One Of My Very Own

Lesson Learned: Always keep your windows up when committing a felony, and NEVER get out of the car.
Free Milk

No Disney princess he...

Wait for it...



This dog is on point in front of the birdcage.
The too-long gif had him hold the point for a long time.
This guy has to explain this a lot.
If you only watch one gif today, let it be this one.
Zagreb, Michael Pederson

The perfect segue for the next section.

People on Facebook are crazy. You can be like “I like summer” and there’ll be a comment under it like “Wowww really? summer??? How dare you even say that? I expected more from you, you entitled piece of shit”

25 men died in this apartment building fire because they couldn’t find the stair 1 roof access.

[verification needed]
How'd he do dat?
Scallop Gallop
And who would have ever guessed that they are absolutely delicious?
And then there the roach of the ocean...and we eat the shit out of it.

Millennials are ruining the divorce industry!
His full name was Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji.
I got a pair of those. It's so funny listening to my neighbor blaming dogs for shitting on his porch.
Did you know that a Space Plane Has Now Been Orbiting Earth For 719 Days?
The X-37B looks a little like a smaller version of NASA's old space shuttle, and the US Air Force has at least two of the solar-powered aircraft, which were built by Boeing.
This Day in History - August 27
Castle Peak
I would have thought that the rubble would have rolled or been washed from the mountain top a long time ago. I don't think I've seen anything like that before.

This is remarkably entertaining.

I can remember my teachers never being able to get the transparency situated properly on the first try. They would put it on upside down first, then flip it with the face side up, then every time they tried to adjust it they would push it the wrong way.
I use one to enlarge image; a task for which it can't be beaten. I just photograph the drawing, print it out on a transparency, and turn it on.
Every teacher had one of these. They are not very forgiving of mistakes.
I never mastered this thing even though I got one as gifts every year.
My 4th-grade daughter came home in a funk, explaining that she had read every book in her school's library. Her first library card solved that problem nicely.
I remember the librarian asking me if I wanted to put any restrictions on what she could check out and I said no.
This was a fad that they should resurrect.
Remember the story about the young child that told her father that she wanted to play the naked man game like her teenage boy babysitter had taught her. Freaking out, the father discovered she was referring to that game.
I never got that to make a complicated design.
Yep, I had those. They go in the handlebar grips.
This was a must for me in the classroom since I tend to bear down with the chalk.
First time on skates I was streaming around the rink in minutes. The same thing happened with water skis.


The companies that are as large as entire countries’ stock markets.
By the way, Alphabet is the parent company of Google.
I have nothing against making money, but the most important thing should be protecting the environment.

Sadly there is a lot of guilt to go around.
Here's some advice you may want to consider.

25 men died in this apartment building fire because they couldn’t find the stair 1 roof access.

My wife just told me that she made hash browns out of cauliflower and I showed her that I still have my divorce lawyer on speed dial.
[verification needed]
How'd he do dat?
Scallop Gallop
And who would have ever guessed that they are absolutely delicious?
And then there the roach of the ocean...and we eat the shit out of it.

Millennials are ruining the divorce industry!
His full name was Maharaja Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji.
I got a pair of those. It's so funny listening to my neighbor blaming dogs for shitting on his porch.
Did you know that a Space Plane Has Now Been Orbiting Earth For 719 Days?
The X-37B looks a little like a smaller version of NASA's old space shuttle, and the US Air Force has at least two of the solar-powered aircraft, which were built by Boeing.
This Day in History - August 27
Castle Peak
I would have thought that the rubble would have rolled or been washed from the mountain top a long time ago. I don't think I've seen anything like that before.

This is remarkably entertaining.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget, some dance because the swamp witch’s curse compels them to, and you can usually pick those ones out right away.
I can remember my teachers never being able to get the transparency situated properly on the first try. They would put it on upside down first, then flip it with the face side up, then every time they tried to adjust it they would push it the wrong way.
I use one to enlarge image; a task for which it can't be beaten. I just photograph the drawing, print it out on a transparency, and turn it on.
Every teacher had one of these. They are not very forgiving of mistakes.
I never mastered this thing even though I got one as gifts every year.
My 4th-grade daughter came home in a funk, explaining that she had read every book in her school's library. Her first library card solved that problem nicely.
I remember the librarian asking me if I wanted to put any restrictions on what she could check out and I said no.
This was a fad that they should resurrect.
Remember the story about the young child that told her father that she wanted to play the naked man game like her teenage boy babysitter had taught her. Freaking out, the father discovered she was referring to that game.
I never got that to make a complicated design.
Yep, I had those. They go in the handlebar grips.
This was a must for me in the classroom since I tend to bear down with the chalk.
First time on skates I was streaming around the rink in minutes. The same thing happened with water skis.

My wife's motto: Any beach is a nude beach if you drink enough margaritas.

By the way, Alphabet is the parent company of Google.
I have nothing against making money, but the most important thing should be protecting the environment.

Sadly there is a lot of guilt to go around.
Here's some advice you may want to consider.
Today's favorites:
* The Free Milk guy
*Turn signals
*Defend your answer
*Polish orphans
Need to know why the stars move a lot yet the light remains virtually unchanged in the Milky Way video. Emailed the photog and will post again if I get an answer.
I have now heard from the photographer (Eric Brummel), who explains that the light on the horizon is not from the sun but is rather light pollution from some towns near the Salton Sea, amplified by some low hanging clouds and the long exposures necessary to photograph the Milky Way.
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