About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 3, 2020

FRIDAY #4026

One Of My Very Own




 White people are on legal drugs - I will admit that. But the only reason I posted that was that I also ran across this...


I feel that way and more on that topic later.

Graffiti with a message.
I'm for it.

Think Salvador Dali.

"Except for a few widely scattered shouts of joy, the survivors of the abyss sat hollow-eyed and silent, trying to comprehend a world without war.” ― Paul Fussell, Thank God for the Atom Bomb & Other Essays

Banksy is the Rembrandt of street artists.
Life imitating art.

Not because of his style - which is rather common - but his ideas.
 Portrait of an artist as a young man, Banksy by Steve Lazarides

And now he is a very rich, famous person.

Coworker: Guess what I'm doing this weekend.

Me: No.



At least she understands the scientific method.

Abandoned Armored Repair Factory In Kharkiv, Ukraine By Paul Itkin


 I had a chiropractor tell me that when I made art a fluid, a liquid, a creative juice left my brain and traveled down my neck, across my shoulder, and down my arm to my fingertips and that is how I make art. I excused myself from his office and never returned.
I have had passionate defenses sent to me about the miraculous pain relief they received from a chiropractor. And for these people, I have one word -

How fucking cool is that! 

Climate change deniers must be perplexed by coastal cities all over the world spending billions of dollars getting ready for the predicted rise in oceans.

It has to do with whether you are wearing the boots or painting the boots. 

I think that is the whole point.

Don't give up on this one too soon...
That's the definition of Cluster Fuck. 

 I think we can safely assume is leg is broken.


 Imagine breaking up on the moon but then you have the whole rocket ship ride home together.





Ladies, you are one of the very few female animals who have orgasms. I hope you wear that thing out while you still can.


Basically, no one in America would tolerate such blatant racism as that anymore. Now ask your self if you hold views today that will be considered evil by future generations.

Humans seem to be united in their alarm at extinctions of whole species and day by day are willing to do something about it.

Sister: And you definitely know how to do this sawing trick?
Me: Yes of course I...oh no.

Half-sister: What?



A band of monkeys accepting a stray dog into their group and giving him a quality grooming.
I am left in awe by that. 

Are you insulted by this?
Read this: 
Exodus 20:4
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Deuteronomy 4:16
that you do not act corruptly and make an idol for yourselves of any form or shape, whether in the likeness of a male or female.
2 Kings 17:12
They served idols, although the LORD had told them, "You shall not do this thing."

Remember this?
For reasons I can't explain I know...KNOW that she is naked. 

I haven't a clue.


The man who fell to earth.

Foundry truck for moving hot slag/molten metal.

That express is rather haunting. 

[verification needed] 

I find that rather depressing. 


Wouldn't you like to have been in the meeting where that idea was approved?


My wife has Tourette’s Syndrome — every time she drives.






My wife's favorite novel...






I lost my virginity in prison. 

"She was a dull person, but a sensational invitation to make babies.”
— Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five 




When I was 6 my uncle caught a moth in his mouth, walked outside, opened up and the moth flew away into the night. I think about this a lot.



I find the secret is confidence and honesty.
And having a larger than average penis.


I was very skinny growing up. The upside of that is that I never got fat...except for my beer belly. 


[verification needed] 

I gave up on celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, etc, a long time ago. Christmas gift-giving was the first to go.
Then I heard a lady who wrote a book on the subject. She said:
If you have ANY balance on your credit card that you cant pay off, then DON'T BUY ANYONE A GIFT. Tell them you will not be giving or receiving gifts. She said that the vast majority of people hearing this will thank the person for breaking the stupid chain that had long outlived its usefulness.

If for no other reason, the poverty level pay Walmart gives their workers and the child labor sweatshops Walmart perpetrates in third world countries.













Wrekreation said...

A3 Has Stop TEACH stop? Or TEACH?

Scott James said...

Puzzle time:
I see you understand, did it cross your mind, all in all, little house on the prairie, incomplete sentence, count dracula.

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