About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

SUNDAY #4014

One Of My Very Own




A Pump-Action.... Composite... Shortbow.
This will show you how it works.

Did you notice his hand signals?

Speaking of rope tricks...
Did that go all the way to the top of the cliff? 



0.02 Seconds.
It's called det cord. We practiced how to blow up all the nuclear weapons if our base was in danger of being overrun. The problem is that the explosion of the charge placed on the first missile would blow the charges off the others. With det cord, they all exploded more or less simultaneously.

The Mullet of Houses

Laser printing on clothes.


Then you throw it by using it like an atlatl.

 You must read this story.


Stop naming hospitals after dead people. Give us hope. Like, where's the Keith Richards Memorial Hospitals?




Said to be actual footage of a tornado tossing a trailer. 


The world is much crueler when you are stupid...



It takes all kinds...



"Missed it by this much."



How do it know? 



If you are squeamish turn away now!

Just fuckin' with you.



No man has ever won a game of "notice anything different about me?"




O Canada
The victims of the  École Polytechnique massacre
 30 years ago today - Canada faced one of its largest mass shootings.  A man walked into a university classroom of engineering students, separated the women from the men, screamed out "I hate feminists!" and killed 14 of them.  He also wounded13 others (9 women and 4 men) before taking his own life.

Iridodonesis is a condition in which the iris (colored part of the eye) vibrates during eye movements. Upon moving the eye rapidly, the iris can appear to ‘dance’, or ‘tremble’ (tremulousness). This occurs when the lens becomes partially detached (lens subluxation) from its suspensory ligaments. This itself is often asymptomatic and only becomes apparent upon physical examination of the eye.

The primary cause of iridodonesis is the subluxation of the lens. This may occur as a result of glaucoma, cataract formation, post-surgical complications, or trauma to the eye.

I put flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and climate change deniers in the same fucking bag.



I admire people who haven't allowed customs and traditions to make them ashamed of their bodies.
And my strongest advice to young people is this: If you have a big dick act like it. And if you have a small dick act like you have a big dick.

I don't even know why that is clever, but it makes a statement that needs repeating.


The best "I'm sorry" gift is changed behavior.



This artist is a wonderful lunatic...

More to follow.

Now, look at his toes.






This was a scene in a survival movie.

It was an indie film and they blurred out the tag on their own prop car.



I find those eyebrows insanely clownish.




 Uses for your hands



 The 6,000-year-old Earth was just one of the lies.
Jesus said he would return before the end of his generation.







Scott James said...

Puzzle time - counting on you, friend in need, step mother, caught in the moment,long way, season tickets

Scott James said...

"Long way" should be "divided highway". Just came to me while I was wrapping presents.

Anonymous said...

first pun is: we are counting on you (wee R) :)

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