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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 18, 2019

FRIDAY #3949

One Of My Very Own













Speaking of...
Cock Wizard.
Shlong Sorcerer.
Meat Mage.

Magic Johnson.




Had Robinson Crusoe never left the highest, or more correctly the most visible point of his island, from desire for comfort, or timidity, or fear, or ignorance, or longing, he would soon have perished; but since without paying any attention to passing ships and their feeble telescopes he started to explore the whole island and take pleasure in it, he managed to keep himself alive and finally was found after all, by a chain of causality that was, of course, logically inevitable.”

Kafka, Robinson Crusoe





Insane sobriety test
[verification needed] 
What a hoot!
It's my guess that the majority of UFO sightings involve some sort of trickery. We all know from the internet that people love to troll other people. 

Insert your theme music for the showdown of all showdowns.
A concrete road in the middle of what looks like a jungle.

Not his first rodeo.

We always travel with a few clothespins to use for closing chip bags and such, but they could also be used for the above.

Momma got her gun. 


This is how you know your boyfriend loves you...

I wonder if it's safe for humans.


Get yourself a girl who is into makeup. That way it's like having two girlfriends except one of them is kind of ugly.




Breathtaking views of the earth because there is no oxygen up there.

Freshly flash-frozen fish fillets.

I'll just leave this here...


How windy was it?

This eel has a xenomorphic 2nd jaw.
🎶If it lurks on a reef and has two sets of teef, that's a moray...🎶

Lowland gorilla at Miami zoo uses sign language to tell someone that he's not allowed to be fed by visitors.


How wonderful.

A new study comparing human skulls with those of other animals claims that the dimensions of our heads appear to follow the golden ratio - that special number with a controversial reputation for being the "formula for beauty".

Well, this hydrogen thinks that is very clever.




When you wake up from a nap so good that you think you missed the school bus...but it's Sunday...and you're 72 fucking years old.



They say that necessity is the mother of invention.

That is doubly true if your inventions won't save your life.

Hug your loved ones and check on your buddies.

Example #1

Example #2


But sometimes the solutions are thought through very well.

Do you think any American would play Twister with total strangers? 

If I'm not mistaken that is covered in motherboards.



Can we stop screwing around and just frost the whole Pop-Tart? We have the technology.




This was described as
"Migraine with aura rendition."
Here are some comments left on the site of origin:
- This is how they start for me and then the spot in the middle goes blank and I seem to lose vision. Does that happen to anyone else?
- YES. starts as a small shimmer that slowly expands to the whole field of vision! Thank God I do not get the headache, just feel the pressure.
- Almost every time! I get them every few months and most of the time I have to call my fiance to come to pick me up cause I can't drive home

- Yeah, have to keep closing one eye to check the missing spot is still there.

That used to happen to me about once a month. Scared the shit out of me. Mine was in both eyes which told me it was a brain thing. It hasn't happened since I quit drinking.













1 comment:

jon said...

I've had many of those visual distortion episodes over many years. While sitting in my eye doctor's office watching a video I learned that these are called ocular migraines. It used to scare the hell out of me too. they are apparently not at all dangerous.

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