About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


One Of My Very Own





Pepper eating with sound:

My mother insisted that I take Public Speaking in high school. Smart lady. I was rewarded for my whole life.


It kind of feels like we are living in a bad James Bond type movie universe.

One of the strangest juxtapositions I've ever seen.




My wife has this stuck on her computer.




If you eat in the grocery store and stay long enough to poop it out, then it's not stealing.




Silly girl, 9 would have been a lot easier to make with the other foot.



Then and Now

Now is better.

 "Repeat after me, 'Retinal.' One more time, 'Retinal'".

I would have done this just to make it worse...

Just for the record, a person born in '33 was '45 in '78.

It took me second but I vinyly got it.



Lots of force over lots of time...

 I'm a big fan...
I've seen it before but can't remember if I posted it. 


While this is a great use of space, that’s not what it was actually designed for. In reality, it is supposed to be used as a warming drawer once your food has been cooked. Keep your oven on warm and throw your food in there and never suffer from cold food again while waiting for everyone to sit at the table.

Want to guess what this is?
Hint: It's not just art.
 It's a BBQ grill.


 Do you think this footage employed a drone?
 If so it looks a little vulnerable. Maybe that's why the film ended so abruptly.

 What About Those Holes on the Sides of Shoes?
 "Those little holes on the side of the shoe have been known to be air holes for your feet, but there’s actually a better explanation. Being that Converse were originally basketball sneakers, the holes allowed some alternate lacing technique that stopped players from tripping n their laces on the court. So while there may not be a reason for them to be there nowadays, those little holes remain an iconic feature on the shoe."



And such ignorance is completely voluntary.


3D Pixelart Diorama
How day do dat? 

 Got 10 minutes?
Visualization of the world's richest people has a surprise ending.

 If you get bored just skip to end - and I was very surprised.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.



The Portuguese President conducting his annual 'Meet N Yeet'

My brother told me the story about a crewman on a plane that was scheduled to fly, but the guy got out of it because his kid had to go to the doctor. Once at the doctor's office he remembered forgetting the boy's medical records on the kitchen table. So he drove home, got the records and on his drive back the doctor's, the plane he was supposed to be on crashed - right on top of his car.

Complete and utter despair.
Repost? Sorry, but my eyes keep falling on that bride's hem. 


Higher than a giraffe’s bunghole.

My wife asked me how much pasta to cook and I told her the whole box...

And it's only € 14.90.

I like the way the dog put his foot on his food protectively.

Please get help if you need it. 

 "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

It's funny how in America nobody gives a shit about surveillance anymore.

What Happens Next?
 A. Flood.
B. Fire and Brimstone.
C. War.
D. Charging Animals.
B. Fire and Brimstone.




 Fun With Motorcycles









Scott James said...

Puzzle time - I thibk you win at this one, but I am going to guess
" Dont be a sucker"
For the life of me I could not figure out what the last picture is supposed to be.

Wrekreation said...

C11 I think studs are on 16" centers. A truss is different than a stud so the marks would be for putting up roof trusses.

Wrekreation said...

D1 YEET is 1/2 of a question. YEET YET? and the response is usually NO JEW?

(Did you Eat Yet? No, Did You?)

Anonymous said...

Pun: Don't be a tease.

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