One Of My Very Own

Being religious - he not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk.
Be like that person. Helping out another with no need for recognition.
"SIESTA KEY, Fla. — When owners at the Siesta Key Oyster Bar saw the destruction Hurricane Dorian did to the Bahamas, they knew they wanted to help, so they started pulling dollars from their iconic walls to donate.
For years visitors have been leaving their mark at the bar by decorating dollar bills and they stapling them to the walls and ceiling.
But as I know as a fact, the bank won't take them and you have to send them to the mint to have them approved. Remember that I was given almost that many to make art out of.

That's probably untrue but this is supposed to be factual...
This woman wrote:
"I was hanging out with my bee buddies at their hive entrance. The big bees flying around me are their sentinels. They guard the area and watch to make sure I'm not a threat."

Can just anybody do that? How do you make yourself non-threatening? I'm still awaiting word on whether I can just put a hive in my back yard and leave it alone. I don't want the honey or anything else. I just want to give them a place to live but am not keen on maintenance.

I hope the guy who cut me off in traffic today has his book made into a movie and the characters are nothing like he imagined them.
To be faaaaiiiiiiirrrrrrrrr...maybe she has a type.
Remember this?

And here is that piece of work...^^B3^^
There was a band which toured Air Force bases in the 60s and they would sing this line repeatedly to the tune of Colonel Bogey's March from Bridge Over the River Kiwi.
🎶Re-up and buy a brand new car...🎶
🎶Re-up and buy a brand new car...🎶
Speaking of, this gag you ought to get by now...

Why is this still allowed? Tying up huge tracks of land just to house your preserved corpse. I don't get it.
This is one of the lastest gags that is quickly getting old...
But two can play this game...

Fucking with your buddies seems to be a universal past time.
Do you think that is factual? I ran it through image search and couldn't find anything that said it was fake.
Muzzle discipline fail...
My great-nephew was getting a little restless in a restaurant when he was six or so years old so Uncle Ralph took him outside for "a little mischief." We found a sign similar to that one and changed letters around. Yeah, I was that kind of uncle.
In America, young adults are now more likely to live with parents than spouse.

We used to call home collect and ask for ourselves so my parents would know I arrived safely.
How about you take your own advice.
You will never be given a more accurate council.

Moron: Do you think it is okay for the president to solicit a foreign government's assistance in effecting American elections?
A millionaire once told me that the only difference between a rich man and a poor man is that when the shit hits the fan the rich man is better dressed.

Tilt-shifted timelapse
I think that technique would work well in how-to videos.
Here were the models for that presentation:

A hut made of mammoth bones, Cro-Magnon, Mezhirich, Ukraine, 15000 B.C.

Dinan, France

I so do love the absurdity.
Speaking of...

I did some exactly like that. Mine was bigger but it was the same technique.
I like how stationary his feet remain.
Why wouldn't he just wear a cheap wig?
The University of Washington's Husky Stadium is on the shoreline of Seattle's Union Bay. It's possible to watch football games from the water, which has led to the practice of "sailgating" -- watching and partying from boats anchored just offshore.
To Wendy's, that's an untapped market. So the company built a barge with a complete Wendy's restaurant on it and floated it out for Huskies fans.
[verification needed]

🎶Re-up and buy a brand new car...🎶
🎶Re-up and buy a brand new car...🎶
Speaking of, this gag you ought to get by now...

Why is this still allowed? Tying up huge tracks of land just to house your preserved corpse. I don't get it.
This is one of the lastest gags that is quickly getting old...
But two can play this game...
The birth of a supervillain.
Yeah, well we weren't a bunch of idiots back then.
Do you think that is factual? I ran it through image search and couldn't find anything that said it was fake.
Muzzle discipline fail...
In America, young adults are now more likely to live with parents than spouse.
And that is how you lose a culture. Just ask Germany, France, Belgium, etc. I'm talking about not replacing yourself.
That a C+ average which means that more or less half the team was less than that.
My wife would take a bullet for me but then criticize the way I drive her to the hospital.

We used to call home collect and ask for ourselves so my parents would know I arrived safely.
How about you take your own advice.
You will never be given a more accurate council.

Moron: Do you think it is okay for the president to solicit a foreign government's assistance in effecting American elections?
A millionaire once told me that the only difference between a rich man and a poor man is that when the shit hits the fan the rich man is better dressed.

I hate when people ask me what I did today. I don't know...I breathed a lot. Probably got mad at something. Sighed. The list goes on.
Tilt-shifted timelapse
I think that technique would work well in how-to videos.
Here were the models for that presentation:
Augmented reality floor

A hut made of mammoth bones, Cro-Magnon, Mezhirich, Ukraine, 15000 B.C.

Dinan, France
I was told that the reason the higher floors were bigger than the ones below them was that the building was taxed only on the size of the foundation.


I so do love the absurdity.
Speaking of...
Now you can't even walk around barefoot.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, followed by countless others, gradually merging into a relentless trudge.

Can you read this lady's lips?

"Walk like an Egyptian."
I read lips just well enough to see the difference between hell and well, etc.
I like how stationary his feet remain.
Why wouldn't he just wear a cheap wig?
The University of Washington's Husky Stadium is on the shoreline of Seattle's Union Bay. It's possible to watch football games from the water, which has led to the practice of "sailgating" -- watching and partying from boats anchored just offshore.
To Wendy's, that's an untapped market. So the company built a barge with a complete Wendy's restaurant on it and floated it out for Huskies fans.
[verification needed]

Possible after Ronald Reagan bitch slapped the USSR out of existence.
Communism - And remember, when given a vote none of the countries voted to continue with the old communist ways. Not. One.^^E6^^
1 comment:
a 2.89 is not a C+! B = 2.5, B+ = 3.0
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