About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


One Of My Very Own





Have these people lost their minds?!?
Waiting on a bridge toll in Vallejo, CA.

Who the fuck wouldn't just run it? I would.
And what's with some cars going the OTHER way?!?!



That mother cow is frantic to help her screaming calf.
I'm thinking the horse more or less wants to do that anyway and the man just has to show him how.

Maybe prefabricated sections?


This delightful young woman seems to really like that pizza.


Bethesda Game Studios cafeteria

I'm assuming for people who like to sit backward in their chairs.
But wait, that's nothing new!
I'm open to suggestions.




This guy is stuccoing an entire wall from one rope.


An award-winning photo.
I sincerely apologize for not getting the photographer's name.
I don't know if that is sand or snow. Anybody? 
Found it days later:
Animals in their environment winner: Snow-Plateau Nomads by Shangzhen Fan, China. A herd of chiru leaves a trail on a snow-veiled slope in China’s Altun Shan national nature reserve. These antelopes, to survive at elevations of up to 5,500 meters (18,000ft) have unique underfur – shahtoosh – very light, warm and the main reason for the species’ drastic decline. A million chiru once ranged across this plateau, but commercial hunting left only about 70,000 individuals. Rigorous protection has brought a small increase, but demand for shahtoosh shawls still exists. (Photo by Fan Shangzhen/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year)

Morning Becomes Electric by Uma Bista
 Here's why that title is very clever.


Hieronymous Bosch because why the hell not?

If you think that is weird, read Revelations in the Bible.


We claim to be the dominant species but the second a wasp shows up we become its bitch.



What damage can one small stick of dynamite do?

I get this email once or twice a month.

Who the fuck would pay $80 for a few likes?

They probably read and believed in Revelations. Unlike you modern believers who don't really believe a word of it.

I'm assuming it's a car wash. 

Hell, I would love to sit next to that thing.

And he walked away...literally.

Her low fashion purse is inside her high fashion purse!

How realistic is it?

I found this hilarious. My bartender posted it to his Twitter page.

The bartender at my bar took this pic of a server who at times can be...abrasive. I get along with him just fine after I warned him to stop slapping me on the back.
As soon as the bartender showed the bar patrons the image I was the first to say I would add $25, then everyone chimed in with similar offers.
Anyway, I would have worded it "bitch slap" instead of "open hand." But maybe that's just me.

Let's end this section with several homeowners' plumbing mishaps.

Don't leave burning candles on the back of a cheap toilet.

 He thinks this is grounded.

That's a plastic pipe.


Since yawning is contagious someone might have started an endless yawning chain without knowing.















Waitress: Parmesan?
Me: Yes, please.
Waitress: Say when.

Me: I was thinking about right now.



I know nothing about this...
Except that it gets a whole lot of visitors. 

 I hate to plead ignorance so often, but that came without any data also. I don't even know how big it is.

SpaceX will be single-handedly responsible for increasing the number of objects launched in the history of humanity by a factor of five.

"I'm still terrified that it might turn out to be wrong," said one of the scientists.

 855 Millimetres Per Second = 1.9 mph

 Another guy said...

This guy says this...

Here's what your blogger has to say about it:
Let's suppose that you are a school teacher and the district pays half of your health insurance, and let's further suppose that it costs $1000 a month - they pay half and you pay half.
When the federal government provides Medicare for all, how about we pass a law that requires all companies and governments to increase your pay by not only their share of the now-defunct insurance policy, but YOU KEEP YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE OLD NOW DEFUNCT INSURANCE.
That means that your paycheck will increase by $1000 a month.
Why have I never heard this discussed?



Girls, rope swings, and cameras are a deadly mix.



Do yourself a favor and ask a believer to explain to you exactly what the Holy Ghost is. Seriously. They actually believe it.

 I will never tire of that clip.






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