About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 13, 2020

MONDAY #4036

One Of My Very Own





I wonder how many things could be added to that before the illusion was ruined.

 Did you know that you can buy fake teeth online and just glue them to whatever the hell you want?



I posted my desire to do that years ago.



I misread this album cover twice...

"You'll forget it's up there."

Do you find this baffling?

Stay in school, kids. Stay in school. 

When a password with special characters is not enough.

Does anyone know what that is?

“Miss America contestants must wear thongs in the Bathing Suit Competition.
Men must remove hats in restaurants, or sit in specially marked hat-wearing sections.”

- Glenn O Brien, If I Were King



Subject/Verb Agreement - separating the idiots from the rest of us for...oh...ever.

I find the term "jet fighter pilot" puzzling. Like, what other kind is there? 


 How come the stool doesn't sink?

And with friends like these...

Sometimes I pray for God to take away my ability to read.

One would think the cameraman would be aware of the situation. 

It says Merry Fucking Christmas.

Oh shit...

I could see her and the customer Karen charging like Sumo wrestlers.

I know I ask this often, but how does one decide they want to learn to do that? What was the catalyst?

We have stuff like that around my house.

A therapist takes one look at this child and puts a downpayment on a new summer house...


When you look at the moon, it's the same moon Shakespeare, Marie Antoinette, Van Gogh, Cleopatra, and your mother's milkman looked at.


It also applies to film and photograph.



Of course, it was shopped, but still clever. 

 This phenomenon is called "Baikal Zen." “This stone can be crushed on the ice of the Baikal in the Sarma region, during the day they are warmed up from the sun, but it must be heated at the same time.

Stones brought by the wind to the ice of Lake Baikal are warmed meanwhile the day sun and melt the ice under them, remaining standing on a thin pedestal.

🎶Mighty Mouse will save the day!🎶


No compulsion in the world is stronger than the urge to edit someone else’s document.






I've seen it a thousand times. 

 ⚠ Trigger warning ⚠



I've been told that my 7 1/4" is more than adequate. I only know the exact length because I accidentally laid down next to a ruler when I was a young man. I have no advice to you lesser endowed guys.

It's one of the greatest headlines ever written.


“Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made.”

- Franz Kafka



 Didn't we ALL assume that?

 I would vote for that today...and I'm a boomer.
Why are most boomers entrenched in keeping things the way they are?
And most simply refuse to recognize that the world today is nothing like the one they grew up in.

I feel your pain.


A nature-inspired wind turbine is designed like a tree to generate sustainable electricity.
I have shown you that before. It provides enough power for one house with the slightest breeze.
 I think localized, personal clean energy is the way to go. Cover your roof with solar panels and you are good to go.

As I understand it, the supernova will be visible to the naked eye.


I'll be the first to admit that some are more difficult than others. 

I've taught 36 kids in one class...or rather tried to teach them. That's twice as many as some European countries.










1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Overcoming obstacles

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