One Of My Very Own
The difference between how you talk at work and at home all in one clip.


Many places have rules in place that forbids cops from shooting fleeing suspects. Seems to me that will just lead to damn near everyone trying to get away before being arrest and more importantly, being identified.

A whole squad of riot cops just springs on the scene in seconds? What's up with that?


Wife: I’d rather chew on aluminum foil while listening to gospel rock.
Me: ...a simple, “I have a headache” would’ve been fine.
And you know why I think he knows what he was doing? Cause I knew what the fuck I was doing and I could have done that.
I know it's a trick but I can't figure it out.
This man is getting paid by the job, not the hour.
This man is getting paid by the job, not the hour.

The lady at the boarding gate said they have a family-friendly policy to always seat children on board with their parents...even if I paid extra.
A Beautiful Mind
One of John Nash's sons plays the orderly on the right, in the scene where Nash is being dragged down the hall.
The Grapes of Wrath
Prior to filming, producer Darryl F. Zanuck sent undercover investigators out to the migrant camps to see if John Steinbeck had been exaggerating about the squalor and unfair treatment meted out there. He was horrified to discover that, if anything, Steinbeck had actually downplayed what went on in the camps.
Banned in the Soviet Union by Joseph Stalin in 1940 because of its showing that even the poorest Americans could afford a car.
That's amazing.
That was a beautiful scene in a movie I watched and every time I see something like that I am reminded that my dream job would be a scene locator for movies.
I hope this loads but I have doubts. Open it in another tab or click on the link - I think it that impressive.
Our Sun's Mass Compared To A Supermassive Black Hole
It's a clip from a presentation about black holes.
The incoming tide at Mont Saint Michel, France.
This 3D printed synthetic bone to replace a damaged one.
The US Mint produced two major varieties of the 1999 Lincoln Memorial Cent (Penny). The most common variety for the Philadelphia-minted 1999 is the close "AM" variety.
In the word "AMERICA" on the reverse of the coin: The close "AM" meant that the letters "A" and "M" were very close and almost touching while the wide "AM" had the two letters separated much more. In Addition: The initials "FG" was closer to the Lincoln Memorial Building on the wide "AM" variety and it was further away on the close "AM" variety. The difference between the close "AM" and wide "AM" varieties are shown in the example image below...
USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 1999 Lincoln Memorial Penny (Wide AM Variety) is Worth $518 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition.
Cambridge engineer Dr. Hugh Hunt recreates Barnes Wallis's famous Second World War bouncing bomb called a "Dambuster".
Tuberculosis kills about 1.6 million people per year worldwide, and drug-resistant strains of the disease are becoming more common, making it difficult to treat. The new antibiotic, called Pretomanid and developed by the nonprofit TB Alliance, achieved a 90 percent success rate among patients with highly drug-resistant forms of TB who took the antibiotic as part of a three-drug, all-oral regimen over a six month period.
When my wife and I argue it’s usually over something petty like “What are we going to watch tonight?” or “Who’s that guy you were just having sex with?”
For the record, Tom is just a friend.
A 13-year-old boy received temporal skull fractures in the incident that happened when he was grabbed, picked up and slammed the boy on the ground because he did not remove his hat during the national anthem.
Land of the Free? Have I missed something?
I find things like 'hang up the phone' and 'roll up the window' so very interesting. I began looking for images for old phones and stopped at this one dating back to my youth.

But I never 'hung up the phone.' I placed it in the cradle.
Finally, I found this first phone that you literally 'hung up the phone.'

But in the search, I hit upon this image but rejected it because it was a reproduction.
I did enlarge the image, however, so later that day on a completely different site this ad popped up.

Does that make you uncomfortable? Me...not so much. It's shit like that that gives me free internet.
NOTE: Days later I found this image to remind me that we used to hang up the phone when I was growing up.
You have to ask yourself if we...collectively...are getting stupider with the advent of the internet?
I feel compelled to retell a story from my youth.
I was on a roadtrip to Ashville, NC with some of my drunken buddies and on the way home, we stopped at a huge weekly yard sale held in an old drive-in theater. It was great every time we went. Old tools, ancient wooden children's blocks, old newspaper printing etching of photographs, etc, etc. I loved it.
Then I came upon a Cherokee Death Rattle made from a turtle shell. These are but reproductions.
The one on sale that day was ancient. I've worked with leather since I was twelve years old and the leather on that rattle was very, very old and it had no cheap trinkets like the above. Anyway, the owner wanted $125 and I declined even though I had won much more than that in the weekend poker games. I have never regretted anything more in my life.^^D4^^
RH: That is insanity.
I read a study concerning a company that offered a 401K for their employees and immediately got almost 100% participation. After a few years, they revamped the offering to include a dozen or so options and participation dropped to 50%. The complexities between the options were just too much for the workers to deal with.

One of my best friends owned a popular wing restaurant and he lamented to me how expensive the wings were getting. It was a simple case of supply and demand, of course, but he feared if he raised his prices then his business would suffer.
I suggested he use turkey wings, which were still dirt cheap at the time. He said that he had tried to cook turkey wings every way he could think of and 1) they were tougher than chicken wings, and 2) they just didn't have the taste people were used to.
I will assure you that there is a way to cook turkey wings that would rival chicken wings.
Any of you people have any advice for my friend?
It's easy to think of climate denial as a right-wing phenomenon, but a growing and ultra-violent strain of white-nationalism also embrace climate science, in the worst way possible.
You won't believe that shit.
But who knew those same people who did this had the intelligence to even understand climate science?
Speaking of Nazis...real Nazis...

Under British military escort, two captured Luftwaffe crewmen walk out of the London Underground. The German in the center keeps his cool while shocked citizens watch them from the background.
Now I want you to think about two things:
1) An English pilot who bailed out over Iraq during the war was beaten mercilessly. When asked about it he said "I had just dropped a 2,000-pound bomb on their house, what did you expect them to do?
2) Now I want you to imagine an enemy pilot bailing out over Texas.
Those fuckers would be strung up IMMEDIATELY!

My divorce was like... what’s that sound? Oh, it’s the sound of nobody chewing.

We non-nurses can only wonder.
In case you would like to see that guy in motion...


Ball fired out of a truck at 50 mph while the truck is going 50 mph.
1 comment:
Google coffee scene Robin Williams for choice
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