One Of My Very Own
You won't believe how long it takes these stupid bastards to get on the road.
That is a life-threatening lack of situational awareness on an epic scale.
You won't believe how long it takes these stupid bastards to get on the road.
That is a life-threatening lack of situational awareness on an epic scale.
That kid goes to a daycare that has a bully.
Or he IS the bully.
Two elderly women fighting.
Bitch can run faster and farther than I can.
Very unusual feeding time...
And they are born with these hunting skills...

Secretary birds are famous for its snake-stomping legs. They are also famous for their long eyelashes.
And there are plenty of people who believe this shit is not faked.
Struggle on a large scale...
Thank you, magnetic shield you magnificent bastard.
A valuable lesson so young...
So, is he so good or are they so inept?

I can almost hear that little guy.
Sometimes the struggle is self-imposed...
If this passes, you can kiss Folio Olio goodbye.

I love segues as perfect as that one.

I don't understand all there is to know about all of this - nor do I want to - but the internet is abuzz with it.

That was then, this is now...

Finally got my modem relocated so that my wife and I can pick up the signal in the kitchen where I spend some of my time and my wife spends all of her time.
To get it up off the counter, she found an old art piece of mine consisting of half a dozen old telegraph keys all interconnected inside that old pie box - with no link to the outside world. It's a commentary about an art critic who panned an exhibition of my paintings I had at the State Museum.
It was clever of my wife for choosing the most modern form of communication juxtaposed with one of the oldest.

I got a comment about me posting updated pics of my Dollar Art piece as my readers' contributions filled it up. I explained to him that to date I have received not one bill - the same I got for celebrating my 2 millionth blog hit - zero, zilch, nada.
Thanks, guys, I love you too.

I read an angry comment about that very thing. The guy was irate with having his electricity cut off to forestall the possibility of having strong winds bring down the lines that would start a forest fire. The guy wanted the electric company to improve their system and maintain it so that the lines would not fall down.
That would require them to denude the land of all trees a hundred feet from any powerline; an option nobody would allow.
This is one of my wife's best friends.

This old fighter pilot was in the Hanoi Hilton with John McCann for seven years being tortured almost daily.
He told my wife that he never knew how much pain he could endure and under those circumstances, anybody would do whatever was necessary to just make it stop.
The military changed the old rules of prisoner behavior after Vietnam from giving Name, Rank, and Serial Number only to...stay firm for as long as you can...then do whatever you have to do to survive.
After his death the city let my wife know that they were placing a wreath on his monument above. She was afraid someone would steal it. I countered with placing a large black ribbon on that door.
But then my rapier wit flashed directly off my spinal cord and I blurted out "Or you could take pieces of electrical tape and place exes over his eyes.
I hope you appreciate that more than my wife did.

I think I've shown you that before, but solutions like that actually work.
And that's why it is called a Spitfire.
Warfare is a huge catalyst for innovation.
I haven't the foggiest idea of how that is done.
This looks fucking delicious.
Of all human innovations, I think food preparation is the most diverse.
The findings reveal that inequality can be detected in sewage. Wealthy people's shit has biomarkers for digested fresh fruits and veggies and grains, as well as higher doses of caffeine.
The poorer you are, the more likely it is that your waste contains biomarkers for antidepressants, opioids, and meds for neuropathy and blood pressure.
How clever.
Supposed to be much more flexible.
I want someone to knit me a sweat of exactly that color - with arms - extra large.
And they don't require a smooth surface - behave much like skis.
1930 StreamLine KJ Henderson
Back before 'form follows function' took over the world of design.
Ruben Loza - Giant Head Sculpture
What's with the fucking mustache? Hitler?
Not recommended. But if that's all you have for a quick temporary fix I say go for it.




I love Sara Conner!
The Zangbeto is a ritualistic Gambian dance wherein the dancer is cloaked in palm fronds from head to toe.
I bet he sweats a lot.
Found between Navarre and Pensacola - Possibly from Hurricane Michael or Maria

Or he IS the bully.
Two elderly women fighting.
Bitch can run faster and farther than I can.
Very unusual feeding time...
And they are born with these hunting skills...

Secretary birds are famous for its snake-stomping legs. They are also famous for their long eyelashes.
And there are plenty of people who believe this shit is not faked.
Struggle on a large scale...
Thank you, magnetic shield you magnificent bastard.
A valuable lesson so young...
So, is he so good or are they so inept?

I can almost hear that little guy.
Sometimes the struggle is self-imposed...
If this passes, you can kiss Folio Olio goodbye.

I love segues as perfect as that one.

Whenever people try to push their religion on me I always try to sell them drugs. It creates some very awkward exchanges.
I don't understand all there is to know about all of this - nor do I want to - but the internet is abuzz with it.

That was then, this is now...

Finally got my modem relocated so that my wife and I can pick up the signal in the kitchen where I spend some of my time and my wife spends all of her time.
To get it up off the counter, she found an old art piece of mine consisting of half a dozen old telegraph keys all interconnected inside that old pie box - with no link to the outside world. It's a commentary about an art critic who panned an exhibition of my paintings I had at the State Museum.
It was clever of my wife for choosing the most modern form of communication juxtaposed with one of the oldest.

I got a comment about me posting updated pics of my Dollar Art piece as my readers' contributions filled it up. I explained to him that to date I have received not one bill - the same I got for celebrating my 2 millionth blog hit - zero, zilch, nada.
Thanks, guys, I love you too.

I read an angry comment about that very thing. The guy was irate with having his electricity cut off to forestall the possibility of having strong winds bring down the lines that would start a forest fire. The guy wanted the electric company to improve their system and maintain it so that the lines would not fall down.
That would require them to denude the land of all trees a hundred feet from any powerline; an option nobody would allow.
This is one of my wife's best friends.

This old fighter pilot was in the Hanoi Hilton with John McCann for seven years being tortured almost daily.
He told my wife that he never knew how much pain he could endure and under those circumstances, anybody would do whatever was necessary to just make it stop.
The military changed the old rules of prisoner behavior after Vietnam from giving Name, Rank, and Serial Number only to...stay firm for as long as you can...then do whatever you have to do to survive.
They used to have baseball-type cards for American heroes and his ordeal was documented on one.
After his death the city let my wife know that they were placing a wreath on his monument above. She was afraid someone would steal it. I countered with placing a large black ribbon on that door.
But then my rapier wit flashed directly off my spinal cord and I blurted out "Or you could take pieces of electrical tape and place exes over his eyes.
I hope you appreciate that more than my wife did.

There are so many people alive only because I shed too much hair to get away with murder.
I think I've shown you that before, but solutions like that actually work.
And that's why it is called a Spitfire.
Warfare is a huge catalyst for innovation.
This looks fucking delicious.
Of all human innovations, I think food preparation is the most diverse.
The findings reveal that inequality can be detected in sewage. Wealthy people's shit has biomarkers for digested fresh fruits and veggies and grains, as well as higher doses of caffeine.
The poorer you are, the more likely it is that your waste contains biomarkers for antidepressants, opioids, and meds for neuropathy and blood pressure.
How clever.
Supposed to be much more flexible.
I want someone to knit me a sweat of exactly that color - with arms - extra large.
And they don't require a smooth surface - behave much like skis.
1930 StreamLine KJ Henderson
Back before 'form follows function' took over the world of design.
Ruben Loza - Giant Head Sculpture
What's with the fucking mustache? Hitler?
Not recommended. But if that's all you have for a quick temporary fix I say go for it.

Out of all the places I could choose, a music festival would have to be my favorite place to perspire with 10,000 strangers.

Do you remember the guy who got fired for not knowing how many pieces of chicken he was supposed to put in the 8 piece chicken box? Well, my bartender asked him if he and another kitchen employee were cousins and he said:
"He can't be my cousin we don't have the same last name."


Being old: A cauliflower substitute has replaced all the carbs you love and the only joy you get is watching shows about murder.
Welcome To The Movie 'Day After Judgment Day.'
More here:
I love Sara Conner!
The Zangbeto is a ritualistic Gambian dance wherein the dancer is cloaked in palm fronds from head to toe.
I bet he sweats a lot.
Found between Navarre and Pensacola - Possibly from Hurricane Michael or Maria

It was suggested that this was from a sunken cruise ship with specialty rooms.
B4- it’s not necessary to clear more trees from transmission lines. The problem is that a for-profit company is in charge of basic public needs (in this case, utilities) PGE has chosen to marginalize their customers, and neglect years of routine maintenance / upgrades; instead focusing on squeezing profits and putting their shareholders first over public safety. The Kincade Fire was started by a faulty PGE transmission tower that’s over 40 years old. Other areas in CA (for example San Diego) are able to methodically and strategically shut off power for high risk small areas without these blanket preemptive shutdown measures because their equipment is consistently maintained and upgraded.
PGE’s system is severely antiquated due to years of negligence and mismanagement. I live in NorCal and have had power shut down preemptively 3 times already this month. It’s flat out unacceptable. All modern power lines and systems are designed to withstand 50+mph winds. PGE equipment can’t even handle 15-20mph gusts. I’d love to know of any other utility company in the US that has this same problem... they don’t, especially in areas with much more extreme weather.
Thank you very much for your time spent explaining that. I was unaware and for that, I apologize.
In my area of the country. Wyoming. Most of the power lines are buried.
Bullshit. I've driven through Wyoming and seen hundreds of miles of poles and wires. Why the fuck would you say that?
LOL you are correct there a lots of areas where the power lines are above ground but if you look closer you will notice many towns have them buried. You are seeing older infrastructure. New developments and construction areas mostly bury the lines now days, at least since the 70's
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