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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 3, 2020

MONDAY #4057

One Of My Very Own




 He's Cajun.

I would never do such a thing. 


Clown Car Gone Bad


How clever.  

Christians spend a lot of time thinking about what other people do with their genitalia.  

When rules trump people...

I hate that sort of entertainment cookery. Just bring me the food without all the clowning. 

E for Effort.  

This is why you never buy used rental equipment.

Actually, that is ingenuity at its best.  

Edward Furlong & Ron Jeremy
Looks like a rough night.  


“Reblogging is the purest form of blogging”

Johannes Rand





Well, he stuck the landing.  

Look closely.


 I spent about 10 seconds on Google images and found this.
 Why wouldn't she just use an image like that?

My child would never be on a pier with death awaiting if he falls off.  





The janitor at the school where I taught once asked if I wanted to smoke some weed with him. I politely declined. I can't deal with high maintenance people.



Equihen Plage: Village Of Upside Down Boat Houses
 Back at the beginning of the 1900s, Equihen Plage was known as one of the best spots for fishing
Located on the coast of northern France, this peaceful place has a beautiful beach, nice camping sites, and cozy homes.
 As many boats were left to be destroyed on the shore, local fishermen used them as roofs for their handmade shelters.
Unfortunately, the Second World War ruined almost every boathouse in the village.
 However, local families were determined to maintain their legacy. So, village residents restored some of the old boathouses and built new ones.

Created by bonsai master Masahiko Kimura
His unconventional bonsai creations have stirred controversy at first. Deemed by some traditionalists as a non-conforming artist, Kimura continued to break the traditional rules of bonsai making. Typically, the art involves cultivating a single tree or shrub planted on a container. Instead of planting just one miniaturized tree, Kimura brilliantly created mini-forest sprouting from slanted deadwood. He has produced and sold several versions of the Hinoki Forest. But the original version, which he created more than 20 years ago, still sits proudly in his garden. His garden is located in Omiya, Japan and is open to the public upon request.

I assume these are filled with concrete then stuccoed. I have often thought about the vulnerabilities of wood - wood houses rot, burn easily, and can literally be eaten by termites. 

Another map of the oceans

A "new frontier" in mining is set to be opened up by the underwater extraction of resources from the seabed off the coast of Papua New Guinea, despite vehement objections from environmentalists and local activists.
Canadian firm Nautilus Minerals has been granted a 20-year license by the PNG government to commence the Solwara 1 project, the world's first commercial deep-sea mining operation.
Nautilus will mine an area 1.6km beneath the Bismarck Sea, 50km off the coast of the PNG island of New Britain. The ore extracted contains high-grade copper and gold. 

On a bronze plate, the little metal spoon balances exquisitely on its bowl. Each time it’s tossed or spun, it comes to rest with its neck aiming south.
 This is a replica of the aptly named south-pointing spoon, thought to be the first magnetized object ever used to tell direction. And it was the crucial precursor to the magnetic compass, one of the most important inventions in maritime history.

  [verification needed]
At first, I was confused but then I realized that half the stripes are white plus the stars.

The chemicals we've long feared the most – heavy metals like lead and mercury – are less of a threat to kids' developing brains than they were two decades ago. But two new menaces may be taking their place: pesticides and flame retardants. 

Travels by Trump and Putin

U.S. Missile Defense System. (Centurion C-RAM) in action during a Missile Attack.
 A Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
But all those thousands of bullets have to come down somewhere.

As I understand it, the movement is STRENGTHENING!  

Not me. I have to get out of my office for a few hours every day for the sole purpose of conversations with other human beings.  

Remember when we had to pay for a ringtone? And now most of us would throw our phone out the window if it made a single sound.



It made me smile the second time around.

 [verification needed]



It doesn't even help much if you squint. 
I like it. 






 Would it surprise you that praying has been scientifically proven to be ineffectual? Well, you might want to read up on it.








Scott James said...

C10 is more yhan a little scewed. Notice thst the start time of tracking for aputin is 17 years earlier.

Scott James said...

Puzzle time - No one to blame, right between the eyes, jack in the box, low payment, left overs, bed spread

Steve said...

Possibly "down payment"

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