One Of My Very Own

The division of the two-party system is ruining this country.
I had a conversation with my friend Gary who stated as fact that the USA was the greatest county to ever exist. I reminded him of some facts that I will now share with you.
We fight too many meaningless wars.
He refused to accept that we lost the Vietnam War even though the enemy's flag flies over our ally's capital. Imagine that.
"Shirtless Anti-War protester Frank C. Plada will later die in Vietnam."
We seemed to have learned nothing from that debacle.
We, as a people, refuse to adequately fund much-needed treatment for our veterans.
Yet we keep sending them off to distant battlefields needlessly for the inevitable emotional and physical scarring.
I want a strong military that will prevail when called upon for a legitimate provocation. But we have more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined. Just how strong do we need to be?
Most of us haven't gotten over the notion that white people are somehow superior to dark-skinned people.
Ask yourself whether you are STILL more likely to be like Bob Dillon or these guys.
You can change for the betterment of the nation. Please do.

That is a fairly good comparison between Capitalism and Socialism. Should our country be obsessed with the accumulation of more wealth for the upper-tier or the welfare of all the people?

It should embarrass all Americans that millions of us would go bankrupt if they got seriously ill.
Most of us have favorite college teams. Mine is the South Carolina Gamecocks. I become emotionally crushed when they lose and elated when they win. I have given them the power to do that to me.
The pro-teams of Green Bay Packers and Chicago Cubs do the same thing for the simple reason that they are my chosen teams.
I feel different riding in a make of truck I prefer. I have a favorite color that I have endowed with the power to affect my mood.
Many of you "KNOW" that Christianity is the best religion because your parents were Christian.
All of these things - and many more - are only personally powerful because you chose them or inherited them or had them thrust upon you. But your choosing it does not actually make it superior.
You think America is the best country BECAUSE you are American. But Germans think their country is best, as do most every citizen of every other country.
Furthermore, the ugly side effect of this favoritism is that it is very easy to hate those who chose differently than yourself. Specifically, Jews hating Muslims, Protestants hating Catholics, Americans hating Mexicans, and Gamecock fans hating Clemson fans.
But what does it mean to be the best county? Is it merely a matter of power? Think of how many of our fellow citizens are in prison. Think of our drug problem. Think of our murder rate.
Sure, I love America, but that doesn't mean America is flawless.
And neither of the two major political parties have all the answers. Many of you think your political party of choice is the best simply because you root for them to win each election. Oh, you may say you are conservative therefore the Republican party meets your needs. But one of the major tenets of conservativism is fiscal responsibility which they abandoned long ago.
Life is about making choices. All-day, every day. But your choices were programmed into from birth and there is no guarantee that your programmers got it right. My humble advice is to doubt every single thing that you hold dear and question exactly how you arrived at those "truths."

Me: I want to talk more about my blog.
Therapist: *buzzes secretary* Cancel my 10 o’clock.
Me: But I’m your 10 o’clock.

This $200,000 boat rig used for moviemaking.
I'm assuming you can mount any boat you want on the apparatus.
Horten Ho 229 pilot.

The local ant tribe speaks of The Burning Line, a strip of land scorned by the Sun god, where all are forbidden to travel.
Special tool for making stuffed grape leaves.

Boy, did I get that one wrong before I read the caption.
A whole new level of freedom - A guy builds a young woman an off-road electric wheelchair made by welding two electric bikes together.
And the lamp!
Wait for it...


ME: Revise my plea? Why?
JUDGE: Read it back.
RECORDER: Defendant said, "Cauliflower is just white broccoli".
ME: *lips on mic* I stand by that.


I know I've mentioned it before, but that happened to me...only I was up 20'. Broke my leg and my arm.
I know I mention this too often...
But adult graffiti artists should grow up. There are so many meaningful messages they could illustrate besides that same long worn-out design of their youth.
Pro-level moves.
I watched the best in the world practice that kind of thing while in Puerto Rico.
Of course, they were doing it for the money. They had sponsors and there was a cash payout for super performances.
I just don't get endangering oneself for mere thrills.
And Americans whine about potholes.
Did you notice that the driver's escape door is on the downhill side of the bus? If it rolls he has no means of jumping clear.
At the Gay Pride Festival
I can support gay rights and ridicule the bullshit they think up. I mean, if you invent a name for a woman who loves and marries a tree, that doesn't mean I can't find that hilarious.
This is a pot store where they offer free samples. Would you like to know what this lady finds so interesting. Got to watch them both.

It won't be long, I predict, that part of your identity will include recently divorced.
An arrest for a nazi salute.
An argument could be made that being allowed to make that dreaded gesture could empower them, but I think we should allow them to identify themselves so we know what we are dealing with. The same goes for the word "nigger". If we allowed its usage then we could identify the bigots.
Forget Blade Runner. This is how I remember him.

He died, by the way. I think every actor has been talked into doing movies that they later regretted.
It was so much easier when the enemy wore uniforms.

To remind you of the advice I posted several days ago:
People don't want to end their life so much as they want to end the life they are living at the moment.

That was a joke. But what I know for sure is that lazy people shouldn't blog. This shit is hard work.

Me: Can I get a Big Mac?
Employee: Sir, this is a Burger King.
Me: Sorry can I get a Big Mac, your majesty?

Captain Native America

"The separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.”
- Albert Einstein probably
Sunset reflection makes it look like my neighbors house is on fire.
Ok, now I'll go camping again.

President's cabinet in Idiocracy.
The male members approached the star who went forward in time with a prostitute...
One of the cabinet members said, "Me and the boys were wondering if we could have a go at"
That reads very much like something I would write.

Speaking of...

Those zany Mexicans.

That's a billion souls old.

President's cabinet in Idiocracy.
The male members approached the star who went forward in time with a prostitute...
One of the cabinet members said, "Me and the boys were wondering if we could have a go at"
That reads very much like something I would write.

Speaking of...

Those zany Mexicans.

That's a billion souls old.
Get it? If not ask your teenage son.
Motherfucker, please.
Notice the teamwork...

Motherfucker, please.
Notice the teamwork...

Ways to prepare onions.
Let me know how that works out for you.
She got tire marks on her new spray tan.
I want just one believer to look me right in the eye and tell me that they actually believe that when they die part of their being will float off into deep space where they will live with Jesus and his dad for eternity.
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