One Of My Very Own



How many times do I use the wrong response gif?
"You know what I can't stand?"
The importance of punctuation.
"You know what, I can't stand.

Me at the grocery store on the phone with my pregnant wife: So, do we still have to buy milk or what the fucks going on with them titties of yours?
Amazing times two!
I wonder how many 1.5 backflips it took until he managed 2.
But don't his house look sturdy.
In Jellyfish Culture This Is Considered A Dick Move


So, let me get this straight - she has never had instructions or even watched another person shoot a rifle?
Soon There Will A Dangerous Incident. What Causes it?

A. A falling limb
B. A dog
C. A purse snatcher
D. Gravity
D. Gravity
This is the way it is supposed to be done.

Here's how not to do it.

The instructions weren't clear.
But that is the perfect segue into the next section.

My neighbor got busted for growing weed today. Turns out my property line isn't anywhere near where I thought it was.

She must have just remembered that time he fucked her sister.
There is much talk about how large that man's penis is, but I believe that he has taken so many steroids, and steroids shrink manhoods.

Sorry, kid, but your parent was too busy filming to protect you from all those large rocks littering your landing zone.
I like to think his phone was packed with child porn.
But the look on his face.

The old blender to the face trick works every time.
Cheating on girlfriend prank reveals girlfriend is a ninja!
This Congressman’s phone password is 111111.
Speaking of...
I'm sure it was justified.^^C9^^
Next level guardian angel...
Karma tells me that the cyclist is on the way to donate blood or volunteer at a soup kitchen or attended an anti-Trump rally.
Did you notice the camera flash? That will be Exhibit A,
And lastly, sometimes you just accept karma...
And sometimes you make your own.

No language should be mocked...other than French. But I must admit that when I found out that the French word for vegan cheese is "fauxmage" it delighted me.

Why is there a coyote on the bus?

Probably because they can't fucking drive, Karen.
Those are napkins.
*gold* plated

If I was a hamster and I met a female hamster I liked I would say, "Hey, girl, are you from Holland cause Hamster Damn!"


At first, I thought it said "stuck a plunger up its butt."
Want to guess what this is?
The inside of a Pine Cone
This flashlight...
No humans live on Mullion Island off the coast of Cornwall in Britain. No humans are even allowed to set foot on the remote island without a permit. Mullion Island is a protected sanctuary for seabirds - and yet conservationists kept finding thousands of rubber bands there.
Apparently, the gulls who brought them from the mainland thinking them worms.
I'm thinking they shaped it like a pile of shit so the elephants would avoid stepping on it.
This Simple Process Can Turn Water Into an Environmentally Friendly Disinfectant, Hydrogen Peroxide.

Here's Why Ants Are Practically Immune to Traffic Jams, Even on Crowded Roads

Hey, I was in a car accident on Monday can you send me a picture of your titties?

Wombat doing wombat things
That is a very cute animal. I wonder if many people keep them as pets.
The kids on the left look like Children Of The Corn.
Anti-vaxxer Logic

But never in America - we like doing things stupidly!
You know it's all about money now don't you?
And that's why we need the electoral college.
I've painted murals on the face of stairs before.
I also painted birds, dogs and even cats tucked away here and there.
My signature was a picture of me on a tiny ladder painting a sign of the crew, funding source and date.

sound up
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