One Of My Very Own

I have a special love for black and white since that was my specialty in grad school. I absolutely loved developing my own shit.

Black Widow at spider party: Oh yeah looks like there are lots of edible bachelors here.
Of course, this tractor ends up in the water, but the question is how much water will it fall into.
A. A little bit of waterB. A lot of water
C. A shitload of water
D. A buttload of water
C. A shitload of water
This white-haired person is about to get smacked in the face.
From whence does the attack originate?
A. The man's headB. The man's hand
C. The man's foot
D. The man's elbow
Can you name the artists?
. Pollock Miro
Van Gogh Warhol
What does akimbo mean?
I really like that word.
This truck is towing that car at about 30 miles an hour.
What is about to ensue when the truck slams on its brakes?
A. The car crashes into the back of the trailer.
B. The car crashes into the back of the truck.
C. The car makes it up onto the trailer then veer back off again.
D. The car is positioned perfectly on the trailer.
My wife keeps moaning until she turns her migraine into an us-graine.
Artist Uses 100,000 Banned Books To Build A Full-Size Parthenon At Historic Nazi Book Burning Site
This is well worth a visit:
Firefighting Shotgun
Fish cakes

“There’s no such thing as “too much” when it comes to ice cream.” - this guy

Life is too short not to do what makes you happy.
Beer in the shower.

Fuck yeah if that's what you want.

I wonder if there is a dildo mounted on the seat.
Wanted: 6 people to dress up as Zombie Teletubbies and join me in a circle howling at the moon in my neighbor’s arbor.
No weirdos.
Need proof?
Florida man has some competition.


Extreme Birth Control?
Meanwhile in Ukraine
Imagine if this was allowed in Washington.
I would never leave C-Span
Only in mother Russia would this man's helmet make sense.


Some people are shocked when they find out I have a degree from Harvard. It’s not my degree, found it at a yard sale. But still, I have it.
Fuck cats<>
New York at night
Notice the size of Central Park. Now think about how valuable that land is if opened to developers. But the city founders were more concerned about the welfare of the people than developing every square inch of their land. What happened to the welfare of the people being the government's primary concern?
I tried for years to get funding for a mural on a half-mile concrete block wall that was 10' tall. I knew that the design would have to be quick and simple so I visualized something like the above only painted on the wall and consisting of various shapes. The wall is but feet from the road so only visible from passing vehicles.
Couldn't raise the money and now I'm too old.
The magic of surface tension.

They should have one of those in every mall to give husbands hours of enjoyment while waiting for their wives.

If I'm not mistaken they both peed on an electric fence and got shocked. It's probably faked but I only posted it to make a point. I once peed on an electric fence and it did, indeed, shock my pecker. Then I watch Myth Buster where they "proved" it couldn't be done. Their mistake was using purified water and there were no impurities to aid the current. They fucked up the fact that you can drive smoothly on a washboard road if you speed up. They said it was a myth, but I have done it and I know it works.
I have hauled trailers most of my adult life and I've had it swerve from side to side and I KNOW the way I stopped it was to speed up. Others "read somewhere" that speeding up would not work, but I lived through it.

A master chopstick user at such a young age. Amazing.
Now I want you to think about the same culture that dig holes with shovels, move hay with a pitchfork, dip water out of a bucket with a ladle but the eat with two sticks. And do they hinge the sticks like tongs? No, they do not. Just two sticks.
I was planning a section of celebrating life but I ran out of images. This was one of them that I rejected.
It shows two young women celebrating something. I thought it delightful, but the more I looked at it the younger they looked. So I rejected it. And thus is the life of a blogger.
The other night I texted my wife asking her to dance with me. So when I got out of my cart in the driveway she came out and we danced.
We dance in the kitchen also.

Hey, salt and vinegar chips people, all chips have salt. You are eating vinegar chips.
Oh, the memories.

If you would like to enjoy this with her delightful accent...

"A docked ship carrying petroleum products in Ulsan, South Korea, blew up. The captain and 25 crew members were all rescued. The Coast Guard and the Ulsan Fire Department are investigating the cause of the explosion."
And here is the guy's reaction.
Like any sane person, he backed up immediately.
But how the unholy shit did anyone survive that?
But why was there only one vehicle on the highway?
This is my wife when I read her the above...
Day 239 and still no tomatoes..... I guess I didn’t get grandma's green thumb.
I wonder how many people know who that is.

B3 - Surely it's René Magritte rather than Miro?
B3 - yes - Magritte, not Miro.
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