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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 10, 2020

FRIDAY #4033

One Of My Very Own


Girl in New South Wales, Australia rejoicing in the rain.

 You really need to watch this.



Mesmerizing finds deep in the NorCal forest.
Part of a study on tree densities. 

I'm assuming that is evidence of a cold front crashing into a warm front. 


It's called a Russian Christmas tree.

Ignited by laser.

Pluto's Atmosphere

 It's just a wedding not a coronation for king and queen of the whole fucking universe for god's sake. Jeez.

At first, I thought it protruded out like Hans Solo.




Your child's name does not define their destiny. Unless their name is Destiny. Then she is going to be a stripper.



There is debate over that number, but the fact remains that he did a very noble thing. 


J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, speaks those famous words: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"




Speaking of...


I feel so very sorry for this woman...



Let's check to see what Andy Borowitz has to say.



He is just so easy to lampoon.


Condos right on the golf course. Nursing homes right in the graveyard.



I know, I know, but I've double my viewers last year and some of the new ones may not have seen it.



 Lyft said their names are offensive. Candice Poon, Cara Dick, and Mike Finger disagree.





Imagine how fucking angry the rat that controls Donald Trump must be all the time.



Hongkongers rally to stand in solidarity with Uyghurs.
 If all the various people screwed over by China fought back at the same time it would get very interesting.

"Excuse me, sir, I'd like to introduce you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Mace."

Nobody will admit worshiping money.

But a whole bunch of us do, in fact, worship money.

How else can we explain this man's multitude of sins being forgiven just because the economy is looking up.


[verification needed]
The chart spans 1923 through 2011.

It still bothers me when somebody looks at a Pollock and says, "My grandson could have done that."
“I’m not the phony, you’re the phony.”

Long, long ago it was decided that a painting need not depict objects that exist in the real world.

In the painting above there are just enough hints to indicate people and buildings, but it would work just as well without those hints.


You don't make art out of good intentions.



Dance is a universal activity. It comes in many styles but all have leg movement in common.

It probably started when some caveman began jumping with joy and just didn't stop immediately.


Mimicking wildlife is as good a motive as any other.

I'm thinking that the very first dancers may have needed a fun way to get exercise in the cave during inclement weather.

During religious dance activities, innovation is frowned upon.

And if you were looking for a reason not to close the southern border, this is it.


Have you ever been so bored that you tried to sell your body to a sex cult?



Concentrating on your foe so intensively that you don't see a car which is 100 times your size.

I'm assuming some kind of lamprey sucking on the glass.

For every one saved, there must be thousands that aren't. 

"Oh, hell no."
- Ducks probably 

 And they do that just to have the privilege of bringing the ball back. But how did the dogs learn they could do that? I mean, they had to have failed a few times.

This kid was on the menu at Dublin Zoo today!!
I would never trust that glass with my child's life. 






Bleak truth like you are going to die and stay dead and there ain't nothin' you can do about it...except make up a story about floating off to Neverdieland in the sky.

But why is it being filmed in the first place?






Anonymous said...

Play in hard 2 get

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Playin' hard to get

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