas if you are in the affected area(s).
Keep your shoes next to your bed, broken glass can cause serious injury.
Pack a go-bag with extra clothing, water, and food. Hopefully enough to take care of yourself and your family for the first 2 days after an emergency situation. A LifeStraw and Protein Bars can be lifesavers.
Call 9-1-1 in an Emergency, try to keep the phone lines clear if possible.

Other damage incurred...







Scaring the shit out of loved ones seems to be a universal pastime.
I would love to know what he told her at the end. Whatever the threat he felt a need to repeat it.
But not all such gags are painless...


Going for strolls can be problematic in the city...

But the countryside offers its own special problems.
Nova Scotia, Canada - where you need a full body mosquito net just to take a stroll.


No word where this magnificent place is.

With the proper attitude, you can recreate while on the job.

And don't try and tell me that spraying peaceful protesters with pepper spray isn't recreational. I would pay them to do it.

Many people use drugs to aid in their search for the perfect recreation.
Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses guy tripping balls and wishing he wasn't. The link is well worth watching.


She may have regretted this once the paralysis waned.

Aaaand lights out.

Many people consider gym workouts a form of recreation.

Some less successfully than others...

An invention that forever altered the meaning of recreation.
A boy sees a TV for the first time in 1948.

I've driven on so many roads that looked like this.

Most of them had a train track on the other bank.

This is a perfect illustration of a remarkable driving error I once witnessed.

I was traveling at 70mph on an interstate behind a pick-up that had a bathroom vanity cabinet teetering on the edge of its load. Fearing that it would land in the lane ahead of me I backed off. Then a woman passed me while I was waving frantically. She then pulled in front of me. I started flashing my light and she drove on. The cabinet that was half the size of a refrigerator landing two hundred yards ahead of the woman. With this box in plain view, she hit it at full speed. 
So remember, driving can be recreational, but there are some awful drivers out there.

And an educational trip to the petting zoo.


Dance like nobody's looking.

That woman has to be the worse dancer I have ever seen.
This bear dances much better than she did.


The only consolation of miserable weather is knowing it will fuck up protest marches.




Soviet Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev stuck in space during the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The cosmonaut eventually returned back to earth on March 25, 1992, after 10 months in orbit - to a nation that was very different from what it was when he had left. The Soviet Union had fractured into 15 nations, presidents had changed, and even his hometown of Leningrad had become St. Petersburg.

Happened in Moldova recently.
That is why most places have building codes. 

The new retro VW bus.
It's electric and I like it. 

Just a reminder that in 2022 two stars are expected to fully merge and the explosion will be visible to the naked eye.


River Geomorphology - https://youtu.be/AE771AdF5dM 

Manmade Islands

This exoskeleton allows people with mobility disorders to be upright and mobile and walk for 4 hours continuously on a single charge.


That doesn't mean they don't decay, which is reassuring. But once these quasiparticles have decayed, they are able to reorganize themselves back into existence, possibly ad infinitum.

I wonder how long it will be before it has to eat again.

And human beings swarm all over it looking for salvage.


Strength in numbers...

Holy moly, the mother of all bees!


And here are the leaders of a Texas town that voted to ban abortion creating a "sanctuary city for the unborn."
 Y'all Queda.

 But wait, there's more...
It's a very long list.


I don't always do the wrong thing, but when I do it's the wrongest of all the wrongs that we're ever wronged.





 Reminds me of my honeymoon.







Now THAT is how you chain down a load! 









David said...


ferd.berfel said...

Monday Punday = "Beer Brats"

Scott James said...

Monday Punday = Frankenstein

Anonymous said...

Link exchange is nothing else except it is just placing the other person's weblog link on your page at proper place and other person will also do same
in support of you.

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