About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


One Of My Very Own


Huge loss of wildlife, Koalas' first instinct is to climb higher when there is danger. Eucalyptus leaves are exploding due to the extreme heat. Koalas are being incinerated.


May not be sate if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. 


How very clever. 


White socks with dress shoes?  

Correlation or causation?  

I cessation program is going swimmingly. 

I think 90% of the uncoolness is the way their homes smell. 

Where is our outrage?

Give it a shot before you scroll down. 
Go ahead - give us your take.
We wish you the very best. 
You're the last ones left.


I have never heard of an old person who said, "I wish I had fucked less." My advice is to wear that thing out while you can. 

“Lone at night, when I was twelve years old, I looked at the planet Mars and I said, ‘Take me home!’ And the planet Mars took me home, and I never came back. So I’ve written every day in the last 75 years. I’ve never stopped writing.”

- Ray Bradbury



Women and Physics
Maybe because men made that mistake at age 5 and never forgot.


Internet service interruption
He would only drill where he was told to drill. But I sure wouldn't want to be the guy that put out the little flag showing where the hole was to be drilled. 

Ambiguous instructions

Those zany zookeepers.

Speaking of...

There are two kinds of parents.
#1: Peak Dad Reflexes. His arm moves before his eyes do.

#2: Those with zero situational awareness.

And this prick bought his too-young kid a motorcycle without a helmet.
Where is Child Protective Services when you need them?

Okay, maybe there's a third type of parent...

And nine months later, son, you were born.




I find all displays of piousness hilarious.

 Such inane costumes are just...silly.

And nothing could be funnier than reagular symbolic cannibalism by members of a modern society. 

And the only reason Christians stopped killing heretics was legal...not moral.


Cinema Cameramen are amazing.





I have reached the age when falling asleep in my Laz-Y-Boy has nothing to do with coming home drunk.



You can see the exact moment of regret...

Back in the USSR
 After the fall there are thousands of statues of that prick stacked up in lots all over a dozen countries.

Someone left this comment:
"The picture shows a German train from the Deutsche Bahn AG“.
Who gives a fuck? It's not really a story about a train.
It is true, however.


Living under -50° celsius. That's -58F.
 Yakutia is a small semi-autonomous republic in eastern Russia.

When I was in Goose Bay, Labrador it was -54F. All the car motors had special electric blankets and all were plugged in every time the car stopped. There were outlets at every parking spot. The buses had 4 or 5 inches of ice covering the floor. All the moisture would freeze around your eyes, mouth, and nose the moment you stepped outdoors. I hated it and swore I would never complain about it being too hot again for the rest of my life.

Danger Will Robinson...


What do you suppose that final quality control kid has to do to get a raise? What would he have to do to get fired?

A good friend of my wife wanted to open a tattoo parlor and got all the permits. After weeks of work to prepare the shop a city inspector shut her down for being within 1000' of a church. Come to find out it regulation states "front door" and the friend got off on a technicality.


Does the Kool-Aid man move into a bigger pitcher as he outgrows them like a hermit crab?



Life finds away.
  If you think that was weird, watch these next two.


A guy got an air fryer for Christmas and made some lightly fried fish fillets.
I'm thinking about buying one of those. Do any of you know anything about them?

Swedish Warship Vasa
 It sunk in 1628 and was recovered in the ocean in 1961 almost completely intact.

F-104 Starfighter demonstrating the "toss bombing" technique that allows the aircraft to escape the effects of a nuclear bomb

The F104 was the first plane to have more thrust than body weight. This means it can climb straight up as demonstrated in the clip which also explains how they took advantage of it.

Of course, I like it! Haven't you been paying attention?


 March 2018 Sudan, the last male Northern White Rhino, being comforted by his caregiver moments before he passes away, aged 45.

Baby Black Rhino Born in Lansing, Michigan 12/24/19


I think I tried to post this before but the file was too large.
I like simple solutions. 

We've all seen photos of trees with spectacular root systems, but this one had an interesting comment:
They have found lithium deposits by testing desert plants they know have deep root systems like this (phreatophytes). So if you are an aspiring exploration geologist it can pay to know which plants have the deep root systems and which don’t. If a plant tests high for lithium or other indicators they can better target their drilling program. Probably useful for finding other minerals too i.e. arsenic or gold etc but I’ve only heard of it being used for lithium.

"Human bodies as game pieces"




 He busted more than his board.


Go ahead...prove it's wrong.
See how that kind of logic works? 

 I found another view...

I just found this one today but I put it in front of all the other Grab Bag links in the file to prove that there are very creative people all over the world.
It requires sound.








So there is a moral equivalence. Christians killed people hundreds of years ago and muslims murder them now?Just the argument Obama and the other sympathisers make.

Anonymous said...

Air Fryers are amazing you can cook almost anything in them and most everything comes out crisp. If you get one try potatoes cut them thick and thin both

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzletime: Seasonings (C's in INGS)

Scott James said...

I agree - aur fryer is great. Hiwever, that fried fish is going to take 20 minutes rather than 5. Not good for cooking volumes.

Scott James said...

Full ski lift malfunction video. Absolutely terrifying.

David said...

Is obama the cause of all of your problems? He's no longer president. Why is he being put in front of this? If something you dont like happens it's his fault?

Btw, I'm not in favor of muslims killing Christians.

Anonymous said...

My "WHOA" moments:
B7: What is the Dad holding behind his back?
*I almost threw up with "Danger Will Robinson
D1: I may never eat fish again
And the 3D printed village was amazing!

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