About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 30, 2019

MONDAY #4022

One Of My Very Own


They can't drink, smoke, or buy a gun, but they can vote, incur massive student loan debt and fight to the death in a foreign country.



Freaks? No. If these mutations had given them a better chance to survive and/or to mate we may all be walking around like this.

As I understand it many of these extra digits are "floating", meaning there is no bone to bone connection and are easily removed.

Although this lady may have eliminated a few too many offending members...

If it's not real it sure as shit looks real...

[verification needed]

I found it!
Tooth and nail syndrome is characterized by absence (hypodontia) and/or malformation of certain primary (deciduous) and secondary (permanent) teeth occurring in association with improper development (dysplasia) of the nails, particularly the toenails.

This is why so many people are injured or killed during training.

They don't know what they are doing yet.
You have to stay calm and collected at all times.

I think that the car went over them.
Don't overtake a semi on a tight turn.
Luckily the guy survived, God, knows how.

Who casually drives by a car engulfed in flame?

Rejecting sound advice.

Well, Andrew, did you have a good time at your friend's party?



This man stopped to take a call...
Time to buy a lottery ticket. 

Long mustaches require some adjustments. He has no excuse.


They didn't think that through very well. 

Looks disgustingly real to me.



The Purge, except it’s Facebook removing all the blocks for 24 hours.




It seems every house in America except mine has cameras and you would think that lazy bastard would know that. 


Fukushima Atomic Exclusion Zone

And then there's this...



Nearly the entire continent of Australia was 100°F (38°C) or hotter a couple of weeks ago. Hottest of 121°F (49.5°C) forecast by some models.

This is how I feel when someone tells me the glaciers come and go all the time and that doesn't prove that man is doing it.


She was asked how much she thought an inhaler cost in America.

So, basically the French Revolution?

And there are those who blame immigrants, or blacks, or just about anybody who doesn't look like them.

“The new game, which China’s state-run Global Times is reporting is a hit title, is called simply Fight the Traitors Together. The game, which is playable via your computer or mobile browser, lets you shame and attack the Hong Kong protesters.
The game also notably includes cartoon versions of high profile Hong Kong activists Joshua Wong and Nathan Law. You can hit them with your hands, flip-flops, and even baseball bats. The game tries to echo PRC dogma, that the protests stem from “foreign forces,” like the U.S.

One of the most blatant bits of propaganda in the game is the western-looking characters offering lots of money to protesters to either kill police officers (which have been increasingly violent to protesters) or to just kill themselves.”

I lost my virginity on a train like that. 

It looks like Alaska. When I was there I saw many signs that look like the one on the left.

What the fuck does "emergency stop triggered" mean?



I once traveled 3500 miles to the breathtaking 15th-century mountaintop Inca citadel, Machu Picchu. The gift shop sucked.




Did you notice that the older pigs came within inches of escaping? That was very carefully designed to be the exact size needed without being too large.

Photo of a 60-year-old female elephant. One of the last known African "super tuskers." She passed away from natural causes in 2017 and was known as Kenya's "Elephant Queen."


Chicken can cannibalize?
 I'll take that as a yes.





It's always funnier when it happens to rich people.

What if that extra tire did something really cool like recharge batteries or washed your clothes?


My wife once jolted awake, frantically searched around, and screamed, "WAIT A MINUTE!






... And


I'm going to keep posting shit like that until you people stop acting like spoiled brats.

99% of the words spoken to me by my dad was "Go get me another beer."






I tell people that I put all world religions in the exact same box. They admit L.Ron lied to enrich himself, but then ask, Christians don't do it for the money and power. 
 I show them this guy.
 The chair is made of gold as is his robe.

 Because he fucking can that's why.






Scott James said...

Weird ass shit goin on here. Just after A11 you made a reference to the purge. I am watching the purge as I read your blog.
What are the odds?

Anonymous said...

Psilocybin (magic mushrooms)...
not surprising that it is being looked at for depression. The chemical is converted to a compound in the body that interacts with serotonin receptors. Nearly all prescription antidepressants on the market cause (either directly or indirectly) effects on serotonin receptors in the brain, thereby treating depression.

Anonymous said...

As someone who "tripped" on mushrooms in the 70's I can't imagine doing them again!
Thanks for all the Ahhhs re today's post!

Anonymous said...

Pun: dreadlocks

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