About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 21, 2019

MONDAY #3952

One Of My Very Own






Girl proudly displays her completed 1000 piece puzzle.

This is why I prefer hockey. You pull shit like that on the rink and you will get a beatdown.

Got his ass Avada Kedavraed

The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) is a tool of the Dark Arts and one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It is one of the most powerful and sinister (if not the most sinister) spells known to Wizardkind. When cast successfully on a living person or creature the curse causes instantaneous and painless death, without causing any injury to the body, and without any trace of violence.
PS: Due to the actions of passersby the man survived being struck by lightning.

It probably began innocently enough...
Then 'Luge Chugging' was invented. 
I like this.

Put me in the game, Coach.

Dads are all the same.




One of my bartenders had a full softball scholarship to the University of SC. She guessed that she was the only heterosexual member of the squad.

I think I would like this movie.

It reminded me of this classic scene.
I waited nervously for the remainder of the movie for her to do that again.

Given a cycle length of 28 days (not the ruleā€”but an example), the maximum that two women can be out of phase is 14 days. On average, the onsets will be 7 days apart. Fully half the time they should be even closer. Given that menstruation often lasts 5 days, it is not surprising that friends commonly experience overlapping menses, which is taken as the personal confirmation of menstrual synchrony. 


Fuck that! I would proudly share my history with anyone who had a need to browse it.



If you glue a dead wasp to your palm you can smack just about anyone on the head and act like you saved him.

I told this joke to my female doctor.

She acted like she didn't get it.


HK protestors use a homemade siege engine against the police.

And they wonder why they get their ass kicked.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone's Official Apology to China


Flying Buttresses

When in Paris I spent a lot of time studying those things.



Find the leopard before he finds you.







American Doublespeak


 Iranian cosmetic surgery enthusiast Sahar Tabar, 22, has reportedly been arrested for blasphemy. Tabar is known for her creepy selfies in which she augments her surgically-edited face with makeup and digital effects. Judicial authorities arrested Tabar after members of the public reportedly made complaints about her, Tasnim reported. She is accused of blasphemy, instigating violence, illegally acquiring property, insulting the country's dress code and encouraging young people to commit corruption.


Served as shown, directly onto the diner's hand.






The Good Old USA

Yet when I voice my desire to save American lives and financial well-being by providing universal health insurance I am accused of being Communist...or worse.

So my shit is just dumped on the tracks?!?


My heart goes out to the people in Cincinnati and their families. Nothing happened in Cincinnati, they just live there.




 Turns out eyeballs in donkey noses are terrifying.




This may not be as safe but very seems much more efficient in that you only lift the log once.

Look at her. They abandon all hope so very young. 

I may have posted this prior, but as I remember one version was too large. 

I've always regretted that I never took classes in glassblowing. 

 Look carefully.

It and the other photo was of models.
 Here are some more...



The Glenlivet collaborated with renowned mixologist Alex Kratena to create the ā€œCapsule Collectionā€ beautiful, fully mixed whiskey cocktails that are contained in conveniently edible seaweed pods by sustainable packaging company Notpla. No ice. No stirrer. No glass. Weā€™ve ripped up the rule book with our groundbreaking collection of cocktail capsules with a sustainable seaweed-extract casing from Notpla. The packaging is similar to what is used for Tide Pods. 
RH: That got adult trick or treat written all over it.

Pretty tenuous grasp on the alphabet there, Emma.


[verification needed] 





 The other tank is a good shot also.







Scott James said...

Monday punday= buccaneer

Doug said...

a Buck an ear.

Larry said...

A buck an ear

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves it when people get together and share thoughts.
Great blog, continue the good work!

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