About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, December 28, 2019


One Of My Very Own


 A scientist is born...


I like the comments on my blog...I really do. But please don't do this to me:
I number each image to assist you and me in communicating more accurately and faster. I really don't have the time to look for any image in any given post that might relate to a comment.
Thanks for your understanding.






If you were ever wondering how so many people have turned their back on science, I think we have found the culprit - Christianity who actually believes the universe was created in six days.

[verification needed]



 It has been stated that paintings are mere decoration.
Yes, but they are the highest form of decoration known to man...so far.

For you Gentle Readers who are old enough to remember the Pentagon Papers, the Afganistan Papers have just been released and illustrate countless mistakes and lies that were covered up to keep this struggle ongoing. And remember, the very rich got considerably more rich profiteering off this war. We have been at war for two decades and none of us seem to give a shit. How can that be?

Please don't make an irreversible mistake that everyone who loves you will regret for the rest of their lives. 



I don't like it when the restaurant waitress asks "So what are you guys doing tonight?" because it makes me feel lame. THIS is what we're doing, Karen. Eating at Chili's IS the event.





If men could learn a relatively simple trick to satisfy their women he would learn it immediately. Yet women can all learn to take a man's dick down their throat yet most do not avail themselves of the opportunity.

When I was a teenager, a friend's father gave sat us down and showed us this gesture. 
He said that to satisfy a woman you shouldn't go straight in and out like that, but rather at the steepest angle possible to apply maximum pressure on the clitoris.
That was sixty years ago and I still remember it.

Well, good for them.

In my opinion the grocery store is an excellent place to start.

Seriously. Heartbroken "loney" women gotta eat, too.


Did you notice that he has them on the side also?


Technically, a millennial is anyone who had to learn cursive but never had to use it.



I lost my virginity in a boat just like that. 

There was once a Mexican race car driver who won an international race in Europe. When the winners take the podium, tradition dictates that they play the driver's National Anthem.

But the racetrack had never had a Mexican driver before and didn't have a recording of the Mexican anthem. So they played South Of The Border instead.

Galveston County Republican Party Chairwoman Yolanda Waters says her use of the N-word in a text message about fellow party member J.T. Edwards was simply a typo. Edwards, by pure coincidence, is black. The Galveston Daily News reports that “Waters complained about personal loans she and her husband had made to Edwards, and then followed her complaint about the money by calling Edwards a ‘typical nigger.’”
RH: No explanation of what she was trying to write.

 And they can grow mammoth...




Y'all know you can literally buy a turkey any time of the year right? Because I'm starting to think some of you don't.



 Using huge snow blowers in Montreal in Spring 2019 to blast water back over the sandbag walls because the pumps weren't keeping up and they were losing the battle.  It brought the water down in the entire neighborhood in 1 hr! Innovation at its finest.
Watch them in action:

Before scrolling past it try to guess what amazing food has these stats.
 Don't laugh. If the American Mid-west is hit with a prolonged drought we may all be eating bugs.

A strap for them, a strap for the bike, and if not mistaken a strap to pull them back to their starting position.


Ergonomic handle, machete blade, and saw.
I could have used one of those.
I would have had a knife in the handle...and a sharpener...and a beautiful 21-year-old female survival expert.

You can get them self-driving.

What a wonderful thing to just stumble upon.

Pilgrim 1: God blessed us with a new world, but now what do we do for our starving families?

Pilgrim 2: Let's put belt buckles on our hats.


Jim Reed?





Maybe yes, maybe no.

 Maybe not. Most of the comments thought it was a man in a bear suit. What do you think?


Wanna buy something but can’t find it online?
Just text someone about it! Instagram will show you ads the next minute.

Problem solved.





Circles near Isla Aguada, Campeche, Mexico
 As of Dec.10 nobody knew what these were.
Someone suggested they were trying to grow mangos to protect the coast due to global warming. 



Star Destroyer Sizes


I saw another film where a duck walked right on top of those things and snatched up a bit of their food.












1 comment:

Scott James said...

Puzzle time = Bull Dozer

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