One Of My Very Own
I've given up on even trying to deal with this gif mp4 shit. I am forced to send you back to sites to hook up with the clips. I don't want to but it seems everybody wants to post gifs and shit that is much too large for Google's Blogspot to handle.
I beg youR forgiveness if you find this problematic.
I've given up on even trying to deal with this gif mp4 shit. I am forced to send you back to sites to hook up with the clips. I don't want to but it seems everybody wants to post gifs and shit that is much too large for Google's Blogspot to handle.
I beg youR forgiveness if you find this problematic.
Now go back and look at its pre-shit on appearance. That sumbitch has been shit on plenty of times.
Reenactment of how the dinosaurs went extinct.


I wonder if my wife will get that.
Timelapse of the Madagascar Deforestation from Burning and Slashing
There's gotta be another way to build an economy. What's currently happening around the world can hardly be called normal economics.
I don't even know what this is and still found it fascinating.
Reenactment of how the dinosaurs went extinct.


I wonder if my wife will get that.
Timelapse of the Madagascar Deforestation from Burning and Slashing
There's gotta be another way to build an economy. What's currently happening around the world can hardly be called normal economics.
I don't even know what this is and still found it fascinating.

This security system prevents cats from leaving the yard
I beg you to do something like this to keep you murderous beast from destroying you local eco-system.

In rare conditions, snow will fall and then the wind will blow a layer of sand back over it, resulting in an otherworldly layer.
The Moon and Saturn

The rare and elusive Albino UPS Truck spotted in the wild.


Mike Pence’s full name is Mechanical Pencil.
And here is the #1 reason for my distress.
I understand normal American's loathing of their government. I share some of their reasoning. But this man is an embarrassment.

When a cable news channel points out the thousands of times they have caught him in all-out lies, that doesn't make them the enemy or false news. I want a wall on the southern border. I want to get firm control of immigration. I want to equalize China-US imports/exports. But this guy is not the answer.
The bar I hang out in has a habit of hiring ex-cons and other less than desirable employees and it has worked out quite well.

RH: But those few lunatics can shoot up a lot of schools and churches.
Chemtrails rebuttal...

Logic need not apply.

Teach a man to fish and he’ll turn around and try to teach you to fish like he invented it and you’re an idiot.
Why men should not wear men purses...
Flight from Paris to Tunis got diverted to Nice because of this incident.
Scroll down that page to see the culmination.
Relax, it's a crash dummy.
"Why was I cursed with this...UNHOLY ACTING TALENT?"
King Cobra wanders into a village after a drought and is given water by rescuers.
I wondered why they didn't just kill the thing. I Googled the number of people killed by snakes in India and got this:

Clever but dangerous.
Outstanding Prank
Lady used a carrot to look like a severed finger. Unmute.
However, she has just opened the door for her sons to think of even more diabolical pranks to scare the shit out of her.

Ovulating in your forties is like a going out of business sale.

US Women's Soccer Star, Carli Lloyd, makes a 55-yard Field Goal during Philadelphia Eagles practice.
Oh, by the way, if you think you deserve to occupy 108 square feet of the Earth forever and ever and ever, then you are an idiot. There are so many other options. If my mother and father, who are both from the old school, can opt for cremation, then I know you can see the folly of the old fashion burial in a cemetery.
Sunset Landscape (by Jason Anderson)
Rubber band machine gun...
Creative Caramel
I was amazed.
Now, this is how bricks are supposed to be laid. is a new one. You let the alignment done in the factory.
Starting a restored WWII German Panther tank.
Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo, Japan
As a design guy, I can honestly state that that design is utterly brilliant.^^D9^^

What happens when we die?
Me: People fight over your stuff.
I can see my nephews doing that...seriously.
The Slap Part 2

English humor?
Repost? Hell, I can't remember anymore.
Before & After 1st day at school.


Leslie Nielsen's Doing A Fantastic Interview.

I laughed aloud.

English humor?
Repost? Hell, I can't remember anymore.
Before & After 1st day at school.


Leslie Nielsen's Doing A Fantastic Interview.

I laughed aloud.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Vaccinate you goddamn kids!
Vaccinate you goddamn kids!
Lot of really entertaining stuff today, great post. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for making me laugh and go 'Ahhhhh!"!
PS: Except for that penguin shitting.......
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