About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 20, 2019

FRIDAY #4012

One Of My Very Own





The people who really need to read that will skip right over it.

I have stated often that I am more than a little perplexed over the ancestor worship evidenced by all the DNA tests and such. But let me make another point.
What about the millions of black people who trace their beloved ancestors back to slavery then the trail runs sickeningly cold due to their circumstance.  Would that make you, white people, just a tad pissed off if all your trails ran dry?

This guy makes some very powerful social-awareness images.
Perfect Garden - Pawel Kuczynski - Canvas


A couple of T-shirts to think about...


Republicans were in control of both houses for two years and did not open investigations. Whose fault is that?

I do that with dirty clothes left around my house.


I would love to be a fly on the wall of that relationship for a day. 



"The bigger the prizes(s)."

How refreshing. 


Be like that person.


My wife sent me that knowing it described her perfectly.

"Let us read and let us dance. These two amusements will never do any harm to the world."

- Voltaire



I'm surprised the fire department let them do that. Normally they don't want anything distracting from its location.


The way they used curved planks to go around the curves is wonderful.
I lost my virginity while lost deep in a forest.

At first, I thought this 2-in-1 Extendable Square was a great idea.
 Then I remembered that I own a half-dozen framing squares which do the same thing.
 Plus a handful of drywall T-squares.

And here are mine...

Cave Pearls in Carlsbad Cavern, New MÉXICO

They are calcium spheres and you can buy them on-line.

I still wouldn't let my daughters near it.


It is a sign of great insecurity to be hostile to the unfamiliar.




I realize that but I wanted to use that as a springboard to my thoughts on beards.
People have asked me why I grow a beard. I tell them every man grows a beard but I just refuse to spend the time and money cutting mine.
I never could understand men who look great in beards shaving them to reveal sagging jowls that are much less attractive.

But mostly I'm confused by the men who stop their beard before it gets to the natural fold between the face and neck and STILL leave the sagging jowls exposed.
Then there's this -
You can cover up most of the ugly part with a beard.

I posted a similar dog doing that to get out.
Then when it gets in it starts acting like a barking guard dog.

What's to keep it from ramming the kid's head into the corner of the door or some such shit? 


Those are wild birds.
How do you train them to do that? 


Cheerfulness is an exquisite type of cruelty.



Watch one man save another man from possible death...
I have often commented on the flimsiness of ladders in other countries and I bet this happens with frequency.


Wait until the very end...
And not one person stopped to offer assistance.
I have never been in such a hurry to pass an overturned truck like that. And with that much fluid on the road, I would have inched myself up the on-ramp.
But what about the dark car on the left that gets soaked. What happened to him?

According to the internet, this happens all the time...

What exactly is going on here?
This is a longer version of this incident. I now think the one in the red hoodie is a girl. But I can't make out who's on who's side toward the end.


You learn nothing from life if you think you are right all the time.



No word on the artist...sorry.




Artist JR extends IM Pei's Louvre pyramid with optical illusion.
















Stephen Hait said...

B3 - It only took getting to the 3rd one to see where this virginity thing was going. Nice to see a thread span multiple blog days.

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time: "Four aMAZEing Puzzles" (??)

Scott James said...

Thoughts on beards - As a man who has a full beard, I find it more work to keep a full beard than to shave two or three times a week. With a full beard I can't just get up and go in the morning, I have to do something with it. It's almost in the way and I am thinking about going back to "stubble" land. Its just too much work.
Just my opinion, but I sure do get lots of complements. Something a shaved face will never get.


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