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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 10, 2020

MONDAY #4064

One Of My Very Own


'We can't stop': Funeral worker says Wuhan cremating ‘at least 100’ bodies a day amid coronavirus outbreak.







As I understand it, you can boil water in anything that is porous enough to allow moisture migration from the inside to the outside,
Like some kinds of leather...


Grass or reed baskets...

And even a Dixie Cup after the wax has melted away.

At some point, it has to reach saturation. But why is the water black?  

 It scared the shit out of him...literally.

"A lifelong swimmer leaped into deep water near his lakeside home and was horrified to find himself completely unable to swim. Had his wife not rescued him, he might have drowned. He had recently received an electronic brain implant to control tremors and other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and somehow the signals from the device had knocked out his ability to coordinate his arms and legs for swimming. He was one of nine patients, all good swimmers despite having Parkinson’s, who had the same strange, dangerous side effect from deep brain stimulators."

There seems to be water everywhere in space.  "New analysis of the meteorite, called Acfer 049, has revealed ice fossils trapped inside, making it the first direct evidence of frozen water as a building block of early asteroids. Given the meteorite's age, it also preserves material that created our solar system, providing a unique look at our corner of the universe and how it formed." 



All I’m saying is having a great sense of smell is not as wonderful as you would think it would be.

I am fond of the absurd plus it's about water...sort of.


Technically that is assault. 

This lady crocheted a Tempestry (temperature tapestry) for Philadelphia. Each row represents a day in 2019 and each color represents a temperature range for that day. 

They are eating American-style BBQ ribs for the first time.
We have all kinds of preferences when it comes to food.
This is my kind of macaroni and cheese...firm, not soupy.
And it's all due to cultural inculcation. I suffer from it also but have repeatedly vowed to at least try any unusual food offered me.

How to break you fall with your face.
Repost? Hell, I don't know anymore.  

I would give this man all the cash I had on me. 



 In Pragadavaram village in India's state of Andhra Pradesh, a man was killed by a rooster during an illegal cockfight. The birds' owners tie razors to the animals' natural spurs and fight them to the death.
As one of the organizers held the bird, preparing to release it into the arena, it struggled free and lashed out, inflicting a deep wound on the victim who stood nearby.



How do you word that on your incident report? 


Meghan probably put black pepper in Harry’s eggs and there was no way he was going back to that spiceless royal life.



Can't you just smell that? 










Luke: *tips hat* Waterwalker.

Jesus: *tips halo* Skywalker.



  Here's why...

 The world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope is officially open for business according to Xinhua, China's official state-run media. The FAST Radio Telescope saw first light in 2016 but has been undergoing testing and commissioning since then.
FAST stands for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope. FAST's nickname is Tianyan, which means "Eye of the Sky" or "Eye of Heaven". It's built into a natural depression in Guizhou, Southwest China.

I applaud the effort. The years and the storms have not been kind to that Arecibo Observatory.

 A new study argues that it's "ethically permissible" for dead men to "register their desire to donate their sperm after death for use by strangers." Dr. Nathan Hodson of the University of Leicester and Dr. Joshua Parker of Manchester's Wythenshawe Hospital conducted their research as a response to a shortage of sperm donors in the United Kingdom.

 A dog that Switzer was training for a relative got away. Switzer offered a $50 reward for the dog and paid it upon the animal's return. The owner of the dog, Switzer's uncle, did not want to reimburse Switzer and a fight broke out.
RIP Alfalfa.



Nice and educational.  

This should surprise no one.  

 Researchers have determined that the above self-portrait of Vincent van Gogh, long thought to have been a fake, was indeed painted by the artist in 1889 while he was suffering from psychosis in a French mental institution. The painting belongs to Norway’s National Museum but is currently on display at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. From The Art Newspaper:
"The painting is now linked to a letter in which Van Gogh wrote that he had made a self-portrait which was “an attempt from when I was ill”. The artist had suffered a severe mental attack at the asylum in mid-July 1889 when he tried to swallow paints, but by 22 August he had recovered sufficiently to write to his brother Theo, asking that he be allowed access to his painting materials. (Researcher Louis) van Tilborgh argues that the artist made the self-portrait a few days later before he suffered a minor setback and was ill for a short period at the beginning of September. Eight months earlier Van Gogh had severely mutilated his left ear, which at first glance appears to be the one in the painting. But while working on the self-portrait he would actually (have been) looking at his features in a mirror, in reverse, thereby seeing his intact right ear."

It's got some interesting links embedded in this article.

Florida hates itself.
Those are awful color guides...a child could do better.

*God giving humans the ability to think on their own*
Humans: God doesn’t exist.

God: Well shit.

This is the work of Tom Gauld.
Expect to see much more of his work in the days that follow.













 Get her to the clothesline.
I like this puzzle!


Anonymous said...

Re: D2, if it’s a Chinese project, why does it have an acronym name that uses letters for the English words?

Don’t worry about that. Here’s the more interesting point: it’s a “filled-aperture radio telescope.” Hmm, what acronym could we use for that?

Keep up the good work Ralph.

Steve said...

Puzzle: Up, left, down, left, up, up, right, up, left, left, up

N2prenr said...

PUZZLE TIME: Up 1 Room; Left 1 Room; Down 1 Room; Left 1 Room; Up 2 Rooms; Right 1 Room; Up 1 Room; Left 2 Rooms; Up to Roof

Assuming that she can't move any of the ladders. If she can move the ladders, Up 2 Rooms; Pull ladder into room and go up 1 Room; Left 3 Rooms; Up to Roof

jack said...

Hopefully the front end will soon be in sight

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