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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


One Of My Very Own



Of late it is getting harder and harder to fill my daily quota of new, unseen images. I hope this matter is only temporary.


NASA Just Picked New Planetary Missions to Study

And Enceladus is one of them.

Europa is already covered, but there's another huge icy moon in the Solar System that astrobiologists have been eyeing off with excitement - Enceladus, the icy moon of Saturn. Beneath its frozen shell, it has a liquid ocean. And in that ocean are large, carbon-rich organic molecules."
RH: As I understand it, a nuclear-heated torpedo thing will melt its way through the thick ice until it reaches the water. The melted water in the borehole will freeze behind it thus sealing the hole and the probe's heat killing any chance of contamination.

Jupiter Moons
I am honored that I am allowed to see such things. 

RH: I didn't believe that, but a little research confirmed it. 

What Was The First Color in The Universe?

An orange glow similar to firelight. And if you would like to know how they determined that: SOURCE: CLICK HERE

The A-12's bare titanium still shines, even through a layer of ash and city grime

 This is the A-12 trainer aircraft (#60-06927) outside of the California Science Center in Los Angeles. Nicknamed the "Titanium Goose," it was the only trainer built for the A-12 series.
 They were built in Palmdale, it was trucked to Area 51 where it was assembled and first flew in January 1963. The trainer was never fitted with the J58 engines that pushed other A-12s and later the SR-71 to Mach 3.2; as the plane would never be hot enough to need the special heat dissipation effects of black paint, it was left bare. 

This airplane logged 1,076 hours in the air, more than twice as many as any other A-12 in the program.

You would think those things would have a fire suppression system. 

This bird just chills while field burns around it.
I'm thinking that the farmer burns off his field every year and the bird has learned it has nothing to fear.

Nothing enhances innovation like the need to kill many people as quickly as possible.

"Needle's Eye" in New Mexico
Think of the engineering required to determine that doing it that way was quicker and cheaper than just blowing it up.

Interesting bike concept...

I uses the whole body. I'm not sure that is advantageous or not.



In retrospect, I think it's time to question Billy Joel's claim that his generation didn't start the fire.



Salami hose in Italy


A large cocaĆ­na shipment is apprehended...
"Okay, everybody, act normal." 

I have never seen anything like this before...
And if it happened once, then you know it has happened millions of times.

Sportsmanship at its finest. Players gather around a soccer player when her hijab started falling off during the game.

One of the comments on the site where I found that said you don't have to agree with her beliefs but you must respect them. 
No, you don't. There are so many things wrong with that that they can't just be ignored.


Two teenagers and their dog escaped serious injury when a tree crashed into their home in Maryland.
If you would like to hear them scream like snake-bit little girls:

How about the guy in the white shirt following the beast not screaming warmings to the beach-goers.

This is a repost...
 But the first time around I didn't notice the shadow of the fat guy with his erect penis sticking out.


That's why he gets the big bucks.

90% of parenting is making tiny portions of snacks look big and big portions of vegetables look tiny.



I used that very image to paint him into a mural in his hometown of Lancaster, SC. And it's not pronounced Lan-cas-ter down here. We rhyme it with "gangster. "



[verification needed]



Things that people had to tell other people:

Did you notice the guy's username?

RH: That guy thinks like a writer. 

Speaking of...


There should be a separate Olympics where athletes can take as many drugs as they want. Like, fuck it, let's see how high a human can really jump.



The movie Network was released 43 years ago and America has gotten much worse!


The senators and congressmen and women act like they didn't smoke dope when they were in school
 I lay all the life-ruining punishment squarely at the door of conservative Christians.

And we all know the allowable drugs are much more dangerous than a little marijuana.

Oligarchy is Democracy. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is a strength.



Repost to get star wars banned in China.
Lord Xi-th

I thought this worth my time.













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