About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

SUNDAY #4021

One Of My Very Own




GPS tracking of 4 different wolf packs in Voyageurs National Park. Notice how territorial they are and how much they avoid each other, although there’s at least one wolf from the white pack who doesn’t give a shit.
I find the precisely limited range of the other groups amazing. I bet there is a lot of urine spread around.


This lion is in no mood for this wildebeest's crap.


Fast isn't he.

Baby Cheetah attacking an Impala.

Establishing dominance doesn't mean the non-dominant will like it. 

Two Ibex share a moment.

Photo by Nachum Weiss.

Crab harvests bioluminescent algae



 Actually, Frankincense was the name of the doctor who created it. You're thinking of Frankincense's monster.



 For snow and/or swamp.



This is the proper technique for backing up this vehicle.


The original caption read:
"The Gif that keeps on giving..."
Hell, the GIRLFRIEND that keeps on getting.


My dad, a Canadian: “I can’t believe Americans turned a single meal into a five day holiday.”



As mentioned before I have created special currency lookalikes spread around to drum up more views to this blog.

The first batch was less believable than I had desired so I got online and found a better image of a twenty-dollar bill, but when I tried to print it, this is what I got.
I'm assuming that that is the government's doing.
And remember, everything else printed perfectly EXCEPT for the currency. 

Go figure. 


This would probably freak you out if you saw it in person.

To hell with the bike path, look at that rock wall!
I lost my virginity on a rock wall just like that.


After the kiss, I was afraid of Jeff’s secret sauce.

Most signs are designed to get attention.

But what about this one?


Who would trust these?
 Not me.

Yes, I have questions...

What do they eat? What do they do all day? Why are they there?

Not a clue.


If you check yourself into the asylum you get a bed, good meds and three squares a day without having to do any chores.



You all know how I feel about this type of footwear, but these are rather unusual.




Pure fucking torture. 


Do you think he called himself T.S. Eliot so nobody would notice that T. Eliot is toilet backward?



I had a very handsome young  man on my mural crew and our code for a pretty girl within range was "We have a live one." He got lucky with almost all of them. Handsome guy.

Applying that to religion I had a discussion with a good friend and it soon became clear that after having her children baptized in the church, marriages in the church, funerals held in a church, etc - after all of that it was almost impossible for her to just walk about even those she no longer believed the talking snake myth and the Ark of the flood impossibility.

That cartoonist I like has a book for sale.


I thought that silly, but it raised a lot of money.

This scoundrel is on the public dole.

After fighting very hard getting over my distaste for homosexuality I have found gay men that make gay jokes like that.

 When your buddy mentions an upcoming secret poker game in front of your wife.



 I might be able to win Olympic Gold if I got to rest for 7 months too.

Views like these must be emotionally soothing.


The best thing to happen to me in a long time was discovering Grammarly.


Pitch manure?













Scott James said...

Puzzle time = Freebies

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time -- "Freebies"

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