One Of My Very Own
Wake up, people!

If all the glaciers on Iceland melted it would raise the ocean by 14 feet...or so I'm told.
What are you people who deny the problem going to say when it gets much much worse? "Sorry, my bad"?

It was stated that the movie star, Fan Bing Bing, showed up later. Public apology. Paid her taxes. It’s ok for her.
What would that do to daylight savings?
What a great headline...

Can't you just smell that?
I will remind you that disposable aluminum trays are the greatest for camp cooking.
And you know how they say that sojourns in the wilderness improve your mental health?
I think 90% of that is just getting away from the maddening crowd.

I have never been a fan of the government controlling our lives, but when considering the health of our children I think they should step in and force the matter.

The Japanese painted a decoy B-29 with a 300-foot wingspread, so scaled that it appears to be flying at several thousand feet. From a great altitude, the decoy gives the illusion of a B-29 in flight with flames streaming from its port inboard engine. American fighters would drop down to investigate and become targets for a heavy concentration of flak.
The US 8th Air Force, which flew daylight missions over Europe, had a 19% death rate, if you survived being shot down, you had a 17% chance of becoming a POW.
The RAF Bomber Command, which flew the night missions, had a 44.5% death rate and an 8% chance of becoming a POW.

The average age of a bomber crew member was just 22 years of age.
Prior to 1944, each crew had to complete 25 combat missions to be eligible to come home. Nevertheless, statistics at the time showed that each crew member had an average of a 1 in 4 chance of making it or about 12 to 14 missions. Of course, a lot depended on what you did. A tail gunner, for instance, had life expediency of four missions—-that’s two weeks.
A ball turret gunner wasn’t any better (plus if the planes' engines were hit, it could knock out the turret’s electrical or hydraulics systems). That meant the ball turret gunner was stuck until they got back. If the damage affected the landing gear, it mean that the full weight of the plane came down on the gunner.
This is genius!
Who thought two grasshoppers having sex would make for a good building for a restaurant?
I've mentioned before that I had a great friend who did that in the 70s. He served in Vietnam then got the guard duty for...I'll let him tell you in his own words:
"I got blowed up in Nam and wadn't good for much else...and I was exactly 6 feet tall and weighed 180 pounds."
Praying Mantis vs lizard...
This is extraordinary.
Ctenophore (jelly) species called Lampocteis in the deep ocean.
Sweet, two-legged doggo having a great time at the beach!
1.7 Million Hong Kong Protesters. Go Hong Kongers - 18 Aug 2019
The fluid dynamics of the crowd is fascinating.

An evil turn off switch.

I conducted a test a few days ago and it worked. That symbol indicates that the file was too large to upload, but if you right key click (two fingers on a Mac) you will get a list of options. Just click on the Open Link in New Tab to see the clip.
That is just diabolical.
I'm guilty of this.
Not at the beach but I have thrown butts out my truck window.
I will make every attempt to reform. Sorry.
What Is Happening Here?
A. Dad is rushing his injured child to the hospital.
B. Dad is going to surprise her with Mom's return after a long absence.
C. Dad is avoiding spending money.
D. Dad knows she is nauseous.
E. Dad has shat himself and doesn't want her to smell or see it.
C. He doesn't want her to see the Toy Store.

I think his fifteen minutes of fame should be over.



How the hell do you practice something like that?
When she says nothing's wrong but then hits you with the "I just think it's funny that....."
This article just gets better and better as you read.
The old raw potato trick.
You call it being filled with the Holy Ghost.
I call it hysterical mass hysteria.
I'm sure there is a rational explanation
"This appears to be skydivers with illuminated suits. The first two with pyro. The others turned on only after their chutes deploy."
RH: Or drones.
I bet you get this Jeopardy answer wrong.
Look carefully at the piece she's pulling out. What do you think will be the result?
BTW - He's fucked.
I wonder if Loretta Lynn and Tommy Lee Jones have stayed married that long.
I would carefully level the steps but leaving them very much visible. Then I would buy some dark grout and fill in the holes thus forever capturing his tiny indiscretions.
I give a lot of thought to some of the clips about why they are being filmed in the first place.
I'm thinking that was faked, otherwise, why film it?
This guy was vigorously pedaling his bicycle upside down and filming the drugged up motherfucker just makes sense.
Doing his best in dealing with life's bullshit.
He's on the type of drugs you get from a man whom you'll never see again in your life.
But I think we can all agree that if we saw that happening we would film it.
But then there's this. The light gray car pulls out in front of the dark car that is driving far above the speed limit. They collide and the dark car ends up on its roof.


It was stated that the movie star, Fan Bing Bing, showed up later. Public apology. Paid her taxes. It’s ok for her.
What would that do to daylight savings?
What a great headline...

Can't you just smell that?
I will remind you that disposable aluminum trays are the greatest for camp cooking.
And you know how they say that sojourns in the wilderness improve your mental health?
I think 90% of that is just getting away from the maddening crowd.

I have never been a fan of the government controlling our lives, but when considering the health of our children I think they should step in and force the matter.

I don't mean to brag but my sense of humor has people saying they worry about me sometimes.
The Japanese painted a decoy B-29 with a 300-foot wingspread, so scaled that it appears to be flying at several thousand feet. From a great altitude, the decoy gives the illusion of a B-29 in flight with flames streaming from its port inboard engine. American fighters would drop down to investigate and become targets for a heavy concentration of flak.
The US 8th Air Force, which flew daylight missions over Europe, had a 19% death rate, if you survived being shot down, you had a 17% chance of becoming a POW.
The RAF Bomber Command, which flew the night missions, had a 44.5% death rate and an 8% chance of becoming a POW.

The average age of a bomber crew member was just 22 years of age.
Prior to 1944, each crew had to complete 25 combat missions to be eligible to come home. Nevertheless, statistics at the time showed that each crew member had an average of a 1 in 4 chance of making it or about 12 to 14 missions. Of course, a lot depended on what you did. A tail gunner, for instance, had life expediency of four missions—-that’s two weeks.
A ball turret gunner wasn’t any better (plus if the planes' engines were hit, it could knock out the turret’s electrical or hydraulics systems). That meant the ball turret gunner was stuck until they got back. If the damage affected the landing gear, it mean that the full weight of the plane came down on the gunner.
This is genius!

Who thought two grasshoppers having sex would make for a good building for a restaurant?
I've mentioned before that I had a great friend who did that in the 70s. He served in Vietnam then got the guard duty for...I'll let him tell you in his own words:
"I got blowed up in Nam and wadn't good for much else...and I was exactly 6 feet tall and weighed 180 pounds."
Praying Mantis vs lizard...

This is extraordinary.
Ctenophore (jelly) species called Lampocteis in the deep ocean.
Sweet, two-legged doggo having a great time at the beach!
1.7 Million Hong Kong Protesters. Go Hong Kongers - 18 Aug 2019
The fluid dynamics of the crowd is fascinating.

Oysters are an aphrodisiac because they figure if you swallow that, you'll swallow anything.
An evil turn off switch.

I conducted a test a few days ago and it worked. That symbol indicates that the file was too large to upload, but if you right key click (two fingers on a Mac) you will get a list of options. Just click on the Open Link in New Tab to see the clip.
That is just diabolical.

I'm guilty of this.
Not at the beach but I have thrown butts out my truck window.

I will make every attempt to reform. Sorry.
What Is Happening Here?
A. Dad is rushing his injured child to the hospital.
B. Dad is going to surprise her with Mom's return after a long absence.
C. Dad is avoiding spending money.
D. Dad knows she is nauseous.
E. Dad has shat himself and doesn't want her to smell or see it.
C. He doesn't want her to see the Toy Store.
He told his mom that the new monitor was a touch screen.



The “unfortunate” hair singe “accident” of ‘09 is why my wife is no longer allowed near the grill.
*she adjusts sunglasses, sips wine*

When she says nothing's wrong but then hits you with the "I just think it's funny that....."
This article just gets better and better as you read.
The old raw potato trick.
You call it being filled with the Holy Ghost.
I call it hysterical mass hysteria.
I'm sure there is a rational explanation
"This appears to be skydivers with illuminated suits. The first two with pyro. The others turned on only after their chutes deploy."
RH: Or drones.
I bet you get this Jeopardy answer wrong.
Look carefully at the piece she's pulling out. What do you think will be the result?

BTW - He's fucked.
I wonder if Loretta Lynn and Tommy Lee Jones have stayed married that long.
I would carefully level the steps but leaving them very much visible. Then I would buy some dark grout and fill in the holes thus forever capturing his tiny indiscretions.
I give a lot of thought to some of the clips about why they are being filmed in the first place.
I'm thinking that was faked, otherwise, why film it?
This guy was vigorously pedaling his bicycle upside down and filming the drugged up motherfucker just makes sense.

Doing his best in dealing with life's bullshit.
He's on the type of drugs you get from a man whom you'll never see again in your life.
But I think we can all agree that if we saw that happening we would film it.
But then there's this. The light gray car pulls out in front of the dark car that is driving far above the speed limit. They collide and the dark car ends up on its roof.
My observation is that there is not one person filming it prior to the collision, but of them filming the other guy filming.

I'll never not enjoy that stupid bastard.
1 comment:
That thing about spiders reminded me of something. Hmmm...
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