About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


One Of My Very Own


I know you don't really care but here is just one thing that illustrates why Miss Markle is a bit miffed.
I'm not a fan of the Royal family, but here you can see how hypocritical and racist they are.





There are some very smart people who give advice about power and governance that we ought to heed.


The American health care system is not broken - it is designed to make some Americans much richer than others.

Many Americans have health care covered by their employer and they don't want it changed. I understand that, but is throwing half the country under the bus what Americans are all about? These are lazy, welfare cheats we are talking about. These are hard-working Americans.

Scare words get in the way of understanding. Conservatives throw out Secular Humanism as a curse on anything they don't like.

But if you broke it down and asked, say, if you believe we ought to use reason, compassion, and common sense to find solutions to our problems - most Americans would agree. The same goes for rooting policy in science, having an open marketplace of ideas, etc.

As an artist, I am a lover of change. I have never understood a resistance to something that we all know is going to evolve with or without our compliance.

The rules are made by the powerful for the powerful.

Art means you don't have to grow up.


The eyes, specifically their movements, are indicative of an individual’s intelligence. People who are clever have large eye movements and are always exploring their environment. Slow eye movement or a lack of eye movement indicates a repressed level of intelligence.



The kid gets it.

How very delightful.

(And then it got weird.)

I want that to be true more than anything in a long time.

Is that his wife or his child? 


The Stool Bus is one of the oldest sight gags on the internet.
Still made me smile.

That cartoon and the following Purple Prose aligned like this out of pure dumb luck.


Women who gain a few pounds over the holiday live longer than men who mention it.



This is an old example of having a bad day.

I like to think about what was going through those drivers' minds. I would have thought I was being abducted by aliens.

By his reaction, I think he borrowed his dad's truck to haul firewood. 

Kyler Bourgeous has hiked, biked, and run through every trail in Antelope Island State Park in Utah over his life, but 2019 was the most eventful year in his outdoor activities. In June, he ran the Frary Peak Trail and encountered a group of bison.
I was almost to the three-mile marker on the trail, where it crests this ridge—that’s when I ran into them. As soon as I saw them, I said, “Oops” out loud. Then I started walking away slowly, trying to get some distance between us. But I only made it a few steps when the bison decided to charge. I ran when I saw it coming.
It closed the gap quickly because their top speed [up to 35 miles per hour] is so high. Right before it got me, I turned sideways into it. So I have this flashback now, where I see the bison right before it hits me, which has been a problem because the incident has caused some PTSD.
I turned into it with my right side, which ended up working as well as it could have because I didn’t suffer any permanent injuries. It hit me with both of its horns. I got one in my hip, which took out a pretty big chunk of flesh, and the other one in my arm, which took out a smaller lump. It also fractured a rib, putting a small hole in my lung, which started collapsing.
The impact sent me flying through the air. I rotated and hit the ground. The bison trampled me after that. I remember this whirlwind of hooves and getting smashed under it, which ripped my ear and scalp and bruised my back.
One might think that such an experience would discourage Bourgeous from frequenting the park, but no. One he got out of the hospital, he was back to hiking the trails. He began dating Kayleigh Davis, who accompanied him on an outing to the park in September. This time, it was Kayleigh who was gored. 

Think about having this thing chasing you...

Protip: Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded.

Before I enlarged that I thought that the joint at the bottom was his ankle and I was going to comment on that. It's his knee.

And we fill such vehicles with our children - without seat belts or helmets or airbags. 

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Mike Tyson giving another opponent a bad day.

What could cut this swath through this field?
 Think about it.
 Double engine Flameout


There’s always ONE crazy one in the bunch!!! (This is about stovetop burners)



1895 – The Lumière brothers performed for their first paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Boulevard des Capucines. The presentation featured 10 short films, including their first film, Sortie des Usines Lumière à Lyon (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory).
 But what is the guy in the middle attacking?

Mystery image

While looking for images for my Puzzle time I stumbled upon the above. Of course, I recognized it immediately.
I just can't imagine anyone - no matter their age - not seeing one in movies and such.
 Hell, they even include on in Halloween costumes.

Practicing for that 1 in a 100 million chance you may face this shot in your lifetime.

A Card of Earrings Worn as an Earring

Maison Margiela offers Tag, an earring that will turn heads--especially when you tell people you paid $92 for each. That will impress them because it's marked down from $305. Thoughtful, stylish people will be impressed with your fashion sensibilities and thriftiness.

I think about this very thing often. I have made a whole bunch of art that is themed around preserving such artifacts as long nails, pulley's, etc.

Here are some comments left for the above inquiry:
*Sanitation. Tell doctors to wash their bloody hands and make sterilization a thing
*I’m a doc, so I would just go to the local hospital and start saving lives. They would think I would be insane for washing my hands.
*1800 predates most hospitals (only ~4 in the US by that point), professional nursing, and basic antibiotics/anesthetics. Good luck.
*The knowledge and concept of ejectable centerfire cartridges and antibiotics from mold. Governments listen to war.

*Even if he went to Africa back in time, he'd be declared a witch or something.

I would take this with me.

Oh, you say you can't take anything with you? What about clothes? What about my hip replacement? Filling in my teeth?

The simple hand sign to tell someone “okay” is now also a hate symbol, with actual white nationalists using the symbol to “trigger” liberals.

It all started when some trolls on 4chan thought it was funny to trick the media into thinking that the “okay” hand sign is a secret Nazi symbol. The trolling work until it was used by white nationalists. The Washington Post looks into the impact the hand sign as a hate symbol, and how the Internet can change the meaning of simple things because online racists think it’s funny to radicalize these things.
RH: Why just ignore the bastards? We - you and I - gave them the Confederate Flag by reacting to their using it to symbolize hate. Let's not allow them to do the same for an innocent hand gesture.

Here's the way I have it figured. The internet is like the State Fair. You pay for access by buying a ticket to get in the front gate. But you still have to pay to ride the rides and eat the food.
You pay an internet provider to get in the gate but the ad you watch pays for the individual offerings.
Think of the alternative - paying cash per view of YouTube films.


 They were, in fact, fined, and the artifacts returned. But they still directly funded ISIS.

Black Forest, Germany.
 Did you notice anything unusual about that dangerous turn?
In America, there would be dozens of these...


“high school sweethearts?” u mean u took each other’s virginity and stupidly went to the same college together so now u feel stuck and ur so terrified of change that you’ll never break up even though the love has been gone for years



Rockler Clamp-It Clips, 4-Packs

 Slips over the top edges of any two panels, holding them at a 90° angle while you drive the nails or screws.

Incra Rigid Bend Rules
 Designed to eliminate parallax errors and used with standard 0.5mm lead mechanical pencils, these rules are perforated with slots or holes just slightly larger than 0.5mm at standard increments…$18.95

Hidden Camera Detector

Have you ever stepped in mud and had difficulty lifting your foot out because of the suction? As I understand it, the same thing happens when you drive a knife deep into a human torso. Therefore knives designed for just that comes with what I was taught is called a blood groove which aids in overcoming the suction.

If you have ever seen your toddler turn over a tricycle then you know just how badly this is designed.

This is a much more stable wheel configuration.
 But it need not have suspensions that lean like that.

Low-tech models are much more stable with two wheels in front.

It Would Take 693 Years to Resurface Lake Superior with a Zamboni
 1 frozen Lake Superior = 52,020,513 ice rinks.
At about 7 minutes per rink, it would take 364,143,591 minutes to resurface all of Lake Superior. That is 252,877 days.
In all, that means it would take approximate 693 years to resurface Lake Superior in its entirety. The ice resurfacer will have driven approximately 39,015,384 miles.
(That's a lot of overtime pay.)

And millions of early watches and clocks were made with files for that and still worked. Think of the math involved in tooth placement and wheel diameter. 

A cheap way to add illumination.
My library streams every movie in their inventory.

 3D-printed "Digital" Sundial Clock
The display was a little difficult to discern.

In 1973, The United States Endangered Species Act was signed into law by President Richard Nixon. As of January 2019, eighty-five species have been delisted; fifty-four due to recovery.

Rebar reinforcing cage made up before the concrete is poured.
I knew a guy who wired the rods together to create such configurations. He said it was by far the hardest work he had ever had. 

These things fascinate me...especially the dramatic way they are often photographed.





I can do better than that...









1 comment:

David said...

Puzzle time-- only

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