One Of My Very Own
I had fun putting this together.




Easier shown than done.
The caption read:
"It’s Christmas Eve and I’ve just checked myself into a rehab facility."
That is one of the saddest images I've ever seen but still an admirable decision.
How very true.
Worst escape attempt ever.
And now she will be charged with resisting arrest. Don't do that.

Sure, why not?
The guy wearing this survived.

Wear your helmet on your motorcycle, kids

" a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not..." Reminds me of bad graffiti.
Accidental Renaissance
It employs the Renaissance Triangle.
It also mimics Rembrandt lighting.
The lake bed is literally littered with bones.
It was speculated that a large group of people was all killed at one time in a freak hail storm.
In 1922 Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s Tomb with the seal still in tact, untouched for 3,245 years.
That is one of my favorite images - that's why I keep posting it.
[verification needed]
As I remember it, this was caused by trigger happy air defense troops and that there were no enemy planes.
It was extraordinarily controversial when that was introduced into what had always been open prairie.


Who would I ask?
I still appraise walls for their ability to be graced with a mural.

A man of simple tastes.
Animals Trapped Alive In Keychains Sold For $1.50 In China
Shit, I thought she had switched it out with a weenie.
Do you think that's it's his first time doing that?
Santa Jaws
Trying to survive the family Christmas, Cody makes a wish to be alone, which ends up backfiring when a shark manifests and kills his entire family.
I read that and knew that I must watch it.
The shark could only be killed by "Christmas weapons" - like a huge sharpened candy cane that ended up only making it a unicorn killer shark. Bummer that.

Who in their right mind would have a public attraction that had switches and valves that if turned could do something disastrous?
I wonder what this is about...

Oh, look, the back cover description...


Wouldn't you think that the number one requirement for this job would be that you are big enough to get on the horse without a step stool?

And that's why you wear your seat belts even in the back seat.
Puzzle Time: Answer is 8 (??)
Puzzle Time - I have seen this one before, so I delayed in my response.
If you never have had a 5 speed manual transmission, you probably have no chance to get this one as you have no association.
The answer is "R" for reverse.
A4 - A very long time ago, I worked at a facility that melted sugar by the railcar. Domino Sugar accidentally sent us a "trash" car. It was full of sugar and a bunch of garbage like plastic reinforced bags.
We discovered this because the sugar would not empty out of the rail car 1/4 way through the process.
I donned the hygenic suit and climbed in only to discover what the issue was.
It was August in Alabama and I climbed in that rail car and, using a pick axe and a shovel, got the rest of it to go out tbe bottom into the melting tank.
We then ordered 8 tanker trucks to empty out the metling tank so we could clean it.
Once empty, I constructed a scaffolding inside tbe 50,000 gallon tank, piece by piece, through a manhole in the side.
It took me three days to pressure wash and clean that MFing tank. In 100 heat. In a hazmat suit.
I vowed I would never do that again.
I went back to college the next month and completed my degree in computer science.
I now only sweat when I want to.
Puzzle: R
Think manual gear shift knob
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