About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


One Of My Very Own


The internet does not like this man.
My jury is still out.




Saving money on vagina scented candles.



Aaaah, interspecies pals...



A couple of guys are making their own commercials for their store the Dollar Store Galore.

This is the way a whole lot of people talk in my neck of the woods.

Turn on the sound.

I laugh more than most people and if I may say so I cause more laughter than most people. 


Somebody who is thinking of telling me that is photoshopped...


This is my favorite cartoon of all time...


I think it's true that married couples start to look like one another.



Condoms are made by automated assembly lines, meaning robots are literally helping to prevent human reproduction.



 CERN -  The single largest and most complex machine on planet earth.

And each and every one of those parts must work perfectly.

Why do newborn fish know how to swim and animals know how to walk but human babies require months to learn how to become mobile? 


All boys need a dog.

I've found that mix-breed mutts are the best pets.

Don't get me started...


Poor smuck looks a little concerned. 

There are so many young people who have no idea what that is about. A manager at my bar went around and asked all the young people who Lee Harvey Oswald was. Not one of them knew but one guy guessed the guy who shot Lincoln. 

Russian snipers.
775 confirmed kills in one picture.


They don't hear a voice in their head. I had no idea it was optional. 


I never knew that you have to file your bird's talons.



People make houses with the materials available.

More examples:

 And I get taken off the air for showing a nipple or two.


No matter what temperature a room is it is always room temperature.


Then I stumbled upon this...



I think that is a child in pink.


No big deal just a guy playing fetch with a beluga whale.

Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves on the set of the Shakespearean adaptation “Much Ado About Nothing”, 1993.

Physics Ignorance

That’ll be a no for me...

I like that.

Jumper Cable Manufacturers Hate This One Simple Trick.



 But why are all spectators fleeing?

A couple of more people who don't understand physics.

“Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper.”

Friedrich Nietzsche Slaughterhouse 90210

I'm a real fan of absurdity.


Girls protest against wearing bras, USA, 1969.

I've never understood why women stand for such cultural abuse. 

Man breathing from the last tree on earth.

Even the wildest of animals will exploit the easiest food supply.
Example #2:
My bartender's cat had to be taken to the vet with talon gashes in its scalp.

What is about to happen to this Croc?
Come on - GUESS!
You were wrong.

They got me so I figured I'd get you.
The taste of huge plants is never as good as normal-sized.
And don't get me started about store-bought tomatoes.

This is probably a collector's item.
















Scott James said...

Puzzle time - I'm going to bet most people say 15 or 16. However, the answer is 18.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

18. Scott James is a cocky prick

Ralph Henry said...

If you saw his resume you would know why.

Ralph Henry said...

6 per level. 3 levels. 18

Anonymous said...

There are 21 triangles.

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

Forgive my ignorance, but doesn't a triangle have only 3 sides?

Ralph Henry said...

Your thinking cap is askew me think.

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