About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


One Of My Very Own



World Health Organization guy explains everything you need to know about surgical masks...seriously.

But wait, there's more.
"With the spread of the new coronavirus, many people have rushed to stores to buy face masks. Some even put canine face masks on their dogs. But does a regular face mask really protect its wearer from the virus? Unfortunately, it doesn’t.
If it's a regular surgical face mask, the answer is "no," Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious-disease specialist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told Live Science.
A more specialized mask, known as an N95 respirator, can protect against the new coronavirus, also called 2019-nCoV. The respirator is thicker than a surgical mask, but Schaffner doesn't recommend it for public use, at least not at this point."


Fireworks showing up on the Kansas City weather radar after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl!

Left Shark Still Rules!

Never Forget






 Mistakes were made...

Hell, the internet has ruined me...


When nodding Gandalf loses meme of the decade.



Those zany Russians. 


Grocery Shopping?


I'll just leave this here...


One cannot enter a McDonald's driveway any more than a camel can thread a needle through a rich man.



They resigned to support his agenda. He can’t be president again so he’s giving power to Prime Minister after he’s out. He will be PM then. 

So we now have China AND Russia with dictators in charge. Buckle up, Gentle Readers, the road could get bumpier.

We here in the US may bend the rule of law but at least we haven't abandoned it altogether. 

Even I have noticed that most CNN "news" people loathe Donald Trump.

I think I've shown you this before as an example of abysmal situational awareness.
But I'm still trying to figure out if the people are on the pier or on another boat.

What are the fucking chances?

I had to watch that a couple of times to discern what happened.

The karma police will nab this guy...

He just went from speeding and/or drug possession to attempted murder.

Speaking of karma...

It just seems disrespectful of such a magnificent beast.

People thinking their opinion matters in the face of real research.

Why you should always have a spotter.



Take care of yourself because if you died today your job slot would be posted online before your obituary.




More on this miracle...

It really, really bothers me that they aren't identical. 

Seriously, let me know if you have any information.

One of them scavages around my house damn near every night. My wife named it Rockie and I know not why.

It's a good time to be alive. 

Modern lemurs weigh about five pounds.


Speaking of...

I find it interesting that in all that time the heir didn't decide to run off to be a musician or sports star or circus clown. 


Apparently, that's true.  

Intense 'Microburst' in North Carolina Rips Open School Gymnasium Without Warning
A microburst is similar to a tornado and can cause comparable damage, although it's generally less well-known. These short bursts of extreme weather, usually lasting 5 to 10 minutes, arise from downdrafts of sinking air in a thunderstorm, and when this powerful column of wind eventually hits the ground, it can spread straight-line winds over 100 mph (160 kph).

That is against every regulation there is. 

Someone guessed that the ooze is just the cement used to secure the blade expanding under the heat. I don't think so. I think that is the grease that has seeped in over the decades of use.


The early bird gets to cry for a little bit longer in the company parking lot.



Everything I see like that I weigh how old my grandson needs to be before I can show him. We don't want him burning down the house.

My brother used to spend a lot of time searching for valuables with a metal detector.  His richest harvests were found in grassy strips between the sidewalk and curb. People pulling their keys out of their pockets and purses drop a lot of shit. And furthermore, it drops into the grass immediately and is lost from sight.

You all know that but when I read it I remembered Bitburg AFB in Germany. It housed the F102 Fighter Interceptors - the first mack 1 fight we had. Its job was to intercept a squadron of enemy bombers before they crossed the border, then shoot all of them out of the air with one air burst nuclear weapon.
 That is one of the exact airplanes whose pilots I would debrief after their missile runs. The Bulldog on the tail is a dead giveaway.

I spent erroneous time in Goose Bay, Labrador.
When I got there I was not greeted by a sponsor. When I asked where he was I was told the unit I was assigned to had moved out a month prior. I asked if there were any nuclear weapons on the base and was assured that there were not. I knew I was not going to stay.

But it took three months to get orders cut and while waiting I swept a mile-long tunnel and shoveled snow from the front door of our barracks EVERY MORNING.

Orphaned Baby Chimps Become the Best of Friends With Rescued Dogs and Puppies at Liberian Sanctuary.

  I have a real affinity for interspecies connections.
And that duck did that with no personal reward.

Pouring A Gravel Road

At first, I thought that was wet tar - the way I've watched it done a hundred times. But I think it's some kind of black fabric.

Anybody know how that works?

All things Ralph...

I haven't a clue as to what that means. 

If I order a sandwich that comes with a pickle I substitute olives for it. 

Have you ever read about the stupid ass laws the funeral industry has bribed lawmakers into passing? And most people repeat what their family has always done...waste tons of money on caskets and vaults...a classic "We've always done it that way."


How insurance works...or doesn't work as it were.

Here's the whole sad story that should embarrass all Americans.


I like innovation like this...


This looks inflatable. I hope it is.

Sorry for the quality of the photo, but this is my last pan of Oyster Rockafeller - the best yet.
And no, that's not bacon on top, it's browned cheese.

Remember my friend who collects bills with stars in the serial number?

And remember the box I made for him to hold his collection?
He's about half filled it! And they are divided into ones, twos, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds.






 I would start by leaving out the myths that even a retard knows could never happen.

 Talk about your telegraphed ending.

It's a robot spy to film them.






Scott James said...

Puzzle time = assuming we need to remove one car to allow all cars to continue moving forward, then we need to remove #3 or #6. I don't think there is enough information to make the correct choice, assuming only one can be correct.

If fewest moves then - Removing #3 allows #2 and #1 to pass. Then #4 and #5 can pass. Then #6 and #7 can pass.

Alternatively - Removing #6 allows #3 to pass. Then #2 and #1 can pass. then #4 and #5 can pass. Then #7 can pass (since #6 is removed).

Removing #6 also allows #3 to pass. Then #2 followed by #4 and #5. Then #7 could pass, followed by #1.

Again, I don't think there is enough information given for this puzzle.

Larry said...

The knife / torch photo is how the sterling silver is parted from the stainless steel blade and shaft , that is indeed an adhesive.

Anonymous said...

Scott #3 in reverse is it
How do you remove #6...crane, fork lift?

Ralph Henry said...

Boy, you almost got the numbers correct - and I do appreciate it. But without the section letter I don't have time to look for it.

Scott James said...

Anonymous - the puzzle time doesn't say "move". It says "remove". Had it simply said "move" I would have stopped at my choice of car #3. But "remove" implies that I can simply make any car disappear. I didn't use a crane. I was granted God-Mode with the word "remove".

As I mentioned in my comment, there was ambiguity ingrained in this puzzle.
Information was missing (my opinion). Just the way my brain works I suppose.

Thanks for the feedback and chat, Mr/Mrs Anonymous.

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